
Police have arrived!

Stay - 20

Use Alex' favor - 11

Run - 9


After a moment of hesitation, Lucas decided to...stay.

He didn't know why, but he just decided to do so. As if some kind of force is making him do so...

A few men in suits and body armor came in holding guns and looked alert. There was a short-haired blonde woman leading them as well.

They saw Lucas who still held one of the criminals' guns and quickly shouted.

"Drop your weapon!"

Lucas raised one hand above while slowly dropping the gun.

Alex cut in between them.

"Easy there officer. This man saved our lives."

The blonde officer lady frowned and nodded to the others to lower their weapon. But from the way they stood, it seemed as if they still haven't dropped their guard down.

Seeing as Lucas was staying silent and cooperative at the side, she finally calmed down and ordered her men.

"Cuff those guys up!"

Then, she looked at the criminals' leader who seemed to have fainted and pissed himself.

"...What happened to this guy?"

"...Sorry, I think I scared him too much..."

The blonde officer lady raised a brow, clearly curious.

"I'm Detective Decker. You are?"

"Decker? Don't tell me your name is Chloe Decker?"

Lucas was surprised. Did he unknowingly transmigrate to the Lucifer world!?

Detective Decker rolled her eyes at that.

"It's Anna Decker. Do I look like that girl in the TV show Lucifer!?"

"Uhh, right. The actress looked more attractive."


Detective Decker's vein popped out when she heard that.

"I'm joking! I'm joking!"

Lucas coughed and quickly shook his hands as Detective Decker looked like she was about to shoot him.

At the side, Irene and Alex stifled a chuckle, amused with the skit in front of them.

Detective Decked sighed as she rubbed her eyebrows.

"Umm, I'm Lucif- err, I mean Lucas. Lucas Lauwers..."

Lucas introduced himself. There was no need to hide his name since they were going to find it sooner or later anyway...

"Then, Mr. Lucas. Did you do all this by yourself?"

"Umm, no. They helped me with those two..."

Lucas shook his head and pointed at the two criminals by the door which Irene and Alex knocked out.

Detective Decked looked at Irene and Alex while nodding.

"Uhuh. We still have plenty of questions for you three. Come with us to the station."

"Eh? But..."

Lucas hesitated.

Alex saw his expression and got in between them again.

"Detective, it's been a long night. Can't you just take our statements here and let us go?"


"I'll donate 5 million to your police department."

"We don't take bribes."

"It's not a's just a donation!"

Alex sweated.

Detective Decker nodded.

"Then we'll take it."

"T-that's good. Well then-"

"Then come to the station now."


Alex was speechless.

Can't this girl take a hint!?

While the two of them were arguing, a person barged in the front door.

It was a man in his 40's yet still looks as young as he can be. If not for the few white strands on his hair, he would've looked as if in his early 30s.

"Alex! Irene!"



Alex and Irene went forward to greet the man.

After sighing in relief when he saw his children safe, he turned to the officer and nodded.

"Thank you, officer. If it's all the same to you, I'd like to take my children home now."

"I still need to take them to the station for further questioning."


Mr. Hill frowned.

He then noticed something seemed off so he turned to Alex and Irene in askance.

Alex sighed and explained the situation.

After hearing the details, Mr. Hill nodded and turned back to the officer.

"There's your statement officer, there's no need for a trip to the station. Don't worry about explaining to your superior, I will talk to them."


Mr. Hill ignored her as he contacted someone on his phone.

After a while, the call connected.

"Ah, Chief Jefferson. It's me, Bruce Hill...yes, I'd like to ask for a favor, you see here...alright. Thank you, I shall treat you to a meal one day."

Then, he passed the phone to Detective Decker.

"Your Chief wants to speak to you."


Detective Decker cautiously took the phone and answered.

"Y-yes, this is Detective Decker speaking...yes...yes...I understand...yes sir!"

When the call ended, Detective Decker sighed and passed the phone back to Mr. Hill.

"...You may go."

Alex and Irene both grinned and finally relaxed.

At the side, seeing as everything was over, Lucas tried to walk over to their side as well when a slender hand grabbed onto his collar.

"They're free to go. Not you."


Lucas clicked his tongue.

Maybe he can also do the same and contact Trask?

...Nah, he would be indebted to him then. It's too troublesome to get involved with those guys...

Irene turned to look at her father.

"Dad, it was Lucas who saved us earlier."

Mr. Hill felt something was wrong with his daughter's look and frowned.

He then glared at Lucas for a while before turning to Detective Decker.

"He's with us too."



Lucas finally sighed in relief when he was let go.

