POV Elia Martell

Elia still remembers that day she stood on the balcony waving goodbye to her husband few months ago. Though her husband did not waved her back nor her daughter.

Well, it's not first time Raegar Targaryen ignored her.

It would be a another few month so before her husband would returned. She knows why he was leaving, to put down a Rebellion. The very rebellion started because of her princely husband in the first place. But Raegar did not told Elia or discuss anything to her about his folly.

Raegar did not talked about his absence with the Stark woman with her at all, Even though she has the every right of it as his wife. And are all the rumors are true about him and the Stark woman or not. The most he would tell her was that it was for important business. Nothing for a woman to fret about, especially one of her stature.

For years, Elia had been his Lady wife. She was unexpectedly been betrothed to him when she was a young girl . She was happy with the arrangement. After all, wasn't it every young girls dream to be married to a Prince?, and bear his children?

At least she always thought so.

Her eldest daughter had finally come of age at nearly four. One day, Rhaenys, would be married off and the Red keep in which they lived would seem all the more empty, desolate and lonely. Her son, Aegon had just reached the ripe age of two and later one day would be riding out to battle with his father.

These are future she dreamed about her childrens,

Luckily, Elia's children were still young and would remain with her for several more years. Or she thought she they would. But fate always playes cruel tricks with her.

Even after they were born, she only got to see them once or twice a day. they were whisked away to be raised by Midwives and the Maester of the Red keep. This was how things were done. Perhaps they had always been done, even in ancient times. She knew she shouldn't complain, but she often found her bored with the way things were.

As a Lady, she did have several important duties in her time in Dragonstone she spent with her husband. It was her job to respond to letters from other strongholds and the ruling lands, and when her husband was away she would deal with basic policies and issues in Dragonstone. Usually it was a struggle between a couple of farmers and their land, fisherman and their boats . Dragonstone was a place was gloomy even in the day and very grim for her taste, But for some reason she liked it their. At least their she could avoid the abusive and insulting words that the King use to address her.

When she wasn't acting as Lady, and dealing with court hearings and letters, she often spent her time in the gardens or working on her latest piece of embroidery. Often times she would have to stand for the seamstresses while they fitted her for another expensive gown. Sure, the life of a Lady and a princess was probably better than the life of a lower caste; but she couldn't help but find it dull.

But Dragonstone was far better than staying in the Red keep. And the hateful, gaze of the king and his entire court.

The king ,...also her father in law never acknowledged her children because they are not Targaryen enough. All because her children's skin color or because she was Martell of Dorne. Well, it's true that every other kingdoms hates Dorne.

The Targaryens practice's incest to keep their blood pure. But

In Dorne a lot of things are excepted, But we Dornish do not practice incest. it is a disgusting affair to her, but she accepted that as well because she is become a member this family now.

Elia is proud of her heritage and she loves her family history and lineage she came from.

And thus her time in the Red keep Elia tolerated every insults the mad king could throw at her.

Her husband was too busy with his prophecies to care about her or her childrens well-being. It was her uncle the Kingsguard and the Queen was the only protection she had.

Everything was fine until her husband got the idea to overthrow his father.

He smuggled away a lot of gold from the Treasury to Harranhall in secret. And with the help from house Whent he arranged the biggest tourney in westeros's history. In hopes that other Lords will give him all the support he needed to overthrow his father And wanted find support for his cause in Harranhall. . But everything gone to the Seven hell when the mad king personally showed up there unannounced.

She thought that her husband dropped the idea of overthrowing his father. But she never dreamed that her husband would kidnap another Man's betrothed.

Still her time in Harranhall was without a doubt most joyful and splendid. Well, only the first few days that is.

She never in her life saw that many lords and knights at a same place at once. In Harranhall she received a lot of gifts for her children and herself from various lords of realm and gave her and her children their blessings.

Her brother Oberyn and her closest friend Ashara was with her as well.

The day before the tourney began, Lord Walter Whent arranged a massive feast in his castle. It was the largest gathering of lords and ladies of all the seven kingdoms for at least 200 hundreds years. Only Harranhall can accommodate that many people in it's great Hall at once.

There people danced, and talked politics.

