Chapter 32: It's so hard to be handsome

Reigan gulped looking at the front of these beings as if wanting to kill him if he stepped even a little bit. His fear didn't alleviate when Camilla just opened the door so fast, leaving him behind.

He didn't even know what to do as those guards' eyes were glaring at him. After what Lilia had told him of the people here being higher level than him, he didn't want to gouge their strength just to prove if Lilia was telling the truth or not.

He was not being a wuss, it was better to be safe than to be sorry. Besides, he had a choice and was not cornered so there was no reason to fight and retaliate.

He still wished to live, ah! He was especially unable to fulfill his greatest dream.

He still wanted to have more of him in this world! Handsome, smart, and cool guy!

Camilla on the other hand was near the place where the gate toward the throne is, thinking that a small being was behind him.

She was already in front of the arc gate ready to tell her presence, but she needed to talk with that perverted being before that.

When she faced behind her, she realized that the annoying one was not following her. She went back on her track only to see Reigan was idiotically staring at the guard. "What are you standing stupidly there for?!" a hint of irritation could be heard from her.

Reigan faced the annoyed Camilla, then pointed at the guard who suddenly pointed their weapon at him. Seeing this, Reigan moved back.

"You- Such wimp and a coward. hmph."

Reigan wanted to say that those two words are the same, but before he could open his mouth a killing intent was felt on these soldiers.

What's wrong with this guard ah, was it the first time for them to see someone as handsome as him, and they felt threatened that they pointed their weapon at him! Ah, no wonder.

Handsome men like him really had it hard. tsk tsk tsk.

Insecurities are bad!

At such thought, he peered at them with understanding eyes, making some scuffle their brow.

Camilla seeing Reigan doing a different facial reaction rather than obeying her got mad. She was about to make him learn his place if not for someone speaking up behind her.

"Princess Camilla, the queen has been waiting." spoken by a Dryad with gold in color. Around her were some small lights.

Camilla, hearing the golden Dryad, bit her lips and turned her back.

The Dryad faced the guard with a smile on her lips. "The queen had called that Beast girl."

Hearing such, the guards lowered their weapon but still eyed Reigan who was in a daze.

There were surely a lot of beauties in this place. But this Dryad was much more beautiful compared to those that are outside.

She was like a goddess that was decent on earth just for him. Her voice was sweet, as she spoke in a soft sound but it was enough to be heard. She seemed glowing with those tiny lights that surrounded her.

Her body was adorned with a floral dress, but the color of it was the same as hers, nevertheless, it fitted her perfectly.

The dress even reminded him of a wedding dress. He didn't know why but thinking such made him feel a bit bashful.

This girl saved him, maybe the girl likes her. He should act cool. Yeah, cool.

Reigan walked behind her. His eyes roamed around so that the beauty would not think he was ogling at her.

The whole place was like a fresh forest only that the branches and vines were hugging the white walls, but at the same time, it felt that they were carved. There was some ornament around. Such as paintings and weapons that were enclosed with glass and like the vine. They were imbued in the wall.

"We are here." the golden lady announced.

Reigan looked up front and felt amazed at the double door. It was so big and made of golden-brown wood. There is some carving on it; two fairies with butterfly wings and had 6 thin tails like a ribbon but has a spade shape point at the ends of it, their arms were spread out, their head was looking up at the clouds that seemed to bless it with light with its eyes closed.

They were adorned with a floral dress covering their legs, their feet were made of a bunch of vines...

Reigan looked upfront then jolted, feeling someone staring at him. He tried to find where it was and saw it was at the door! The sculpted fairies!

Their eyes were open and glaring at him, their tails swaying as if just one wrong move and he would be killed.

Creepy! Ah!

The tail moved and went for his eyes. He evaded it by moving back. Then another one toward his shoulder. He kept on stepping back.

The thing that made it creepier was the fact he was alone in a dark place, and only the door and fairies that carve on it were present.

The fairies' eyes turned completely red and also shining. Reigan's heart palpitated, how come he was in such a place with a weird door! What kind of set-up were these, ah!

The fairy in the door began to move its tails, attacking him from every vital organ of his body. He had dodged them easily so far, but then the eyes, like a laser shot at him. Reigan has almost been hit on his head.

What were these people thinking?! Are they trying to kill him?

If he wanted to survive, he needed to fight back. He was planning to use his agility to run toward it only to fall on the floor, and the sound of someone chuckling beside him.

He felt embarrassed because of it, but what made him flabbergasted was the fact that everything was back to normal.

The door and the fairy carve on it was not moving, still the same spread arms and closed eyes.

"How dare a Dryad like you do whatever you want? Using the trial illusion without any permission." That voice sounded too familiar for Reigan.

It was the same sound as the midget fairy, Lilia.

If Lilia knew that Reigan had called him midget, she would definitely let him stay in that so-called illusion trial.

"Priestess Lilia, please don't get me wrong. It was your highness, the queen who ordered me. She wanted to test and check if he was really the man that saved us." Replied the golden Dryad.

Reigan looked back, and boy he was right. It was really Lilia with her sexy attire.

"Are you taking me for a fool and a liar? I told them the truth but you still call me a fraud."

"No no no, you got it all wrong. I won't dare call our high priest such." The golden Dryad spoke.

"Heh, I will lead him in. You can leave these to me."

"Forgive me, high priestess, even if I wanted to, I couldn't just obey you. Priestess."

Reigan scratched his nose feeling a bit shy. To think he was that handsome to be like by both girls.

Sigh, why was it too hard to be so handsome?

If these two knew what was on Reigan's mind, they would snap back at him until he knew his place. Lucky for him, the girls couldn't read his mind else he was lying there, half-dead by now.

But Reigan, being Reigan, spoke to stop the two from bickering over him. "Girls, it's okay… I- "

The two glowered at him, making him raise his hand in surrender. Girls truly were scary.

Why was it so hard to be popular with girls? He should just stay low-profile.

In the end, the two decided to walk side by side with Reigan.

The door opened but not the expected swing but rather the door turned to small light particles until it vanished.

That was actually amazing.

They walked on the shining brown mat, it was almost at the copper side of color, and the lining of the mat was green leaves and some flowers.

When he looked up front. A lady that was covered by some white almost transparent silk. He had no idea how that thing was made. All he knew was it was very fascinating.

It was as if it was his first time being in this place.

Or he had been?

The two beside him suddenly pumped their chest and then bowed as their forehead lay on their arms, showing respect. "We respect the queen!" the two shouted.

Reigan did the same but didn't shout while peeping at the shape of the lady behind.

But no lady nor queen was behind, cause all he could see was 2 ribbons below with a heart shape below, and a cocoon-like body.

Wait... cocoon…

Does that mean the queen was a cocoon monster?!