Chapter 63: It so hard to be a gentleman

"Open storage," Reigan whispered in the air.

He blinked his eye and even rubbed it checking if what he was dreaming. He even slapped his face to be certain, and the ecstasy was visible in his eyes. "Yes!"

Everyone glanced at him weirdly.

Reigan, seeing this, coughed awkwardly, but the joy in his heart could not be erased.

"Idiot," Camilla whispered but it was still clearly heard.

The two beastmen glared at her, thinking that the female helped her, and this what she gave as a repay. If the female tells them to teach her a lesson, they would definitely kill her or torture her to begging this instant.

Reigan only scratched his head.

This girl, really.

He just decided to disregard what she said and thought that she was being like this because of what occurred a moment ago, and find the things he needed inside the storage boxes.

There were 3 potions inside the storage, yes he called it potion.

Before, when he was still in Fairyland. He had seen 3 colored liquids inside a small bottle. He tried to see what these were, only to understand that it was amazing stuff!

The blue potion he had received was used to replenish his 5 mp, the white was for replenishing stamina by 5, while the green was to heal the small wound on the skin.

Actually, he never tried them and he planned to use them on Lilia and Camilla (A/N: Simply said, they will be his guinea pigs XD).

Out of thin air, he grabbed the green potion, and some bondages, and ointment that was said for red skin or something.

Those people around him were widened. There was no such thing as a space element in the Fairyland, if there was one, no one had seen it.

Camilla's eyes turned cautious, while Roland felt more puzzled. He found King had more and more secrets in him. And the Leopard, his eyes showed fascination. Who would have thought that the female he gave up on actually this mysterious? It made him want to peel more and more about him.

Reigan, who was oblivious to what everyone was thinking, sat in front of Camilla. "Drink this," Reigan told her, but rather than obliging what Reigan told her, she just slapped his hand that was holding the potion.

"Why would I drink that disgusting-looking stuff!" She roared. The green potion was as green as the moss. Just thinking of drinking such, made her want to puke.

Roland started to growl and even the Leopard. The ugly fairy was being too much. Even though they wanted to control themselves, what she was doing made one angry.

Roland suddenly disappeared and the next thing happened, Camilla's head fell on the ground, and blood spilled all over the place.

Roland was at her back, holding the knife. "You should not let people bully you, King. People like her, you should learn to teach her a lesson."

Reigan turned silent. Honestly, he didn't feel anything after seeing the body of Camilla fell on the ground. It was as if it was a normal thing.

Besides that, he was really not close to Camilla. He sighed ruefully then peered at Roland. "It was not that I let her bully me, it was just that she had suffered a lot with her family when I saved her and thought that maybe she was like that because of that."

"Tsk, even so. She was saved by you, she should learn to be grateful. And stop protecting her. If you continue on being such, you will suffer in the end."

Reigan felt his ear tick off. How could Roland say such a thing?! He is a pure boy, how could he treat him like a girl. Even though he had helped him out, and knew he should do that, but the way he spoke it was like he was treating him such a weak and fragile girl! It's insulting, making his blood boil in anger. "Hey bro, I could perfectly take care of myself. Stop treating me such a delicate person!"

Roland brow knit. "I am just stating the facts. Besides, you are a female-"

"Which part of me was female?! I am a pure handsome male god!" Reigan couldn't take this anymore these guys. How could they see him as a female, ah?

The two stare at him, with puzzled faces with a different reason.

The Leopard seeing Reigan's body structure couldn't be convinced that he is a female while Roland...

"Handsome male god?" repeated Roland. It was a new word for him. He knew the word god, but does it matter if the god is male or female? And why Reigan called himself such, was he also a god? Was that the reason he could bring things out of thin air, but didn't some magician could do such, but then again he has never seen one even once. He felt his brain being short circuit, it didn't feel so good thinking this much.

"What? You don't believe me?" Reigan said, squinting his eyes, making the atmosphere become intense.

"Pft. hahaha," The Leopard suddenly laughed, breaking the atmosphere between the two. "Sorry, sorry. You two could go on." He said with a voice full of interest. Indeed, the female was really fascinating.

"What is male god?" Roland whispered again.

Reigan, realizing what he had said, turned awkwardly silent and coughed to hide his embarrassment. "Anyway, stop treating me as a female."

"But aren't you one?" The Leopard spoke lazily, wanting to tease the female more.

"I am a pure boy, male, guy, man!"

"Oh," Non-committal said the Leopard, treating it like it was the female getting confused with its gender. He felt that if he continued to pursue this topic, his chance of chasing the female would go to null impossible.

Roland, on the other hand, thought otherwise.

He was thinking something then after a few moments, his eyes shook, remembering what he had seen and what Reigan was saying. "You… You're that King?"

"King?" Reigan then remembered that he did introduce himself as King when they were still in that weird trial. "Oh, yes!"

"How come…" Roland kept his mouth shut. Although he now understood that King and the female were the same, another question popped into his mind. Was King originally male? Or female?

But since he claimed to be a male, he just let it be. He will know the truth in the end after all.

Reigan glanced once more toward the body of Camilla, and for some reason, he felt that Camilla was not really yet dead. He scratched his head for such thought, after all, how could that be possible.

Everyone always had their life-ending, right?

His eyes then went toward Lilia who was asleep and then looked at the wounds on her body. He eyed the potion then Lilia as if he was fighting something inside. In the end, he walked toward her, making her drink the potion, but the liquid only slipped at the side of her mouth, tainting her wheat skin, making Reigan fan whistle softly.

After calming himself, he glanced at Lilia as he rubbed his chin, and his eyes fell on her lips. It looks like a cherry, so sweet and delicious to taste. A gulp sound could be heard from him, then shook his head.

That was too ungentlemanly, ah. He shouldn't do that.

Then his eyes lingered on the green potion, Lilia. It repeated for a while as if he was having an internal struggle.

In the end, he moved forward, and took the ointment, planning to smear it on her body only to stiffened.

He shouldn't take advantage of a girl while asleep, right? But she was deeply wounded, if not cleanse and treat her wound, wouldn't it become worse? so he should take care of her body.

It was not being perverted, just that it is called treatment! Yes, that's right. It was just a treatment!

He observed the supple skin on her body, it seemed good to touch.

No-no-no. He will just heal her, yes, heal her.

After convincing himself for a few more minutes, he decided to put the ointment with trembling hands. He is a virgin, okay.

It was normal for him to look at the women's artistic beauty, but never did he dare try to touch them. Well, his female body was exempted. It was his after all.

After a long time of smearing the ointment and putting on the bondage. His face was full of sweat as if he just did a difficult workout.

After that, he grabbed the clothes inside his storage box and put them on Lilia, with a reddened face.

He fell to the ground feeling his exhaustion on his body.

"Are you okay?" Roland asked, feeling funny. He found that watching Reigan's different facial reactions were both silly and cute.

Reigan just glanced at him and said with a voice full of tiredness and pride. "It was so hard to be a gentleman, ah."