She remembers after the feast her husband played a song that brought many women's to tears.

And then another man sang a good song that made all man to clapped their hands. Even though It was a dreadful song about death and Cold.

She learned that the man's name is Sir Alan Winters. An Hegde knight/Merchant prince from Essos not from the North which is a very suspicious thing because of such name. And surprisingly the Essosy knight/merchant/ Bard is also a very fierce fighter.

Apparently he won the great melee by defeating all of his opponents, Most notably Morse Umber, Bronze Yvon Royce, Robert Baratheon. Because of that the knight was invited.

Well, It is a great accomplishment indeed. Defeating So many well known fighter of great houses is no small fit. And way he dressed is also uncommon but oddly fitting, as if he does looks like some Essosy merchant prince.

She saw various lords and ladies approaching him maybe to recruit him for their household. Even the king summoned him as well. She thought that This Ser Winters is might going to be the latest addition to the Kingsguards?

Well, someone like as skilled as him is definitely deserve a position like that. But to her disappointment Jaime Lannister got the position. And that also cost the king his loyal friend. But she did not know back then, to the Lannisters their was no actual loyalty in the beginning.

After that Elia watched the Most anticipated event, And for Three days she watched knights on a horseback hitting eachother with stick's. And finally her husband won the competition. She was so happy when her husband won the great tourney. But her happiness turned into horror in an instant when her husband chose another woman for his hard earned work.

It was the greatest humiliation she ever received in her life. She could not fathom how and why Raegar Targaryen did that to his own wife?

The very next day she and the Royal contingent return back to kingslanding but her husband did not.

Next month Brandon stark arrived at the gate of the Red keep and demanded her husbands death. Brandon stark got captured and his Men got killed in the process.

The next month Warden of North arrived, demanded trial by combat and instead he got burned in wildfire and his son strangled to death. With the two Starks death, which started the rebellion. And the rebellion become slowly unstoppable.

She and her children became hostage to the very family she married into, she knows that if she did not lived in the Kingslanding her brother's would surely joined the rebel banner. But Under threat of the Mad king She had to write letter to her brother Doran, the ruling prince of Dorne to send reinforcement for the crown.

And Doran sent ten thousand of her countrymen to fight for the crown.

Elia Martell was still made the hostage to ensure the Dorne stays loyal. And Two new Knight was assigned to gaurd her and her children. Ser Alban Whitesteel and Ser Alfredo pasta or Alfy for short. She could not uttered the second persons name because of the sheer ridiculousness of It. She.... she just settled on Ser Alfy.

Surprisingly both Knight was very young and as young as Jaime Lannister. And apparently they are also accomplished a good amount of service for the crown.

Ser Alban Whitesteel slew a dozens of Tully knights and almost killed the lord paramount of Riverland himself. And Ser Alfy personally slew the next successor of Lord Arryn.

She was in the throne room that day when Ser Alban Whitesteel fought Ser Jaime Lannister to prove that they were skilled enough for their claims.

She did not expected that both Knight would be so kind towards her childrens. One time Her daughter Rhaenys even made Ser Alfy a horse to Ride on his back. And one of her handmaiden Wyla also hooked on to him. She did not trusted them, But at least she is great full that both of them are very kind in nature. Elia felt relief when they swore that they won't harm her or her childrens even if the mad king ordered them to.

So at first she thought they were secretly sent here by her brother Doran, to protect her and her children.

She prayed everyday in the castle Sept for the loyalist victory and this conflict end very soon. So that her countrymen can return to their home.

But again Gods played cruel tricks with her. Because of the dreadful News that came from the Trident.

The loyalist army lost the battle, Her uncle and the tens of thousands of her country men died in there. Two of Kingsguards died and one was captured alive. Apparently Ser Barristan was defeated by the same hedge knight Alan Winters. And this news that Targaryen forces defeat also brought hardships for her as well.

In the battle her husband personally got killed by his own cousin Robert Baratheon. The same persons betrothed her husband stoled.

She did not felt upset for husbands death, Noo! far from... She cried for the first time in many years. Gods... her kind uncle is dead. And ten of thousands of Dornishmen lost their lives.!!!

