Sophia Stanley holds a press conference

Esmeralda quickly concluded,

"Maybe he came because of Sophia Stanley!"

Esmeralda heard from Gibson, that at this time

Sophia Stanley lives at Brenda's house.

"As it is!" Imelda Kim Looking outside. Through the glass, she saw Brenda's less bright face.

"How? Do you want to accept him?" asked Imelda Kim.

He waited for Esmeralda's orders.

Esmeralda owner m in this boutique. Imelda Kim is an employee of Esmeralda.

Imelda doesn't work for pay. She was an apprentice at the boutique before this boutique changed its status to his own.

Esmeralda nodded,

"Let him in!"

Brenda walked into Esmeralda's office.

"Excuse me!"

Nesia and Imelda Kim exited Esmeralda's office.

"Sorry to bother you guys!" Brenda said to Imelda Kim and Nesia.

"It does not matter!" replied Imelda Kim. Nesia just smiled at Brenda.

Nesia is not emotionally familiar with Brenda.