Chapter 23: Integration and Destruction

Little Reigan woke up feeling a little bit sluggish. For some reason he felt like he forgot something, he just couldn't pinpoint what it was...

He tried to think about everything he had done yesterday but all he remembered was his wife getting mad at him. For some reason there were more, he just didn't know what it was.

He climbed down the bed and cleansed himself. He was really small, but that was normal because he was a kid... He thought that but it felt like it was wrong, why was that?

After doing his daily routine he saw his little sister staring at him as if waiting for something. He reached out her head and ruffled it.

He sat down on the chair and noticed his father was not there. "Mom, where's dad?"

"Well, today was busier than usual. He was helping out to deliver things in competition."

Competition? Ah, so he just forgets that today was the competition. And that competition was to get his wife.

"Mom, I wanna join the competition!" He declared to his mom.

His mom smiled at him. "Yes yes, our little Rei will join, but only children who are 7 and above could join. What should we do?"

7 and above?

7 years old...

Reigan felt a pang in his heart when he remembered 7-years-old. It was as if something painful happened that day, he just can't pinpoint what it was.

Or was he 7 years old? But he was too small. Ah, maybe he is...

Why was he confused with his age?

"Mom, I am 7-year-old." He said with uncertainty. He felt wronged because of the age he gave.

His mom chuckled. "Yes, you will, 2 years from now."

But he was more than 7-years-old, right?

The place started to distort, giving him a little fright and a change toward the open space. It was the way toward the competition area.

He walked and his heart was enraged. He was the strongest. How could his wife find another strong boy? He could always be the strongest, his sight was diverted toward a red hair kid being surrounded by 5 older children.

He was feeling annoyed, they were good punching bags. He bolts toward the child to protect him, and also for them to know how strong he is!

"Hey! How could you guys bully one person?!" He yelled at those bullies.

"Eh? Who was that?" the 10-year-old boy faced his direction and mockingly said. "Ah, a pipsqueak," Then they all laughed at him.

Reigan smirked at these fools.

"Well, this pipsqueak will make you guys suffer!"

He fought them easily. This felt like Deja Vu as if all of this had happened before. When all the bullies fell he walked toward the red hair kid. "Can still move?"

The red hair kid eyed him with wariness. "Yeah."

Reigan just nodded and planned to walk away but the red-haired kid held his hand to stop him. "Wait, what is your name?"



They both shook hands.

"Where are you going?" Asked Eugene.

"Fight in the competition." He cockily spoke.

Eugene scrutinized him up and down. He seemed the same age as him. "How old are you?"

Reigan grinned. "7 years old!"

"Special ability?"

Reigan turned silent, then he turned his back. "I am strong enough, I could fight them!"

"You have no special ability." Stated Eugene.

"No! I mean, I do." When I turned 7, he added these words to his thoughts.

"What was it?"

"Why do you keep asking? I said I had a special ability, so I have one!" Then he ran away from Eugene.

The image in front of him changes. It's kinda weird because he, himself, didn't notice these, rather, he thought it was normal. Little by little, he was starting to integrate into his past life, as it seems like it was his present.


Meanwhile, his real body tried using the space but couldn't, then he wounded himself but it didn't heal, only healed when he healed it himself. Seems like the only one who could use the special ability was Reigan himself, but what caught his attention was the 'time rule'. He grabbed the sleeping egg and an inexplicable feeling rose in his heart.

This thing actually has such power. He was sure it came from this egg. He knew because he had met those other gods.

He wanted to try using it but it seemed impossible, and he didn't know what was the problem.

The egg started to feel irritated for such an uncomfortable position making the orb twitch. He just brought it back to his head.

his sight had been caught by inconspicuous '🔁'. "Hmm, what is this?" He pressed it only to feel anger sprouting from his heart then he glared at the sky where the tickling of the time of this being moves. "You rascals. Heh."

Name: The Orb of identity

Race: Halfling

Status: Temporary occupying the host body, bloodthirst, weakened, bonded to the host

Level: unknown

HP: -

MP: -

Title: Plague, Calamity of all Realm

Special Ability: -


"How amusing, to think you little gods getting this much info at me, then does it mean you also want me dead?" he chuckled. "Plague, Calamity of all Realm," then smirked, "since you guys gave me such a title and pointed your spear at me, then I will gladly comply."

The orb's original plan was to play a little bit and enjoy the realm but after seeing the thing written on the system, it means that they could take hold more info on him. Knowing this he won't just sit back and let them dig more about him.

Then Reigan's body eyes turned red and black, then behind a drop of liquid started to create skeletal bat wings. It was black in color and red. Then he faced the expanse in front of him. He was still raging in anger. He will destroy everything that comes his way. From his inside starting to warm up, and he began to gather the negative force around him.

A small dark drop of liquid that is smaller than the naked eye. Those droplets went under the wing of the batwing which had 3 pointed skeletons on each wing.

That pressure was so strong waking up the egg from its slumber. The egg didn't understand what's going on but it was certain it was not good.

The pressure got stronger and stronger making the egg agitated. It kept on getting the owner's attention by jumping on its head but it was ignored. The egg was so worried that if this continued the whole place would turn to rubbish.

Below its wings were 6 spheres that seemed to bring out a destructive force...

Then Reigan's body gave him a warning.

⚠️ Warning ⚠️

The system discovers the unidentified power from the host. The power could destroy the host body, soul, and spirit.

The system kept on giving him the warning bells but rather than listening, continued gathering those droplets. This body was not his, why would he care?

If this body was destroyed, he could always find another host to stay in. He didn't need a weak body that could easily be destroyed. Although he felt a little bad not enjoying this one but how dare they made him angry.

His skin started to sprout out blood, so did his face and every hole in his body.

The egg seeing such a situation started its color to change from red and gold shine to a white that all the writing on its shells turned blank and the experience points of the egg lessened.

The first sphere from Reigan's wings floated, ready to destroy. He then made it attack in one direction, bringing forth the death of every organism that comes its way, at the same time Reigan's experience points raised, while his HP lowered.


In Reigan's consciousness...

The whole place started to quake. And the sun was eaten by darkness. His heart sank, he got no idea what was going on but he could see every inch of his skin being bitten by an uncountable number of ants, and his head being shredded in pain. He didn't know why he felt this way but he didn't like it a bit.

With a hoarse voice, he said... "" While the darkness tried to take him in.