However, for some reason...there were two people now glaring at him.

One was Mr. Hill, the other was Detective Decker...

What did I do!? I clearly didn't do anything to either of them!?

Confused as to how he attracted their aggro, he sighed and could only follow Alex and Irene outside.

As they left the restaurant, another group of people arrived.

It was Trask, Charles, Chloe, and Mica.


"We heard what happened. Are you alright!?"

Lucas was surprised at first then frowned.

"How did you know...were you guys monitoring me?"

Trask and Charles looked at each other before sighing and nodded.

"...Yes, but you must understand why."


Lucas clicked his tongue. He knew it was because of the World Key on him.

Mr. Hill saw Trask and his eyes narrowed.

"Mr. Forest. It's been a while."

"Mr. Hill. It has been a while."



Lucas looked at the two people and figured they both have a history together...

Well, Trask is considered one of the wealthiest men right now. And Irene's family also seems to be quite rich as well. Although Lucas has no idea what they do.

Suddenly finding himself caught in between the two, Lucas started to distance himself.

"Well...I'm gonna go then..."

Lucas felt it would be too troublesome to get caught up in all of these so he...ran!


Everyone looked at each other, speechless.

After running for quite a while, Lucas finally sighed in relief.

The next moment, he heard a growling was his stomach.

"...Right, I haven't eaten yet...forget it, I'll just eat some instant noodles today..."

Lucas shook his head and went home.

Once he was done eating, he went to log in to the game once again.

Now that he had enough money, there was no need to work tomorrow so he can play all day long as much as he wants.

What he should do to level up and gain enough strength so he could venture on this other world by himself to find another World Key.

Only then will he be free from responsibilities like saving the world or such.

Although as a healer, he wouldn't need to have power, he can at least level up his healing capabilities so he wouldn't die so easily.

Thinking that, Lucas once more logged into the game.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in the center of the village square where he had logged out previously.

He looked around and found players around him shouting.

"Looking for a Level 40+ Thief! Exploring Levis' Dungeon!"

"Swordsman looking for a party! I'm Level 36!"

"Two more slots here! Raiding Seria's Lair! Need Healer and a Tank!"

"Come one, come all! Rare material drops from the Red Boar Boss!"

Hearing all these shouts, Lucas was particularly interested in one of them. The one looking for a Healer and Tank to raid Seria's Lair.

Seria's Lair is a Level 45 dungeon. It should be able to help him level up some more.

Lucas looked at his own status.

[Name: Lucas]

[Race: Werebeast (White Wolf), ?????]

[Level: 24]

[Class: Healer]

[Title: ?????, World Traveler]

[Racial Abilities: Heightened Senses (P), Danger Sense (P), Wolf Transformation (A), Wolf Howl (A), ?????(P), Dragon's Wrath (A), Dragon's Roar (A), Wrath Flame (A)]

[Skills: Heal (A) Lvl 4, Cure (A) Lvl 3, Clear Mind (A) Lvl 8, Heal Sword (P) Lvl MAX]

[STR: 55 | VIT: 132 | INT: 67 | DEX: 50 | SPD: 54 | LUK: -99]

[Free stat points: 115]

His level had increased by 14 last night when he was testing out his Dragon's Wrath control. He ended up hunting a lot of monsters higher leveled than him and managed to level up fast.

His skills seemed to have increased by a lot too. Especially Clear Mind.

Lucas thought for a moment and felt like he needed to increase his LUK.

Thinking back on it, he seemed awfully unlucky today.

First he tried to work with Chloe and Mica, but was refused by then. Although he did find another job opportunity afterward and gained money from it, not only was he now involved with a rich girl's family, he was even dragged into a robbery earlier.

Before all this, Lucas was just a normal guy with nothing much happening in his life.

Now all sorts of trouble seem to keep finding him.

It must be because of this damn LUK...

Lucas glared at the LUK stat and increased it with his free stat points.

[LUK: 16]

[Free stat points: 0]

Lucas wasn't satisfied with just making it 0 so he used up the remaining points to increase it some more.

Now that his stats were settled, Lucas thought for a moment to decide what to do...



It's my birthday today guyssss! Let me know if anyone wants to give me money XD

Well, I was surprised that 'Stay' won. I half expected it to either be run or use the favor. At first, I thought of straight-up making Lucas go insane from pressure then go for a Bad End XD But well, this scenario is more...normal haha.

Now, vote vote vote!

On another news, my book 'Starting the Apocalypse', has been officially signed for a contract with Ringdom! If you're interested, check it out in ringdom!

See ya next chap!