
Had time to draw so I drew the smoking blonde lady XD

BG is not mine, I just grabbed one on the internet. Posture was also taken from the internet cause I suck at anatomy XD Found one holding a straw and I thought it's a good posture for someone smoking so I just went with it :P

I'm too lazy for all the detailing so this is just a quick draw and color. I kinda suck at the shadowing tho, seems like its all over the place...owell XD

I'll try and draw the story's important characters but I dunno if I'll have the time for it anymore.

Also, since webnovel doesn't really let me post pictures...I'll just paragraph comment it XD


See ya next chap!


Should I draw all the characters?

-Of course!

-Nah, it's fine.

-I don't really care whatever...