A game... of luck

"So, what does that mean for us?" Mike asked.

"It just means that we have to be on guard. Both of us are way too weak to do anything, so we will just continue doing what we did before. We have to raise your level and hope that whatever comes out of it might help us later," Leonard answered.

"That means we are just going to continue killing some monsters?"

"Yes, since your luck is insufficient to try anything else that could raise your level," Leonard said.

So just a little while later, the two were back inside the woods.

"At day, there are going to be a lot more strong monsters here, but we will just try to go around them. Just don't get out of my sight, then everything should be alright," Leonard said.

Mike nodded.

'Let's just hope that there will be monsters that are weak enough for me to kill them.'

Along the way, Leonard killed a few creatures too strong for Mike, so Mike finally got to see somebody else fighting. Most of the animals were killed with just one hit after Mike had approached them from behind.

"Are those animals really that weak for you?" Mike asked.

"Well, they are a few levels below me, but that I can one-hit them is primarily because of my assassin skill. Most of us are assassins since we can't put as many stats into strength or agility. But our luck is very high, so finding the weak points of our enemy and attacking from the shadow is what we are good at.

But that also means that we are rather weak in an open fight, which is why the other churches were able to chase us into a hidden base inside of the woods."

"Is that really the only way to fight with luck?" Mike asked.

"Probably not, but it's the best-known one. It's said that the one to pioneer this technic was someone very close to Sonas. I guess that's why..."

Leonard suddenly fell silent and held mike back with one arm.

"Do you see that?" he whispered, pointing towards a deer-like creature with golden fur.

Mike nodded.

"It's pretty fast, but that's it. As long as I can hold it off, you can just hit it until it dies," Leonard whispered.

When Mike nodded again, Leonard gave him the staff he had used before.

Leonard then sneaked around the deer to jump out of the bushes right before its nose. Instead of running towards Mike, the deer ran in the opposite direction (as Mike had thought), but Leonard was faster and jumped in front of the deer again.

It turned around to flee, but behind it, Mike had appeared. He had checked his surroundings, so when he swung his staff this time, there was no tree to block it.

But even then, the deer just jumped over the staff and ran in another direction.

"Good, try to hit its legs. They are its weak point!" Leonard shouted while he chased after the deer.

Mike ran tried to at least follow them, but even that was hard. They were so much faster than him.

It took a few tries until Mike was finally close enough to his the deer again, but it just jumped over the staff again to escape in another direction.

"Don't give up. As soon as we get one leg, it'll get easier!" Leonard shouted.

Mike chased after the two again, but this time, Leonard was able to get the deer towards a giant rock that stood in the middle of the forest.

He only had to block the deer's way, and then it couldn't run because the rock was in its way.

After Leonard had staled for some time, Mike arrived. Now there was no way the deer could escape.

Mike swung his staff, and the dear jumped up, but as soon as it hit the ground, Mike had already struck again, finally hitting the deer's right front leg.

The deer tried to run again, but this time Leonard didn't even bother to get in its way. Before reaching the nearest tree, it had already fallen on its face again.

Mike ran towards the fallen dear, hitting the left hind leg with full force. He could hear the bones breaking.

The animal's eyes widened while it tried to stand up, but it just fell down once more.

Mike hit its head once, and once more, and then one last time. Then the deer's body turned to white light and circled around mikes body before entering it.


You killed a 'golden deer (Lv. 5)'

+207 Xp

Lv. 2 (2/200) -> Lv. 3 (9/400)

You have gained:

+3 stat points

+1 extra stat point (summon of Sonas)

"Pretty ruthless," Leonard commented.

"At least it didn't have to suffer for too long. But why could I break its bones even though it was level 5?" Mike asked.

"It was solely agility based, to a point where it is almost as fast as me. That's why all its other stats are sh*t."

"I am not going to complain either way. Now I only need to put all of my stats into luck, and then I will finally not be as unlucky anymore!"


Luck: -3 -> Luck: 1

Suddenly the world turned black.

No matter where Mike looked, there was only darkness. But then, two enormous eyes opened up, a yellow slither of hope in the dark abyss.

"So you did it," Sonas' voice made Mike tremble in awe, and their smell made so that even in the dark abyss, Mike felt like he was in heaven.

"Y-Yes," was the only thing mike could say.

'Why do I suddenly feel like I am speaking to my high school crush?' Mike thought.

"Well, that was expectable since my followers helped you. But we will have to see how long you will be able to count on their support. But for now, I will give you a reward for reaching the first goal."


Promotion has been successful. Sonas has excepted you as a worthy follower. A new title has been added: 'Blessing of Sonas'

New Abilities:

-life is just a game... of luck (cost: 1 skill point):

you will be able to see the probabilities

Example: -probability of surviving the next ten days: 11%

Do you want to buy this skill?

