After the night passed it was the time to leave for moving uphill. Sun was rising and everyone was to get ready and rendezvous at reception. Mia was missing. They went to her room where they found a do not disturb tag on the door with a note.
Note: 'Sorry guys. Got some problems, won't be able to join today, hope you guys understand, by the way have fun. Again sorry!'
It was bad. With this John turned to Sean who was glaring at him.
Sean: (to John) You said no problem, now there is one. What now, Mr. knock out sleeper!?
John: Calm down Sean…. it's just for today, loosen up…. She will be with us tomorrow.
There was time interval filled with awkwardness, as Sean refused to leave while John insisted on leaving after the two guides asked if the plan was still on. After a few minutes of arguing it was finally decided that it was time to leave for the mountains.
They all left for trekking leaving Mia. Leaving one, all of them were in high spirits. Though they had two guides, John was the one leading the group though. But not for long as the sun raised, John's energy drooped. By the evening, John was the last of the lot. It was like last night was now extracting the toll. Soon it was dark, John now felt his sugar level hitting the bottom line. Soon, John was walking subconsciously for few minute. It was when he hit a tree.
John: Ouch!!
It seemingly did hurt him. He soon realized that the group had abandoned him or more likely he had. It was dark, and now everything was showing its dark side. The tree seemed like monsters in shadow extending their thousands of frail hands towards him.
John thought to himself, maybe he was dreaming. He felt like eating sugar so he ate a bar of chocolate. It had been a rough day and rougher by the evening, he was in terror. He thought that he was half dead with terror and if he was unable to find his group, then the other half's security was not confirmed.
John was shaking with fear, when his soul was nearly on the edge of coming out, he saw two eyes in the woods. John was so horrified that he fell on the ground and started crawling backwards away from the figure of the ghost with long hair, probably a witch. In a sudden moment of silence, the lightning struck. All could be seen now. John took a deep breath of relief. It was a girl, carrying a backpack. Maybe she had come for trekking too. Moreover, when she saw John's pale face, she started laughing. It was sure that the girl had the image of John as a scary cat. John stood and dusted himself saying.
John: Shut it! It's no good to scare people in this dark night, some may not have a strong heart as I do.
Girl: It's funny, because I wasn't trying to scare people like that. I just came here for trekking and lost my way. And also, many people are not as timid as you are. Where are you from? Fairy land?
John: Ha... ha… very funny.
They started to walk together to find their respective groups. The girl was still laughing and making fun of John, when another lightening struck and now the girl was clinging onto John.
John: Strong heart… huh? As I remember many people are as timid as me! Or because they are more timid like you. It looks like the weather is gonna be like this all night. What you say lady? would you stay clinging on to me? shall I drop you home? Where is it?
Girl: I… I… (looking like volcano ready)
John: Wait a second. I know! You live in fairy land! Ha… ha… ha… (he started to laugh madly)
After this John didn't make fun of the girl anymore, as a bulge on his head reminded him of fury every now and then, it really hurt!
Girl: it would be nice if I lead because an air head like you would just waste time on nonsense talks, Let's go!
John followed, obviously with an unwilling mind but never mind. All through the way the bulges on John's head increased as the time passed and as he passed some comment. It was two hours or so when both the boxer and boxing bag couldn't give or take anymore blows.
'Finding the group' mission ended in failure. It was a rather dark night with all those clouds blocking the moon. The trees looked fantastic like before. Thus, with another round, it was decided that a camp would be established.
John: What about bonfires? We aren't going to find dry woods in this bloated forest! Are we?
Girl: Don't worry, scary cat. I've got that covered.
They both put two tents up. Then the girl cleared a patch of land, created a circle of stones and then brought some grass and paper to start fire.
John: Are you going to burn that? It won't last more than five minutes.
Girl: Well, if you've got any other idea, this is the moment Edison.
John: Quit blaming and think! We have a cold night to spend and quit shaking like that too. It's disturbing.
Girl: It's really cold out here. What do you want me to do in this situation? Are you really a man? Then c'mon, give me your jacket, I'm freezing!
John: My jacket!! It's my favorite yellow jacket. (glaring at that girl).
Well John couldn't just deny. He gave her the jacket and left to find some clean water. After ten minutes John screamed.
John: Hey! Come here! You got to see this!