Gabrielle Russo

On month has passed and a heap of shit has already gone down, maybe I should stop looking for my father.

The school almost got burned down. But the quick thinking of the head and the house captains the fire was put out pretty fast the police and fire engines arrived quickly and everyone was lead to safety, second there was a bomb scare, seriously? Everyone was in panic the bomb squad gat called in luckily it was a dud. Thirdly well thirdly every one is in hiding the shots started around six am whilst everyone was sleeping facing idiots I mean who the fuck does that? And why do fucking early? Everyone one was dressed most in there dorms. Me Charlotte and the boys were together. I've been staying in her dorm since all this shit kicked off I promised her father I'd take care of her and I'm living up to that promise no one is going to die on my watch. Well I say me all of us were in her dorm my dump as bros thought I was going to bone her if we were left alone. I must say I've thought about it a lot, but now is not the time for such thoughts. Me and Charlotte have grown closer than we've ever been. She's a pretty hot chick and she has the most beautiful sea green eyes and her hair where do I start? It's almost black and full of unruly curls I never realised how much fun she was until all this started, I never realised that the nerd was so much fun she was pretty and hilarious we had got into so much shit just by simple banter. We fed off each other. I for one never thought of her like this before she was a bad ass. My friends thought she was some crazy ass chick too. We've all got or a common respect for her. They reckon I want to get inside her. Truth is I want more than that but with al let his shit that's going on it's been on the back burner. Plus I don't think she's interested she's not the type of girl to be interested in boys as she's the nerd like I said. She prefers keeping her head in her books than hoping up.

Well back to what's happening right now. It's almost 9 am and the whole school body is freaking out but. Us were in the cafeteria hiding behind the tables with the guns strapped to our sides all split up ready to pull them out.

They'd rolled the smoke bombs through the school corridors in Hope they'd get people out, guess what it worked idiots. They rolled out of their rooms and where ever they were hiding coughing. I found this hilarious idiots do they not know how to cover their fucking mouths like we had?

'We know you're in here come out or we blow their fucking brains out!'

I looked at the guys and nodded. Then at Charlotte doing the same she nodded back we all slipped our guns out. 'I'll give you to the count of three of you don't come out they all die!'

He Baganda to count. 1...

I cranked my gun and pulled the trigger. The first went down


Charlotte pulled the trigger the second went down.

The last guy wondered how his compadre had ended up on the ground dead.


The guys held their guns to his head. 'Out there fucking gun down or we fucking shoot.'

He lowered his gun letting the final girl go, the gun cranked we turned another guy stood at the door of the cafeteria with an evil smirk plastered on his face. The bullet went through him and two went through the guy held at gun point both through his head from the front and back the blood spraying every where with their brains spilt over the floor the students screaming passing out.


'let's get out of here.'

They all nodded in agreement slipping our guns in their holders got this girl was so much hotter with a gun in her hand it got me all horny snd my dick standing on end. Now is not the time Gabrielle. I reminded myself.

We all went VisiCalc to our dorms hiding our gun se shoehorns and changing, I knocked on Charlottes door. It crept open she smiled, allowing me in. I stepped in and she shut the door. I placed my hand in her face. 'How are you Char?'

'Okay I guess.'

'Bet you're pretty shaken up after al lot that commotion.'

'A little.'

I stowed closer. 'I bet it's the first time you've had to use a gun like this?'

'Yeah I've only used it on a gun range.'

'You done well Char.'

'My dad taught me how to handle a gun and not to be scared of what it could do.'

'I'm proud of you Char.' I moved even closer. 'So proud.' I pressed my lips on hers kissing her she didn't hesitate on returning my kiss. I pulled her closer deepening the kiss slipping my tongue in kissing her hungrily, my adenine was on high not sure about hers.

'Were here guys.' They said bursting in Charlotte jumped quickly away from me fuxk.

'We don't disturb anything did we?'

Yes you did ass hole.


'Cool we've got beverages and snacks.'

They sat down snd we began to recollect on the day all agreeing that something was fishy this was the fourth attempt this month it was like someone didn't want us to find my father, maybe we should just forget it and get on with our final year at school the guy was an ass hole anyway he left me and my mother with out a good reason why. He's never tired to contact either of use to give us a valuable reason why. But i need to know why so either my parents can sort this shit out or. I can move on with my life.