"The Special Ability Divisions (SADs) are military police bodies who regulate the paranormal and curb the excesses of Ability Users, control damages, and protect everyone from the dark sides of the new world."

YEAR: 2161


"You can remove their covers now." A voice spoke.

Suddenly, the black veils used to cover the three boys were removed and the three of them squinted a bit as their eyes were exposed to light after several hours without. They had been taken away from the Underground passage, faces covered, into their vehicles, which was designed like the Waste Disposal's own. They were taken to an unknown location, however, due to communications, Darey discovered they were headed to the Giga site, one of the Nigerian black sites, location unknown.

Tenny and Darey looked around but couldn't see their father around. "He must be devastated" Darey thought "As expected..."