Cursing her Cuteness

Lou Nylei's PoV


I slowly opened my eyes and stared at my ceiling for a bit. I was surprised to see that it was eight in the morning already- my, I overslept once again. I quickly got up and pulled my comb from a small drawer inside me. I hastily combed my long, silky blonde hair, tied it into pigtails, and looked for some decent clothes to wear today.

And yes, I am Lou Nylei Damandre, but you can call me Lou if you like. As I said earlier, I'm already working despite that I'm just fifteen years old. If you think it is weird for me to work at such a young age, but in this pandemic, we were the only ones who can save the world- and you heard it right. I'm working on Professor Seth's Institution, the M.L. Institution- not Mobile Legends, okay? It's Mini-Lifesavers.

I'm just an orphan when I was young at that time- I haven't met my parents either... I just spent my whole life in an orphanage until Professor Seth Salvador adopted me. He also made this institution as he discovered the solution for this "Extreme Sister Complex Disorder".

I was about to look for my sandals when the telephone on my desk rang. I quickly picked it up and responded immediately.

"Good morning! This is Lou Nylei Damandre, the assistant commander of Mini-Lifesavers Institution. How can I help you?" I said as I softly yawned- I just woke up so I'm a bit sleepy.

"Hello, Miss Lou? This is Luna De Guzman. I would like to remind you about our appointment with Professor Seth Collins today regarding the adoption. My son here needs a little sister right now so we decided to come there this nine o'clock."

"Nine o'clock?!" I was surprised after I heard that thing that I almost drop my phone. "Ah, o-okay, okay ma'am. I'll pass this message on to Mr. Salvador immediately. Thank you for telling us beforehand."

I put the telephone back in its place and rushed outside my room- Oh my, I forgot my sandals!! I don't realize I was running barefoot all the time...

I quickly ran back to my room, grabbed my red sandals under my bed, put them on, and quickly ran on the stairs towards the second floor.

As I reached the large door, I pushed it with all my strength, creating a loud bang like I'll be shouting "Stop the wedding!!" or like "Who cook the Ratatouille?! I demand to know!" Haha...

I stood straight as soon as everyone stared at me. I do the face-up, stomach in, chest out even though I don't have any- wait, why am I saying that?!

"Assistant Commander Damandre reporting for duty sir!"



The silence broke as all of them suddenly laughed at me. I dropped my mood as one of my friends quickly approached me.

"You're late, sis Lou!"

She was Yusarine Delgado, or Yusarine, Yusa or Yus- you decide... She's holding some paperwork for today's event as I suddenly asked her.

"Hey, Yusarine... Have you seen Professor Seth? Mrs. Luna De Guzman said to me that they will be arriving here today." I fixed my hair for a while as Yusarine stopped in front of me and spoke. I nearly forgot that I might be scolded because I woke up late today.

"Professor Seth just left for a while, sis Lou. He had an urgent meeting so he had to leave early. And don't worry now... I know Professor Seth will never scold you because you're late again today."

Wait, did she just read my mind?

"Yusarine's right Lou. We all know that you always stayed up until in the morning, so there's nothing to be afraid about..." Suddenly, another girl appeared before me, with her long black hair swaying like mine but she prefer not to tie it up. yet she's way bustier- wait, forget what I said. She's Briella Garcia, but you can call her Brel. She's also the oldest here in terms of age and my closest friend here aside Yusarine.

"Well, this is the first time that I woke up late, Brel. I always sleep at two and wake up at seven, but ugh... Maybe I should buy an automatic alarm clock since my old one's almost giving up..." I crossed my arms as a sign of disappointment...

"Oh yes Yusarine, do we still have slots for adoption today? Mrs. Luna De Guzman said that they'll go to adopt one today." I quickly wiped off the dust on my office desk- oh yes, I do have my own office room, and I'm glad that I lasted for three years already.

"Unfortunately, we're out of slots sister Lou. The demands for adoptions were too high yesterday, that's why... our neighboring orphanage is currently on pause so we don't have any right now..." Yusarine frowned as she slowly pulled out some yellow folders from her desk and gave one to me. "Oh yes, this is my cousin Leiro's biodata. I called Professor Seth not a minute ago and he told me that he'll be arriving together with Mr. and Mrs. De Guzman so we should better be ready."

"Wait, so how are we supposed to... Wait a sec, cousin Leiro? Where the heck did you pick that phrase, Yusa?" I suddenly asked out of nowhere as Yusarine suddenly giggled. I raised my left eyebrow as a sign of curiosity.

"You haven't heard the news, Lou? Mr. and Mrs. De Guzman's son has been affected by ESCD. What is his name... Er, Lei Roland?"

Wait, Leiro's been affected by the Extreme Sister Complex Disorder?! My, that was unexpected... I didn't know that happened and I haven't heard of it... Poor Lei.

"And yes... Today's your lucky day today, sis Lou. The 'Man of your Wildest Dreams' will finally arrive soon..." I suddenly blushed after hearing that phrase, but I suddenly threw a sharp stare at Yusarine while she was giggling...

