The Unluckiest Man Alive

'How did all of that happen? Why always me?' thought Mike. 'I must be the unluckiest man alive.'

Ever since his birth, his luck was rotten. His mother died due to an infection when he was one, and his father turned to alcohol to relieve himself.

When the doctor called to tell him that his son would die today, he was too drunk to come to the hospital.

At just the age of 16, Mike had cut himself while doing garden work. A few days after, he was rushed to the hospital. It was too late for the tetanus vaccine.

After two hours, his entire body started to stiffen. Now his back was bent to an absurd degree, and he was moaning in pain.

Usually, tetanus could take up to a few months to show symptoms, but for Mike, it would have deadly consequences after only four days.

Now he could only lie here, with no one around, and await his death.

'Why couldn't I be lucky just once? What did I ever do wrong?'

Suddenly, his neck stiffened and prevented him from breathing.

Mike started to panic, but he couldn't move.

At this moment, the door swung open with a loud bang, and the chief doctor rushed into the room.

"What are you Idiots doing?! It's just tetanus. It's easy to treat, but if we don't do anything, he will suffocate.", he shouted. "Lissy, get the..."


One of the big headlights had crashed down on the doctor's head, and Mike could only watch as the Nurses started panicking and treating the unconscious doctor while he was suffocating.

And then, the pain suddenly stopped. Everything around him went black, and all he could see was a small yellow window directly in front of his face.

New Achievement: Live is just a game.


A new window appeared.


Live is just a game + 10

Unluckiest man alive +1000

Workhorse +25

Gardener +5




Total score: 1435

Rating: A-

According to your rating, a new life will be selected. Please wait patiently, this could take a few minutes.

'What is happening? Is this some kind of sick joke?' Mike thought.


Doe to your good score, you were selected to live your next life as the child of a wealthy family.

Your memory will be deleted, your stats reset and your soul will be transferred to your new body.

'What? Will I really be able to reincarnate? So bad luck I had will finally pay out in my next life! It seems like I won't remember anything...

But none the less, I wish you all the luck you can have, future me!'

But just as he thought that, his surroundings suddenly started changing. What had been a black room just a few seconds before was now pulsating with red light.


A fatal error has occurred, all processes will be delayed.

WARNING: A foreign presence has forcefully entered your room. Please stay where you are, security staff is on their way.

The window turned red and disappeared. Mike looked around hectically, but he couldn't see anything. Suddenly, the smell of rotten eggs filled the air, while a black fog broke out of the pulsating void.

The fog turned into a humanoid shape, which towered over Mike. He turned around and ran. But behind him, he could hear a booming voice.

"I guess you will have to do. You are the only one with such horrible security."

While running, Mike looked back to see the towering creature extend one of his foggy arms towards him. He tried to run faster, but he knew there was no escape.

Finally, the fog reached him and surrounded his body. The only thing he could sense was the smell of rotten eggs.


When Mike opened his eyes again, his surroundings had changed. He lay on a black altar, surrounded by figures in black capes, who knelt on the red carpet around the stone altar.

The ceiling high above him was decorated with depictions of murder, theft and r*pe, drawn with unnerving clarity.

A shudder ran down his spine. He pushed himself up so that he wouldn't have to look at those disturbing drawings anymore. Only then did he realise that he was stark naked.

'This looks like a church, but what kind of church would paint their ceilings with such horrific pictures and kidnap nude boys? It must just be my luck,' he thought.

Mike felt uneasy. Those hooded figures were not the kind of people he wanted to be around.

As he was crawling down from the altar, one of the hooded figures stood up. When their eyes met, the smell of rotten eggs seemed to fill the air once more.

'What is going on? Wasn't I supposed to be reincarnated into a rich family? Did they just steal this chance from me??' Mike thought. 'Do they think they can do anything with me just because they were able to get in the way of my reincarnation?'

The hooded man stopped right in front of Mike, without saying anything. His hand closed around Mike's wrist and started pulling him towards one of the many gates embedded in the black walls of this hall.

The strength of this man was something on an entirely different scale from what Mike had ever felt. Even if Mike had tried to resist, the man could have easily crushed his arm.

'I guess he can do what he wants with me. There is no way I could go against somebody this strong. Could it be...? He is strong, and he managed to break into my reincarnation room. Is he the head of this church?'

Those thoughts ran through Mike's head while he had to follow the man through a long corridor until they finally reached the small room, which seemed to be the man's living space.

The room was empty, except for a simple bed. The floor, the walls, and even the bed, everything was black.

Finally, the man let go of Mike's wrist and sat down on the bed. Since he didn't tell Mike to sit down, he could just stand there while the man took off his hood and folded it into a tidy package.

But when the man finally looked up, his face seemed to shine.

"I was actually able to summon you! Praying for good luck seems to have paid off. It was almost like the security of your room was shut off."

'This enthusiasm is not very befitting of the head of the church...' Mike thought.

The man's expression had changed from neutral to a wide smile. If only there wasn't this tiny detail.

'Why is my luck still so rotten?! It should have been different. I was supposed to lose my bad luck, no? And now, this ass had to summon me!' Mike thought.

"What is it? You look troubled," the man said. "You don't have to worry. You were summoned by a servent of Sonas, the god of luck. As long as you prepare sacrifices for him, you won't have to worry about anything for the rest of your life here."

"Me? You must be joking!" Mike answered.


Before the man could answer, a yellow window appeared in front of Mike.

Mike Lv. 1

(Summon of Sonas)

Condition: confused

Age: 16

Strength: 2

Stamina: 3

Agility: 1

Intelligence: 5

Luck: -7

When Mike looked up, he could see the man's mouth wide agape.

The man looked back at him.

"Oh no... and I thought my luck was good... what am I supposed to do with somebody like you?" the man said.