And the Mad king called Elia and her fellow countrymen traitors, without any evidence. The king's words seems that everything that happened, all the things that happened was her fault ...!

She can't describe it with words how much she hated being here. All she could do is curse Raegar for the death of her uncle and ten thousand of her countrymen. And she cursed the king that he goes to seven hell and Others take him.

And maybe her wish was granted, the Mad king was murdered by his own kingsguard.

The Lannisters betrayed the Targaryens and the rebel forces took over the city.

But at least she hopes that her childrens will safely returned to Dorne.

Two weeks before the Lannisters betrayal and the Rebel occupation, Her jailer Ser Alban Whitesteel came to her with an offer to let her childrens escape the Redkeep. Ser Alban promised her that he would safely take her children to Dorne, where they will be safe from everyone.

It was a hard decision for her it also broke her heart being separated from her sweet childrens. But she ultimately agreed because it way better for her children. She feared that the mad king might order the death of them.

So she trusted them with her children, even though they were a complete strangers. And her handmaiden Wyla also have gone with them. She wanted to go with her children as well but it would expose them more easily.

So she stayed as a hostage to Rebel forces as well. I seems her life is actually made for being hostage. But the treatment she received is far better than she could hope for.

She understood why is that?

Because she's the only bargain the rebel Lords have, And she is far more valuable hostage for a Peace negotiations with Dorne.

And also the elderly Lord Arryn reassured her that he will personally return her to Sun'spear.

At one point she met Lord Varys, She knows nothing can escape from the ears/waves of the spider. Then she was surprised that it was Lord varys, who actually helped the two Young knight to escape the city with her children.

After that she learned that the knights Ser Alban Whitesteel and Ser Alfy, The very people Elia Martell trusted with her childrens was actually subordinates of Ser Alan Winters, And not sent by her brother Doran or Oberyn.

The news shocked her to the core, So much more than the betrayal of Lannisters. what if they wanted to kill her children ???

Noo..!! that is not a possibility, cause They were far too kind to harm little children.

She thought then why would someone like him helped her? What kind of motive is behind it? isn't he working for Robert Baratheon? what would he would gain nothing from helping the Targaryens or her family. Only Varys could tell me about him in detail.

But before she could find out, Lord Varys died. Or maybe killed by that knight ? who knows. Because it was only him who was present at that moment of the spy masters demised.

So she took it upon herself to find out his reason for helping her children from the man himself.

He had been made a temporary master of law by the Lord paramounts; To keep the peace in the between various factions of lords and knights throughout the city and also small folks as well.

He is a kind and fair man that had seen the horrors of war. He almost never left the Red keep anymore since he had been promoted to such an honorable position.

Now her full attention was on to him. And that somehow worked pretty well, She and Sir Alan would often talk idly when they passed each other, or happened to meet up in the garden. Eventually, she found her heart fluttering with each short greeting. He was very handsome. Her husband wasn't bad, but someone about Sir Alan Winters started to haunt her dreams. His reddish black hair and Red eyes seemed to swim across her mind, and even his scars became a curiosity.

She once asked him about the small scars that covered his necks. He was happy to share his battle stories with her. He spoke with such enthusiasm and fluidity, she could have listened to his exciting tales forever. She then came to notice his sadness, and when she questioned him about it he showed a soft saddened side of his personality. He had been burned during a raid and failed to save his foster mother Apollyon, And some days those memories bothered him more than others.

The first letter she ever received from Sir Alan, was a handwritten poetry piece flattering her voice and motherly kindness. Then gifts started coming, regularly. Often they were jewels she would have made into trinkets or necklaces. The others were scarves or perfumes from faraway lands. Then the letters started, sweet professions of love or flattering a piece of her beauty and kindness. She began to write back. Thanking him at first for his kindness, and soon professions of her own feelings for him.


Elia sighed and turned back to the mirror. She could not find out the reason why Ser Alan helped her. All she found out about is that The White knight in shining armor is not that white. There is a dark side as well.

There is a rumor going around the Redkeep that Ser Alan is a lustful beast that captures Adult woman throughout city and brought them in the castle to become his sex slave.

