
To all the taffy I love please leave me alone

"Taffy ",I call out in what is almost a whisper .

There is no way this is real ,maybe elene is trying to pull some horrible stunt to make me look mad , yeah she must have probably spiked my drink with moon shine or other shit like that.

"Can I have your attention class".

I look away from Taffy to face our form teacher  for senior year Mr decker .

"Now before we go over usual homeroom formalities ,we have a new student ",he announces .

"Mr briarwood we are ready for you ",he says with a smirk as he ushers him to the front.

"Hi my name is Carlos whittmore , I just moved from Mexico with my familia",he said smiling confidently to the class.

"Thank you Carlos ,you may now return to your seat",Mr decker said with a dismissive wand of hand.

All of a sudden I found myself gazed at him, Carlos was a sight for sore eyes,he had this kind of Greek god body and I could tell from the tight tee he was wearing,he had murderous black eyes that definitely tell a story,full pink lips with yummy caramel skin,he had a ear piercing on which he was wearing a diamond stud earring but only on one ear.

"Hola ,you have been looking at me for a while now ",he asked looking very concerned.

I blush with embarrassment , I was about to look away when I took a second look at the earring.

"I have the same earring with it's second pair missing ",I quickly fish it out from my purse and show me.

I can't really put my finger on where I actually got the earring from I just remember losing a ear.

"What a sheer confidence Eileen that we have the same earring but  my other ear isn't missing I just gave to someone" , he says as he smiles sweetly at him.

The bell just went off for first period ,he quickly left his table and walked towards the door.

After he was out of sight ,i realized that I never told him my name yet he called me Eileen ,I mean am not even wearing my back pack.

"I need to tell Hardin and elene what's going on".


The last few classes before lunch had been absolute horror ,Carlos takes the same classes with me I get that but the fact he always sit right next to me is maddening.

"Hey mama",my sis calls out as she sits with Hardin at the lunch table.

"Poppy how are you feeling now",he asked looking all concerned.

"What's wrong with poppy?".

I tilt my head a little to see who was talking, it was Willow my other best friend who I haven't seen all day .I cringe at the nickname my two besties gave me .

"Hey y'all miss me much", Willow says with her Texas drawl.

I pull my other best friend for a hug as she sits down beside me , Willow , Hardin and I have been best friends since preschool .I stare at the brunette , she has green eyes and full pouting lips .

"What wrong poppy you like you've since a ghost", she says as she picks my hand in concern.

Before I can tell her am fine , Judith Baxter and Corey Smith elene's besties and my closet friends just joined the table.

"Hey Eileen some dude asked me to give you this",he says  handing me the note.

Eileen sorry I scared you told in class, you aren't crazy am real and then again am not ,I would really like to explain what's happening on if you let me .

Could you please meet me at the McDonald's a few streets away from your house around 8pm

Love Taffy,I gulped as I read the last sentence.

"Where did you get this ",I asked Corey.

"What",he looks shocked.

"Where did you get the letter from, I mean who gave you the letter", I stutter

"Man that's must be some medication you are on and to think we were going to ask who sent the note",Corey asked looking basically annoyed.

'he doesn't remember ',I gasp in horror .

In look down for the letter it's gone , instead of getting surprised looks from the gang because the must have surely since the paper disappear.

I can see only worried looks from Jude ,Corey and Hardin while Willow and elene are fighting back their tears.

"You didn't see it , tell me you didn't see the note Corey brought the one I was reading ",I cry out.

"Poppy there was no note maybe you need to lie down",Hardin says.

"No am not crazy I saw it ,I read it ", I screamed as I grabbed my bag pack and ran towards the bathrooms .

I pushed the doors and ran to sink , I began to splash water on my face I can't take it anymore .

That Carlos or Taffy guy was definitely a ghost or wizard were wolf thing but the problem was that neither of those exist ,I must be already high on the exits.

I turn the tap off and took a good long at the mirror 'they won't believe you, they can't see me only you can' written in  red blood lipstick.

"Haha", I laugh at my crazy ofcourse I was hunted even if I call elene to see this it will be gone , the murder style lipstick note will be gone.

And it was gone wiped clean by no one but the message was erased and I had finally lost it.

I just had to scream.

