Chapter 65: Extra: I deserve this

Inside a metal-like room, a group of people was lining up at the side, watching while watching with joy what was happening in front of them. They felt glad that they were not the ones experiencing such.

And in the grand chair was a handsome man, with blond hair, and blue eyes. Watching things as things occur. He even sipped the wine in his hand while viewing things in front of her.

Suddenly a flying person hit the wall, making a thud sound and blood tickled out of her mouth. She held the sound within, careful not to make the man seated on the chair, angrier than he already was.

She knew that he hated hearing a sound from her and would suffer more than what she was experiencing at this moment if some sound was heard from her. She just needed to endure it, after that everything will be finished.

She thinks that her internal organs became disarray, and the air she intake became thinner and painful. She looked at the man on the chair with eyes hoping for forgiveness.

The said girl was none other than, Michaela Dela Rosa. The younger sister of Reigan. And the culprit of her body being harmed at this moment was supposed to be a friend of hers.

While the one who was seated on the chair was the leader they gave loyalty to. The man she fell in love with, but at this moment she was treated like a rag as he just let the man beat her black and blue.

Their leader raised his hand, gesturing to the man to stop. After that, the sound of the clacking of the floor and the shoe heel reverberated in the place.

The man complied, walking at the side while being toward the group of people who were lined up.

The handsome man used his foot to make Michaela face her. "Rose," he called her nickname. "You are becoming bolder and bolder, aren't you?" After that, a heavy object was felt on her chest. It was their leader's shoes, giving it a little force. "If I said kill them, kill. But you actually dare to disobey this young master!"

A sound of bone cracking could be heard from Michaela, but she made no sound. If her face didn't turn pale, and a blood caress from her cheeks, coming out from her lip, you wouldn't know how much suffering she was experiencing.

The people around her were looking at what was happening with interest. Some even whispered with one another, while their eyes were mocking her. Others were full of jealousy and hatred at her, sneering at her misery. While few of them were her troupe who brought her here. But none of them were helping her, and just shook their heads while they giggled secretly.

The next thing Michaela felt was her inside feeling hard to breathe and move. It was as if the inside of her body turned solid. It was so uncomfortable and painful, not only that. Their leader put his hand in front of her, and a big thing tried to enter her nose and mouth.

She looked at him in horror. She used her special ability. She had absorbed an air ability just now. When she tried to use the wind element, her eyes widened when it turned solid. Not just that, everything around her, inside of her became solid.

This was their leader King's power.

They didn't know what it was, but it always did something weird.

They had seen it a lot of times and everyone who experienced it was great suffering. Now, Michaela is experiencing it. It felt painful, suffocating, and her body felt so weak.

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

She felt that all the solid particles had gone back to normal, and her body lay flat on the floor.

She peered at the person who halted her suffering. It was her partner, the space element user.

"Hey bro, that's a little girl."

"Shut up, Qiaoxin! I am just teaching this peasant a lesson. Yes yes yes, young master. But I don't want to lose a partner."

"I am the leader here,"

"I'll add the things you're asking me, give me my partner."

Their leader turned silent and looked at Michaela with a teasing smile plastered on his lips, then glanced at her partner. "Okay then, Take her and enjoy."

"Hahaha, thanks bro," He put on the tuxedo on his body, covering Michaela, as he carefully carried her. "See ya around." then she felt the movement as if they were leaving.

A tear fell from her eyes, not because her body felt so painful, but because at this moment she felt everything she had done was a joke.

She killed her family for the man she loved, but now she wonders if what she did was right. Maybe this was the punishment for her. She will never be loved.

She sobbed at the thought.

"Hush now, I am here." She heard her partner say. The softness of the bed touched her body, and the healer healed her body.

The warmness and coolness were felt inside of her, making her groan in comfort. Then she peered at her partner.

He had shiny black hair, phoenix eyes black eyes, thin red lips, broad shoulder, masculine jawline, and hawk brow,

He is handsome, but not the man she loves.

"Why did you save me?" She asked him.

"Well, you are my partner."

"You should have let me die."

The man turned silent for a moment and looked into her eyes. "I don't want you to die."

Michaela alsp id the same. "I have already died a long time ago. I die along with my family." She spoke those words with pain and sadness.

"Don't-" The man took a deep breath, and smiled at her. "I will be your family."

Michaela glanced at him and then chuckled. "You couldn't even fight them."

The man sandwiches his lips inside then said with a voice full of sincerity. "I will fight against them, and protect you. I promise."


He just smiled at her and patted her head. "Take a rest."

She was silent. "What's your name?"

He chuckled. "You actually didn't even know your partner's name. Sigh, I should have known. I am Chan Qiaoxin. You can call me darling if you want." He winked at her.

Michaela smiled. "Then can I borrow your hand?"

"Huh?" Then Qiaoxin gave him his hand, he felt metal on his hand. The next thing that happened was that with the power of Michaela, he felt a soft thing pierce the body. "Let go! Let go!"

But rather than letting go, Michaela even enhanced his strength, making his hand pierce deep inside of her. "Sorry, I… Only have one family… And thank you… please make them pay for me…" she spoke those words in pain.

"No please, no. Mica! Mica!"

Michaela smiles at him as she could feel her body become heavy and cold, along with these thoughts. 'I should have killed myself, I am the one who should have died a long time ago. Now, I will die. Maybe I will even go to hell where I will suffer eternally.' a laugh escaped from her lips. 'I deserve that…. In her blurry dark vision, she said for the last time toward Qiaoxin. "I'm sorry, and thank you…" along with the darkness taking over her.

Leaving the man wailing in pain. Even though he could take back his hand from the strong grip, the blood was spilled, the heart had stopped, and the person was cold, no longer breathing. "Mica, you are so bad. I swear that I will find you. Mica, I will find you and promise I will protect, care and love you once we met. Not allowing for you to die like this and suffer ever again." He said hugging the corpse, tainting his clothes.

He dipped his lips on her and whispered even though he knew he wouldn't be heard. The reason she just asked. "I love you, Mica. I love you. I promise I will make them pay in front of you."