Chapter 37: Fania disaster

Reigan had stayed for a month, and so far no one liked him, ah.

During those months, he went out once in a while to buy some snacks and drinks, and then put them in his storage. He even decided to buy the things he would need once he left this village.

He had noticed that his storage was good. Once the food was put in it, the heat didn't dissipate even after a long time.

It was like a freezer but not cold, just freezing the time of the food.

So he also decided on spices, a knife, a pan, and every utensil. Who knew how long he would stay here?

As for the stupid egg, he couldn't put it in his storage even if he wanted to! ah!

He didn't know why, but he was stuck with it.

In the end, he decided to buy a stretchable hat. Hiding his fake beast ear and egg.

If he was thankful about something, it would be that the egg didn't make a ruckus out of it, rather it made itself comfortable! really infuriating, ah!

Let's forget about it, he was happy now, that was the important thing. His intelligence grew to 20, and he could read faster without changing word by word to an English letter. He didn't even need a copy!

It made all the reading worth it!

He had observed the growth of his intelligence, and it was not as he thought that it was supposed to be in every book, rather it was by a different type or genre.

For example, the book of Fairies. If he read something more about their kind, he wouldn't receive more of it.

He had also discovered more.

One was about god.

It was said that the god of species created this world before. There were only 7 species.

The elves, giants, dragons, humans, dwarfs, mermaids, and beast-man.

Fairies only existed after breeding with dwarfs. Unfortunately, the gods of the two were in disagreement.

The fairy was not supposed to exist and was declared dead until the god of Nature asked to take the fairy.

The fairy at that time had no wings nor tail, only a child's body, and pointy ears. Their bodies were so frail that one touched and would crumble down.

The god of Natured tried to use the potion to make the fairy lives, but it didn't do anything, rather it only made it worse.

The god of nature decided to give them power. And they started to sprout a pair of wings and a tail.

The wings at that time were used for camouflage and tails were for the attack.

The Dryad was created to protect nature, and now they have also been given the task of protecting the Fairies.

As for the treant, the trees started to form consciousness and became Treants.

As the long years continued, the Elves became fewer and fewer. As women became scarce. So they decided to copulate with the fairies, creating elven fae.

But the god of nature was enraged, and the elven was destroyed.

The god of elves was so mad that it took away the fae elven.

The god of elves gave them great magic power to control elements and, lastly, knowledge.

The fae even looked like the elves. Nevertheless, they were not. In the end, they were left to do whatever they wanted.

The dwarf was called a gnome as the days continued. And when they heard about fae elven, they felt disgusted that they wanted to eradicate them.

So the war began. And they hated one another.

The dragon was too proud so it ignored them. The mermaid didn't want to join the fray and stay underwater.

The humans tried to befriend others but were treated as low beings, and only the beast-man accepted.

The beast-men were short-tempered, while the humans were cunning.

In the end, the two became enemies.

So far, those were what he discovered.

He also discovered about god. The god of species had only 6 gods under it. The god of the dragon, god of merfolk, god of gnomes, god of elves, god of beast-men, god of giants.

The god of nature was equalized in power with it.

The writer also said that there is more god.

Once every hundred years, the species needs to sacrifice one of them as an act of worship for their god. And if theirs were liked by the god, that sacrifice would be taken.

Then, after years, they would be back again as priestesses.

The book was written by one of the said priestesses, and the god who took a liking to her was the god of animals. Which had 3 lower gods under him.

The information made him feel surreal.

If these were true, then why did these gods make this game? What do they get from it? Who started this game?

Ha! That was not the reason he was here. Why was he giving himself a problem? He should concentrate first on finding ways of how to heal his soul and spirit.

And the answer could be found with the current priestess, Lilia.

He should ask her.

He roamed his eyes, but no one was still inside, only him. Not only that, it was still daytime.

"What's going on?" He stood up, planning to check outside when the room was surrounded by darkness.

Then a torch held by a dark hand walked in his direction. It was Lema.

"What happened?" Reigan asked.

Lema rolled her eyes at him. "How would I know?"

He peered outside. The sky was dark, making him feel uncomfortable.

"Ding dong~ ding dong~" a voice of a male child reverberated, but he could hear it in his head.

"Races of the Fania~ if you don't still have enough players in your world in 20 days, then please be reminded that we will bring forth a great disaster in your world~"

"Who would like to do that stupid game?!" Angrily shouted Lema, catching Reigan's attention.

"What do you mean?" Reigan questioned.

Lema's eyes had a tint of red, and some tears were about to fall. "That game told us to kill our fellow race who is either the same level or higher level to be a player or kill the leader of the race. There is no way we will betray our fellow clansmen!" Then the tears fell from her eyes.

The playful voice continues, saying; "Oh, let's destroy your protection barrier in all races so that everyone is happy!" Then the voice in their head giggled.

Reigan could feel the horror of Lema hearing this.

Protection Barrier?

"No no no, don't do that! No no no! Please don't. Our god of Nature, please don't allow it!" Lema ran toward the door and used her power to push it open.

When he looked outside, the place was surrounded by fog.

Is this how this place was? How come it became foggy?

"We need to find Lilia. We need to find the priestess," Lema mumbled.

He also wanted to, but then he remembered that there was one place that he was not allowed to enter. To be exact, it was the upper floor.

Now that Lema was gone, wasn't this an opportunity to check it out?

Plus it was only he and Lema who stayed here. It frantically tells him that he could go up and check it out.

Although he also wanted to check where Lilia to ask some questions, the things upstairs were a great temptation for him.

He checked around first. "Wuhoo, anyone here?" This time he was surprised, his voice was not hindered by anything and it reverberated the whole floor.

But no one answered.

He walked toward the stair trees with a fast-beating heart. "This will be exciting." He whispered and started to step up the stairs,, and to the ceiling, which had a circle-like door on it.

It was just enough for him to push it, so he did so.

Because the stairs and the door were meters apart, he needed to climb up to enter.

He first observed if there was someone around, when he was certain there was none, he reached the mouth of the door, and climbed up.

A hand was reached out to him, so he took it while being wary of whoever would see him.

When he was pulled out, he sighed in relief and was about to thank the one who helped him, only to freeze. "Lil-Lilia."

Lilia smirked at him. "Wanting to enter the forbidden place?" She teasingly asked.

"No no no, it was just I noticed it was too dark outside so, maybe if I look up here I could check what's going on." he lied with a straight face.

Lilia raised her brow. "Oh, really?"

"Yes, if you see it outside you will see that outside is foggy, and the floor below was so dark, and so I thought maybe it was brighter here and I could check it out." He spoke with a voice of justification, his attention was caught by a big shining orange orb behind Lilia.

Lilia saw where his sight went, she flew away from his sight, showing that the orb was really lightened up.

It was as if he was calling to enter inside.

"If you want to walk toward it, I won't stop you," Lilia spoke, beaming at him.

Reigan glanced at her, then his sight walked toward the orb.

He was really curious, but what would happen if he entered? He wouldn't know, not until he reached out and entered, only to pause with the next sentence of Lilia.

"...After all, the only one who could enter there was the chosen one of the gods."