The dance

Gabrielle knocked one her door he was dressed on a passable tux hence the bow tie he decided in losing it as for the love of god it wouldn't tie so he thought fuck it. No one will notice one less bow tie. So instead he unbuttoned a few of his top buttons showing his chest and his newly registered six pack. He'd made sure he got to use the gym at school and had proper training. She opened the door in a lilac dress that landed above her knees, he followed his eyeline to the top where it lay just above her bust. 'Eyes up here Gabe.'

'Oh ehr sorry.' His eyes travelled upward until they finally landed on her green eyes wow she wasn't wearing her Gorky glasses and fuck she looked hot. 'Wow.'

'I decided on contacts you like?'

'Wow.' Is all he could manage. 'Shall we go?'

'Where's your tie?'

'We had issues, not like?'

'Yeah but..'

'Come on. He said taking her hand pulling her away not wanting to argue about a stupid tie. She closed her door. Wow gabe what's the rush?'

'The guys are waiting.'

'Oh I thought.'

He chuckled. 'We're not going to be doing a gang bang Char, we're just meeting here having a few drinks, a laugh and a couple of dances. Then you're all mine for the finally okay.'


He smiled and they continued down the corridor to the great hall where the disco was taking place. It was lit up with fairy lights and disco lights, the disco ball shimmering casting thousands of lights across the dance floor, tables of food and drinks well punch which was bound to be spiked.

'There you are, what took you so long?'

'Guys seriously I had to pick Char up.'

'Wasn't she ready?'

'Oh she was.'

He pulled her forward.

'Hi guys.'

'Fuck Char your ass lols god same sexy.'

'What you do babe you look like you've walked out of a fashion mag?'


'You ditched your specs.'

'I have contacts.'

'Cool they bring out the colour of your eyes.'

She blushed.

'If you weren't Gabe's date right now I'd definitely want to be it.'

She blushed even more she'd never had these sorts of comments before.

'Stop bro you're embarrassing her.'

'We're not embarrassing you are we?'

'Not at all.' She said flustered.


'What's in it?'

'Taste it.'

She took it off him, putting it to her mouth, sipping it almost choking them all grinned. 'What's in it?'

'What do you think?'

'How the hell you get it in?'

'Easy everyone was doing too. So I guess it's a cocktail now.' He laughed passing the drinks around.

They all had a few drinks and food before they all joined the other year elevens on the dance floor dancing. He smiled as she danced her hips swinging side to side as she let herself go. She was goddamn sexy he was getting a boner. Fuck stop she'd your friend nothing more nothing less. Their friends were smiling. They knew what he was thinking they'd never seen her like this, so free. She was always so serious and never made time for events like these until now even though she'd roped him into coming with her he was thoroughly enjoying being here with her.

The night was coming to an end and. He took her hand. 'So you ready for this Char?'

'I am.'

He pulled her close to him putting his arms around her waist. She did the same as they began to dance slowly and he placed his head into her neck. She shivered luckily they were almost the same night or it would've been the other way round. 'I've had fun tonight.'

'Me too.'

'Maybe we can do this again. I mean come to the Christmas dance together.'

'I'd like that.'

He smiled. Nuzzling into her neck she shivered. She'd got to stop thinking a head of what all of this meant; it meant nothing obviously they were just friends.

The song stopped and she pulled away. Taking her hand leading her over to their friends. 'I'm just going to use the bathroom.'


He dropped her hand out of his and she walked away.

'Fuck! you guys looked hot, are you sure you're just friends?'


'You looked more.'

'Well we're not.'

'She's hot bro hence the glasses.'


Charlotte stood washing her hands after refreshing her shelf. Three girls came into the toilets. 'Wow look who it is the geek girl.'

'You should stay away from Gabrielle.'


'You're not his type.'

'And what you are?'

'I'm more his type than a geek girl who's heads in her books all of the time and doing favours for favours does daddy dearest know what your up to?'

'That's none of your fucking buisness.'

She got closer. 'Oh but it is your nothing here Charlotte, just another face just another geek trying to prove different.'

'No I'm not. I'm me if you don't like it you can just go and fuck your self. Out of my way.' She snapped, barging passed them.

The girl grabbed Charlotte's wrist.

'Loose me Amanda!'

'Drop the act geek and leave Gabrielle alone. You're not worth his company let alone his bed.'

The crack came across her face that quickly she never saw it coming. She let go of Charlotte's wrist pacing it on her face. 'You bitch.'

'Fuck you.'

'Stay away from Gabrielle and that includes his friends too.'

'Fuck you they're my friends.' She replied storming out. She ran down the halls.


'Leave me alone GABE.'

'What the hell happened?'

'I said leave me the fuck alone!'

He grabbed her hand pulling her into him and she cried.

'Is she okay Gabe?'

'Yeah. I'll walk her back to her dorm you guys carry on.'

'Sure Gabe.'

They walked away.

'What's wrong Char?"

'My dad said tears are for the weak.'

'Wise man.'

'He'll slap me right now if he saw me like this.'

'Well he's not going to.'

'I know.'

He wiped her tears away. 'Now you've ruined your look!' He grinned.

She slapped his chest. 'Shit up.'

'That's better. Now are you going to tell me why you are crying?'

'Not here.'

'Sure your room or mine?'


He nodded placing his arm over her shoulder.

'Should you really be doing that?'

'We're friends Char.'

She nodded. And he led her down the corridor to her room.

She opened the door and propped his arm off her shoulders and they walked in. He closed the door behind them, kicked her shoes off and sat down. 'Make yourself at home.'

He smiled and chuckled. He walked over to the bed sitting next to her. 'What wring Char it was a good night.'

'It was.'

'So what changed?'


'What did they do?'

'It's what they said they didn't do anything.'

'So what did they say?'

'To stay away from you and your friends and quote "'Oh but it is your nothing here Charlotte just another face just another geek trying to prove different."

'Which bitch told you that?'


'Fucking bitch! I hope you fucking slapped the hoe.'

'I did.'

He laughed. He placed his hand in her chin. 'They're just jealous Char cause you're not fake you're not plastic. You're clever, bright and you help those who need it. Your perfect the way you are.'

'Now whose bullshitting?'

'I'm not, you're my friend Char. You've always helped me and I've always been grateful for it, some just take the piss.'

She smiled.

'You have a sexy smile too.'


He moved closer, nerving her. 'I'm being serious Char. You've come a long way since we first met and I'm proud to call you my friend. Ignore those bitches they've got nothing better to do with their time than cause drama.'

'So you don't want me to stay from you?'


His lips crashed on hers kissing her. He pushed his tongue forward, licking her lips, she gasped, he shoved his tongue in pulling her closer, kissing her harder and harder. She suddenly pulled away. 'I'm sorry.'

'What for I initiated the kiss not you.'

'We're friends Gabe.'

'I know.' He looked at her. 'I best go.'


'Are you sure you seem a little flustered and confused.'

'I am. I mean I'm not. Just till I fall asleep.'

He smiled. 'Sure.'

He leaned forward. 'I like you Char you're different than all the other girls. Your not fake.' He said pressing his lips on hers kissing her she didn't resist she returned his kiss he slipped his tongue in kissing her passionately laying her in the bed continuing to kiss her hungrily .