"D-Don't make any nonsense things you idiot!!" I shouted as I quickly hid my face... I mean, my only crush, Lei Roland De Guzman- he had it all! His looks, intelligence, his kindness, and his good personality! And his nickname's Leiro right? I'll remember that.

"Oh, sis Lou's blushing! Guys! Look, sis Lou is blushing- eeee!" Yusarine could hardly finish her statement as I pinched her cheeks so hard that she wimped in pain. My, this is way more embarrassing than I thought...

I was about to scold her when Professor went in, together with Mr. and Mrs. De Guzman, and- oh, my G... It is Leiro!

"Attention please everyone! We have our new clients today. These are Mr. and Mrs. De Guzman, and their son, Lei Roland De Guzman. They were going to adopt Lei's new little sister today due to Mr. Lei's ESCD condition."

We were quiet that time, but I was a bit tense. I mean, after so many months, I finally met him again-

The heck!! Did he, just smile at me?!

Calm down Lou, calm down... It's just a glimpse. He didn't smile at you so you have to be calm...

"So Mr. Leiro? Unfortunately, Yusarine told me that we don't have any slots today. But since this is urgent and should be addressed immediately, I've decided to let you choose among these girls inside this office."


We were shocked that Professor Seth pointed us out. Wait, isn't it stated in the agreement that we, the members of M.L. Institution are exempted from this adoption thing?

"Now girls, calm down. Since this is an urgent matter, I'll be giving you a one-month duty whosoever Mr. Lei chooses to be his little sister. She will be staying with Mr. Leiro for a month as soon as the other members will find a replacement for that chosen girl. When everything goes stable, she can go back here..."

Oh, one-month subscription? That was close... I mean, one month is just a short time, but I will be doomed if he chose me!

"Okay, Mr. Leiro, feel free to choose." Prof. Seth smiled at him as Leiro slowly stepped closer to us. He always gave a smile to everyone while I started to feel tensed with fear and nervousness mixed through my mind

But my, his smile is contagious... He's known to be a cheerful guy and always puts a smile on everyone's face. I kept on staring at him, as I slowly closed my eyes a bit and my surroundings started to change...

"Hey... Lou?"

I found myself alone with Leiro on a beach. We were watching the sunset together while holding my hand, Leiro called out my name, and I was bedazzled...

"Y-yes, Leiro?"

"I... Love you."

I shrieked. I felt my heart tingling, and I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach...

"It was... Love at first sight..."

I was tensed... I closed my left fist tightly, as Leiro continued speaking. My... I felt like I'm in heaven...


No more buts Lei!! My, my... My heart was gonna explode! C'mon Leiro, spit it out already!

"I... Wanted to be your brother..."



I suddenly opened my eyes and I found him staring at me- I mean what the heck?! His face is so close to mine!!


Everyone suddenly paused as Leiro started speaking. And wait, he's ten centimeters away from my face! I suddenly froze from my position- I can't move or even speak as Leiro continues speaking.

"May I know your name?" He suddenly asked. And why can't I speak so calmly?!

"L-L-Lou N-Nylei..."

Calm down Lou, calm down... I said calm down!!!

"Lunely?" He asked me once again. But wait, can't he pronounce my name properly?

"N-No, it's L-Lou Nylei. I'm the assistant commander of-"

"Hmm... Your name suits your face Lunely." Leiro suddenly responded as I suddenly felt I'm blushing but I tried to hide it. My, my! Did he mean that?! Did he like my name?!

"Nice meeting you, Lunely. I'm Lei Roland, but you can call me Lei. I was about to pick Yusarine but she's my cousin so..." He looked back to Yusarine, who was still smiling at the two of us, as he suddenly asked again...

"So, Lunely? If it's okay with you, can you be my little sister?" He asked me, but this time, I felt empty...


Everything... was... ended. Wait, it can't be! Why me?! No, no- I don't want to be his little sister! I want to be his girlfriend! His wife! His one and only!

"Wait, the heck?!" I tried to cover my mouth to prevent myself from cursing him, but instead of getting angry, he chose to smile once again...

"You're cuteness caught my attention among the other members here, to be honest. Of course, you can always refuse if you don't want to. Just, tell me..." He smiled once more, waiting for me to answer his question. I mean, if I'll refuse then... Other members here might steal him away from me-

"N-no! I like it... B-but..."

"Then it's settled. You, Lou Nylei Damandre, will be Lei Roland De Guzman's little sister for a month." Everyone cheered for me, and I just ended up smiling- but deep inside, I was enraged... Wait, what?! I didn't say anything like that! I felt that my heart was aching... All of my dreams, my plans... Gone...

Argh! Curse this cuteness of mine! If it wasn't for my appearance, then Leiro wouldn't choose me as his little sister!! My, am I that cute for him to be chosen? Should I be happy that he called me cute?

But, it's just for a month. So...
