
( Crownland approximately 100 km away from the capital . A meeting is going on with the Lannisters .)


The negotiation with Tywin Lannister have going pretty well. very well..

At first Lord Tywin hold on to his ground and showed us that he wants to support the Targaryens and he was going to the capital to defend it from the Rebels.

On the surface It seems like it too.

But me..... as a man who have the knowledge of this worlds future.... hahaha..

Tywin Lannister is not going support them...!! he is going their to slaughter the house Targaryen for good.!! And make another Reigns of Castemare.

Fortunately !! I already warned Lord Arryn about that. And what is likely going to happen if Tywin Lannister reached the capital.

Thus from my knowledge helped lord John Arryn and lord Hoster Tully to successfully brought the Lannisters to the rebellion.

Then Lord Tywin Lannister gave us his conditions before joining .

1. Lord Tywins daughter Cercei Lannister will be betrothed to the newly crowned King.

2. His Son Jaime Lannister will be released from the Kingsguards.

3. A member of Lannister family will take a position in the small council. Most likely one of his brother Kevan Lannister I believe.

4th and lastly Lord Tywin will attack Kingslanding disguised as an old friend of King Aerys Targaryen and he is going to use the surprise attack.

He told us that it's best way to conquer that city at the moment. and the casualties will be very low.

To be honest I agree... It is always better to be efficient with this tipe of warfare. The fastest way to end it is the best option.

So taking the city, Tywin Lannister will give it to the Rebels as his contribution to this rebellion.

Well,.... lord Arryn refused the first condition . Because Robert is already betrothed to Lyanna stark. So instead Lord Arryn offered Stannis Baratheon. And lord Hoster Tully also offered his son Edmure Tully as well. And if lady Lyanna stark is already dead then the first condition could be accepted. So currently Not many people knows where she is or how she is?

The second condition is acceptable and their is no issues releasing Jamie Lannister from the Kingsguards.

, But the third condition is refused. Because lord Arryn does not want to give the Lannisters too much power.

And the final condition is also accepted, Though Lord Arryn gave his conditions to that as well.

1. The Lannister soldiers should not harm the innocent civilian in the city.

2. The Lannisters also should not harm the noble lords and ladies in the Redkeep. that includes princess Elia and her royal children's as well. because they are valuable hostage. we need them to negotiate with Dorne.

I am kinda shoked that ....lord Tywin accepted all the term that lord Arryn proposed. Well, to be honest it is quite a Win win situation for the both party.

And Lord Arryn may not be a valiant warrior.... But the old man sure is a damn good politician.









(2 days later in the city of Kingslanding . Main powerbase of the Targaryen dynasty.)

Just like the canon storyline Tywin Lannister (AN: used kinda similar to Trojan horse tactics.... ) make the city guards opened the gate.

Our army stayed far away, and entered the city after the gate is fallen.

To those that guarded the gate of Kingslanding, opened the gate very fast for some reason...!

Maybe, to them the scenario is like the Lannisters were chased by us.. the rebel forces!!

But they were not aware that whom is the real danger is. Because the very men that they're invited inside is the one that stabbed them in the back.





Ones the Lannisters are inside, they imidiatly attacked the gerrison troops.

It didn't take very long for the defending troops to surrender. And then the Lannisters imidiatly pressed their attack on the Redkeep.

And also as agreement nobody from us or from Lannister troops attacked the civilians in their house. I made sure of that myself.

We didn't need to wait very long to take the Redkeep. Because defender of the Redkeep, most of them were already escaped and the rest of them surrendered and most of them are Tywin Lannisters own man's anyway.

Well, this shows the situation how powerful influence Tywin Lannisters still have in the city.

I observed Lord Arryn, and saw that he noted everything as well.

Well, those man in the Redkeep really needed to be replaced....

The main gate of the throne room opened and surprisingly a kingsguard came to welcomed us.

He was bloody , The white Cape of his have a lot of blood splash marks. And his sword is also dripping wet with blood. He first greeted his father then lord Arryn and Tully respectively. I stayed behind Lord Arryn and watched the entire thing proceed animatedly.

The Lannisters betrayed the Targaryens.

The king is dead. Murdered by his own Kingsguard. The city is taken by the Rebels.

But where the hell is my students Alban, Alfy, Morty ....?

or importantly did they complete their assignment ...?