But after a through investigation she found out that it was all false. Those women's he brought , all of them living a better life then their previous one as his maids. Though Elia do not know why Ser Alan needs that many maids. And the amount she counted Is at least 20, All of them are adults with somewhat better looks and healthy physic.

Elia looked at the mirror and brushed out her hair until it shone, and then called upon one of her maids to braid it and pin it up in the proper style.

When she was finished she made her way to the dining hall for dinner. She was surrounded by servants and some of her crownland hostages. Her handmaidens lined one side of the large table, and she couldn't help but smile as the jolly conversations reached her ears.

Elia was pleased to see the smiling faces of her companions, and hear the hearty laughter. She ate slowly, enjoying each bit of the feast laid out in front of them. She ate a lot of meat these days and her health is become far more better than before. And it seems like she's gaining weight on a rapid scale. She look around, surprised that Sir Alan wasn't there. He usually attend meals, But he was always so caught up in his own work: ordering guards, preparing ledgers, or whatever a head guard did.

Surely he had received her letter before dinner. Her heart pounded at the thought. She knew all about "Courtly Love", it was something every young child learned about.

The letter she received from Ser Alan wrote in the previous day contained a story about The Knight King Arthur.

And in that story king Arthur had made Sir Lancelot one of his head Knights of the Round Table. The knight had fallen in love with Arthur's wife, Queen Guinevere; at least that was the most of the stories theme. Of course no one was allowed to steal another's love, and certainly not someone of a lower class. Lancelot professed his love to Guinevere and she hers, keeping the secret from the King's ears. The proper thing to do in these situations was to announce your love but never act on it, unfortunately the two of them did, and King Arthur had to sentence his cheating wife to death.

It is very different story in her case. Her husband cheated on her and brought chaos to realm at hole. how ironic....

But Elia couldn't help but compare herself to the Guinevere. It may have just been a story but she could easily understand how one could love two people and how it was easy to give in to temptation. That was exactly what Elia planned to do. Her husband is dead, and a night with Sir Alan, or perhaps a few nights, would hopefully get all of these feelings out. And afterwards, when this is over and Lord Arryn return her to Dorne, she could set the entire mess aside and return to the acts of Courtly Love. Let him profess his love, but never act on it again. But the question is would he fall for it?


That night, Elia prepared for Sir Alan's visit. She had requested he come see her, in secrecy when it was safe. He would be there after midnight, and she wanted to make sure everything was perfect. She had dressed herself in her most expensive yellow and gold silk nightgown, and decorated the bed with flowers from the garden. She sat before the mirror and bushed her long brown hair.

She was anxious, how could she not be? She was about to break the rules of Courtly Love and cheat on her husband, But he's dead now so it's not full on cheating, but she had never wanted anything more. Perhaps that was the attraction of forbidden love. It would be one time only. A few days seemed dangerous. She made up her mind to make it clear that it was only for tonight. Perhaps it would break her heart, but she needed to be careful; no one could know.

There was a knock on her bedchamber door. It then opened slowly, Sir Alan made his way into the room. He slowly closed the door behind and looked at her with a grim smile. He was dressed in handsome Blue robes, and his face was scruffy with the late night shadow. The scars on his neck seemed to gleam in the candlelight and Elia couldn't help but swoon.

"You wished to see me, M'lady/princess?" He asked gently with an air of importance. She expected him to say this, after all, it was the appropriate thing to say when you were asked to visit someone.

"Yes, Sir Alan," she replied with her usual voice of royalty. "I asked to see you to speak to you about your letters."

He gave a slight nod, showing that he knew what she was talking about.

"When did you first discover you infatuation with me?"

He cleared his throat and moved to one of the chairs by the table. He gestured to it to sit, and she nodded politely. He took a seat and stared directly into her eyes, "Few weeks ago, you were in the garden with some of your little ones. You were singing a song to them. One about two sister who loved the same man."

She laughed, remembering the silly folk song. "The Wind and the Rain," she said.

He nodded and returned a smile. "The sun was shining down on you, and your brown hair had a reddish gleam to it. I returned almost every day after that to listen to you sing. The maids weren't always there, but you sang and danced in the sunlight."

