Jonas Kim is trapped

Brenda quickly wiped away the tears that were about to fall.

"Uncle!" Brenda did not expect to get such a warm welcome from Mr. Kim One.

"Mr. Robert Willy!"

Brenda greeted them.

"Good job, Brenda!"

Brenda was amazed.

"Uncle...!" Brenda didn't know what she was being praised for.

Mr. Kim One smiled, he followed Robert Willy's attitude, being positive. He wishes for good and change in Brenda's life.

Brenda had plenty of opportunities.

"I'm glad you show seriousness in your work. Even if you are not experienced in this line of business, you can show a good performance in preparation for production!" Mr. Kim One seriously praised Brenda.

"Uncle Kim!" Brenda was flabbergasted.

"Uncle... flatter me!" Brenda blushed.

Mr. Kim One praised him excessively. Brenda felt like she hadn't done anything.