Voximilien, the Mining Planet (1)

The Cargo Ship leave the hyperspace, arriving in a Phase Gate, these Gates have a halo shape, and are built in purpose to receive ships from the hyperspace, when a ship buy acess of a Phase Gate, it will instantly lock and only this ship can arrive at it, decreasing the risk of ships collide at each other.

The ship arrives at a Ship Bay, near of the 3rd Colony, the ramp goes down, and everyone start to take cages to the bay, it is a ship transporting Gas Fuel used in Bedrock drills and Laser Drills... North is recovering from his "First Time in Hyperspace", while looking at everyone working North decides to go down too.

Everyone is busy with it, but one of the crewmates paid attention to him;

[Crewmate]- "Here we are, Voximilien is a big planet... Not made for children, be careful kiddo."

[North]- "Don't hurry ma'am, I can take care of myself!"

[North]- "See you guys later!"

Waving to them, some of them waves back at him, and so they started to work again. North right now is walking in the streets of a Imperial Colony... There is 3 types of streets in these colonies: Civil, Industrial and Commercial Road.

The Civil Road is for people walk in, there are a few vehicles for transport, but generally it is used by citizens or workers.

The Industrial Road is for workers and cargo vehicles, as such as trucks or carriages. It is specifically made for people who are working to walk there, avoiding trouble.

The Commercial Road can be in both those. It is not a Land Street, it is a pathway for flying vehicles, and is mainly composted by trucks.

The colonies aways are crownded with strong miners, engineers and workers. Smokes covers most part of the skies, you can hear vehicles, metal slamming, and people talking.

Even with the gray sky, the gray streets and dirty alleys... North watch everything with bright eyes full of curiosity. A boy of Silver Hair and Golden eyes, with a flying orb walking in the streets will track attention of course. Even thought I am not there in person, I can almost feel people saying "why is a kid here?", but looks like North don't mind the pressure the adults staring at him.

Walking closer to the center, there is a giant hole which can bring you to the Underworld and the Underground District. North without hesitation jump, falling fast... While people look at him shocked, some scream "Hurry, someone take the kid!" and droid drones try to catch the kid, but North lands the ground safe, unnaturally from such a high height, even a droid would be damaged... But the kid keeps walking curious about what awaits him.

I will remember it... North can survive falling from great heights. He can breath in the space vacuum... He is sure a interesting individual, from my many years of existence... I have never seen such a person...