Her breath caught in her throat. She spent most of her free time in the garden singing her folk songs, she had no idea anyone knew, but her handmaids.

"After that, I knew I found some form of feelings for you. You were beautiful, sang beautifully, and you loved the people around you and the sunlight. Eventually, I had to tell you and that was when the letters and gifts began."

"You have a way with words," she blurted, (even though they might be false,) standing from the vanity seat. She crossed over to him and remained standing before him. "I also have same feeling with your words, and by association, I believe I feel for you."

"I'm sorry, M'lady," he said gently. He brushed a bit of his black hair from his face

"For what?"

"For putting you in such an awful position."

She smiled. He was so kind, she knew by his letters, and she knew he was passionate. She took a few more steps forward until she was between his legs. She sat down on his lap and put an arm around his neck. Slowly, he put his arm around her waist to support her.

"It's not that awful, Sir Alan." She leaned in and pressed her silky lips against his. He kissed back, sucking in her warmth.

They kissed gently at first, but she couldn't resist. She pressed her tongue between her lips and into his mouth. She brushed the tip of it along his teeth and then met his tongue. His tongue pressed back. Soon, the kisses grew fierce, and they nibbled on each other's lips and sucked on one another's tongues.

She moved carefully, making sure not to break their kiss, so she was straddling him. Soon his kisses moved from her lips to her cheek and then down to her neck. Her back arched with passion and her fingers became entangled in his hair. He began to ravish her skin, and she gasped a bit. Her husband had never been so harsh with his kisses, and Sir Alan Winters clearly knew what he was doing.

She took her hands from his hair and brought them between his legs. He began to kiss the top of her breasts, the full bosoms stuck out of the top of her gown. She fumbled with his pants. The draw strings were very discreetly placed on the inside, and Elia folded back the waistband and tried to loosen the knots. When they were undone she pushed him off of her and pulled his pants from him.

His cock was already hard from their excited kisses. It stood tall and erect, begging for her attention. She very gently bent down and put it in her mouth. He tasted delicious, like masculine sweat and metal armor. She slid her tongue along the base and back up to the tip, her entire mouth engulfing him. Her delicate hands grabbed at his balls, and he moaned out in delight, a very sexy and manly groan.

She looked up at his face and saw that his head was thrown back. With delight she continue to suck on him. Up and down, letting it flatten her tongue and hit the back of throat. His hands pulled at her hair, guiding her along his shaft. His legs seemed to twitch on either side of her, and she knew he was pleased.

He then put each hand on her waist and pulled her to her feet. He picked her up gently, as if she weighed no more than a raven's feather. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him violently. He kissed back. He placed her on the bed, breaking their kiss. He smiled down at her and then slid to the bottom of the bed.

Beneath her silk gown she wore a pair of white bloomers. He was slow to put his fingers beneath the waist, untie it, and slide it down her long pale legs. She was naked beneath her gown, and shuddered as he threw the hem up to her waist, exposing her curl covered cunt.

He then kissed her legs. He worked from the ankles all the way to her thigh. First one and then the other. Each small kiss sent a warm flutter through her body. When he reached the top of her other thigh, he moved his face to her mound of curls. He breathed hot air onto her sex, and spread her lower lips with his thumbs. His tongue flicked against her clit, sending exotic waves of pleasure through her body. She quivered beneath him, giving hint that she enjoyed it.

She had never been eaten out before. It was something that was rumored about but not done in this part of the country. Supposedly, the kingdom of the Reach had invented it, and Elia could very clearly see why. Her body jerked and jolted unlike it ever had before. She then felt the bursting wave of pleasure as an orgasm took her over and forced her to scream out in ecstasy.

She had never felt a sensation like this before. Female orgasms didn't seem to be a common thing in this day and age. Sex meant she would please her husband, and he would spill his seed. Now it meant something more, it meant pure pleasure for the both of them. Her legs wrapped around his head as she rode the orgasm out, wave after wave of electricity took her and she couldn't help but cry out.

When she was finished Sir Alan slid up her body. He kissed every inch of her as he slid up to her mouth. He kissed her deeply, teasing the outside of her sensitive sex with the head of his penis. He tenderly rubbed her sex with his own and it send shivers along her limbs.

