The willing sacrifice

Leonard and Mike stood side by side in front of the altar, surrounded by nine hooded figures. Every one of them with a black candle in their hands.

The pope, who stood on the other side of the altar, took a step forward and placed his hands on the smooth black stone.

As Mike and Leonard put their hands on the other side, a yellow flame erupted from the candles, and black smoke started to fill the room.

Pope Lucas started chanting, but the words that came out of his mouth didn't seem to be human. The words seemed to form by themselves, only using the pope as their vessel.

At the lowest note, the pope stopped, and the hooded figures repeated after him in the same eerie way.

As they chanted, the black smoke thickened, making the room as dark as night. The only thing visible was the candles' flames and the humans' eyes, which had started glowing in the same yellow.

Even when the priests stopped chanting, in Mike's head, an entire choir was taking over.

He couldn't move but only observe the world around him while the chant in his head reached new heights. Low and high notes that should have been impossible to hear. He almost didn't realise that the pope had started speaking again.

" your devote followers bring in this sacrifice to the highest of gods, Sonas. Your name will again ring through the worlds as your followers gather around this church. And when you return, this world will be your oyster, as it had been, and as it should be."

Suddenly, a bright yellow light cut through the smoke and revealed a humanoid creature of stunning beauty. The yellow light showed her in the way she was born, her black hair falling over her white shoulders, partly hiding her curves. Through her huge black compound eyes, she seemed to take in every detail of the room.

But even under the yellow eyes of the hooded figures, she kept walking towards Leonard and Mike.

As she stopped right in front of them, the pope started speaking again.

"Through the sacrifice of a willing vessel, we will promote one of your decibels to the rank of a priest. He has shown his worth by summoning an outworlder who will be nurtured under your guidance.

I beg you, give those two your blessing so that they may bring the word of Sonas back into this world."

Leonard took his hands off of the altar and kissed the creature on the forehead lightly before picking her up. Even though she was as big as a human, she didn't seem to weigh nearly as much.

He then placed her onto the altar and gently pushed her down. When he climbed onto the altar as well, the light started shining brighter, showing every single detail of the two on top of it.

Every inch of skin, every droplet of sweat, and towards the end, also every drop of blood. But even then, there were no cries of pain, only cries of lust.

Then suddenly: silence. The black fog faded, and the yellow light gathered around one point above the small creature's head. With the smoke, the choir in Mike's head also vanished, leaving behind a blurred picture of what had happened.

Leonard reached his hand out to touch the ball of light. As he did, the yellow light burst out one more time before being sucked into Leonards body.

A small yellow window appeared in front of him.

Promotion has been successful. Sonas has excepted you as a worthy follower. Your job has been changed from 'Disciple of Sonas' to 'Priest of Sonas'.

New Abilities:




Leonard jumped off of the altar and landed right in front of Mike. He straightened up before touching his neck and closing his eyes.

When he looked back at Mike, he smiled.

"You, my summon, will be the first disciple of this lowly servant of Sonas. I bestow upon you the responsibility to grow through the guidance of the god and to carry his name into the world."


Promotion has been successful. Sonas has excepted you as a worthy follower. A new job has been added: 'Disciple of Sonas'

New Abilities:

-can raise his 'Luck' stat when levelling up

-can gain experience by gambling, sexual intercourse, finding treasures, and other activities that might depend on luck

-can gain experience by slaying nonbelievers (any creature that doesn't follow Sonas)

A thin thread of yellow light formed from Leonard's hand and reached out towards Mike's forehead. At the moment the line touched his skin, the world around Mike turned dark.


When Mike opened his eyes, he saw the detailed picture of a nude woman painted high above him on the ceiling. Her face was a mask of lust, looking right at him.

'Wait, that is not one of the pictures inside of the altar room... where am I?' Mike thought.

Only then did he realise that he was lying on a comfy bed, in a room he had never seen before.

When he sat up, he could finally see the entire room. There was not only his bed but also another one, just as comfortable looking as his, on which Leonard was sitting.

The room was way larger than the one he had been in before, and a small window provided an uninterrupted view of the night sky.

"Finally awake? It seems that my good luck outways your bad luck since I was able to become a priest and appoint you as my summon."

Leonard yawned. "Tomorrow will be a big day for both of us, so you should have a good night sleep. I will do so as well."

Since Mike didn't feel like talking right now, he just nodded and lay back down.

'I really don't think I can trust this guy after seeing what he did to that insectoid woman. But he is the only one I know here, so I guess I will have to rely on him for the time being.'

Mike thought about the things he had seen until deep into the night when he finally got overwhelmed by sleep.


Loud noise and a sudden motion woke Mike up in the middle of the night. With the light of an orange moon illuminating the room, he could make out what had happened.

He lay on the floor, in the middle of the two halves of his former bed, which had broken into two pieces.

'Of course, my luck again," Mike thought, crawling back onto the upper half of his bed.