She quickly pushed him off of her, rolling him onto his back. She jumped on top of him straddling his hips between her legs. Quickly she forced him into her, feeling his length and girth stretch her tender insides. She cried out and he shuttered beneath her. She sat up and began to ride him. She moved forward and back, feeling him press against her vaginal walls and penetrate her very core.

He put his hands around her waist to support her fierce movements. He bucked under her like a horse as she rode him with womanly expertise. Together they moaned, enjoying the exquisite pleasure that assaulted them. She moved faster, forcing her body forward and back, and lifting herself up so he could feel her pulling him in and out of her.

It very quickly became too much for him to handle. Her perfect movements soon turned into animalistic thrusts and pounding, and he pulled her hips to force her to move even faster. She cried out, and finally he forced her onto him, penetrating her deeper than he ever had before.

His cock lengthened, hardened, and twitched as it spilled its seed and filled her like a cup of wine. The feeling of his orgasm sent another spiraling through her. She twitched and bucked over him, riding him until her orgasm was done, even long after he had finished.

She fell forward, pressing her dark haired head against his neck. He wrapped his arms around her and felt her breath deeply, trying hard to catch her breath. When her breathing returned to normal she lifted her head and kissed the scar along his neck. Her lips felt like gentle butterfly wing, and he quickly embraced them with his own. They kissed long and passionately mourning the moment when they finally released each other.

She lifted herself up and he fell out of her. She laid beside him, nuzzling his scruffy jaw bone with her forehead. A woman orgasming once was rare, but twice was often unheard of. In that moment, she knew she would have a hard time denying him entry to her bed. She already wanted more. She felt horrible that she would have to cheat on her husband, Whom is currently dead in Rivers of trident, but how could she deny the pleasure of exquisite sex with Sir Alan.

"I was planning on telling you this would only be for tonight. That I didn't wish to ever see you again except our subtle passing in the castle," she whispered softly into his chest.

He rubbed her back with a strong hand. Giving her the small amount of comfort that he knew how.

"I don't wish to be unfaithful to my lord husband," she sighed.

His hand continued to rub her shoulders. His strong but gentle touch was comforting, and made what she was going to say next even easier to utter.

"I kinda like you more now than I had before. I don't think my heart to handle never seeing you again."

He rolled onto his side and looked into her dark brown eyes. His handsome face implored her to feel compassion and comfort. He took her chin in his strong fingers and lifted his face to meet his. He kissed her gently, slow, and loving. "I thank you my Lady, and I swear to you I will be by your side if you request, or leave you be. As long as you stay in this city."

His smooth gravelly voice touched her, and stole her breath away. She kissed him, wrapping her arms around his head and entwining her fingers in his black hair.

Now is the right moment to ask him about the original question

Elia didn't want to risk falling asleep, not here and not now, so she did the only thing she could to keep herself awake, keep the conversation going. "After all you've done for us, I truly like to know why ?

"Pfffft. Very subtle princess," Alan drolled. "Probing for information is usually better done when you aren't sleep deprived. Means I'm less likely to notice you're doing it."

"You can't honestly expect me to not to," Elia hissed through clenched teeth, trying to keep her voice down. "You're. . . you're. . ."

" yes , your children will be safely returned to Dorne and I the one who sent Alfy and Alban. But honestly you look beautiful in your naked form."

"I'm Dornish, I'm aware of the scorn tha-" Elia paused. "You're distracting me on purpose, aren't you?"

"Not precisely on purpose, no. But I'll take the opportunity when it's so easily presented."

Elia knew her temper was fraying when she snapped back without thinking. "Easily!? I was trained from an early age by my mother, the ruling Princess of Dorne, how to navigate the intrigues of court!"

"And yet you are being distracted, again I might add, by an uncouth barbarian who disdains the social manipulations of you southern nobles. You're stressed and sleep deprived, just try and rest."

( All the loving and courtly words thrown under the bus.)

"No," Elia protested. "I can't, I mustn't-"

"I get it, I'm a monster, you don't want to sleep around me. But think of your daughter and son. it will help You to know that they are safe."

Elia could see the logic in his argument.

"Do you swear it on the Old Gods and the New?"