A new life!

[Would you like to live a new life in another world?]

[Yes? Not?]

[Time remaining 5:00]

She asked the robotic voice that rang in her ears.

"Great now, I'm seeing things!"

Xiao Yang spoke sarcastically thinking that this was not real.

He got up and said "I think I better go home, it is not possible that this day could get worse!" while he clapped his hands on his clothes to get the dust out.

"Betrayed by his girlfriend, fired from work, expelled from college and left by his family, but what a wonderful day?"

Said Xiao Yang walking towards his house and remembering what had happened during the day.

As he remembered, without even realizing it, tears started streaming down his face and he said "Snif! … Snif! Home? Which house? Everything is in the name of that… "while he cried when he realized that they have nothing else.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Yang shouted to release his frustrations.

Crying while looking at the water passing under the bridge and seeing the reflection of the moon, without friends, family, work or girlfriend Xiao Yang thought about throwing himself off the bridge so as not to feel any more of the pain caused by these damn people. But when he put his hands on the railings of the bridge so he could then jump, again he saw the message in front of him.

[Would you like to live a new life in another world?]

[Yes? Not?]

[Time left 1:03]

With nowhere to go, who to return to or who to turn to, Xiao Yang found himself completely hopeless and looking at the message on that screen in front of him, he thought of a moment of despair that perhaps was a way out and a solution for everyone your problems, if that were real.

Raising his right hand in the air, and taking his index finger towards the yes written in the window floating in front of him, a few minutes passed after he did that and Xiao Yang said "… It was obvious that this is the thing in my head ! " while he walked aimlessly down the street, discrediting that it might have been real.

[Analysis of the complete answer!]

[Starting the process of transmigration of the soul between the worlds!]

[4… 3…]

While walking aimlessly, Xiao Yang said "I must be too drunk to be seeing these things!" thinking that what he was seeing was the effect of his drunkenness.

[… 0]

[Withdrawal of the initiated soul!]

As he walked, Xiao Yang looked at the floor for a moment and said, "How could I believe that… Um? What is it?" looking down and seeing the body of a man lying down on the floor.

The body on the floor was that of a 23-year-old man, with short, black hair tossed to the left, he was also wearing a brown blouse, dark jeans and white sneakers.

"Wait! …That's me!?"

Exclaimed Xiao Yang after recognizing the body that was lying on the floor.

After realizing that the body on the floor was his, Xiao Yang looked scared at the system and saw that it was written there

[Transmigration of the initiated soul!]

"What the fuck! Uoooo… "

As he spoke, Xiao Yang suddenly felt something strong pulling him back, and it didn't matter how hard he tried to stand, since that thing was too strong. And after being pulled by that invisible force, all that Xiao Yang saw was a strong flash, and after that flash everything was in darkness on all sides.

"Hello! Is anyone there !? "

Exclaimed Xiao Yang looking and seeing only darkness around him.

A few minutes passed and nothing happened, no light was seen, and even a noise to show any sign of life was heard by Xiao Yang.

"Hello! Is anyone there !? "

Shouted Xiao Yang again, but now despairing that he had received no response before.

And again he received no response or sign of life from anywhere, and in despair he exclaimed, "Answer me! I know someone is there! " in despair waiting more than ever to receive an answer.

But even after a few minutes he again received no response or signal. And in despair, he who was floating in the middle of that darkness, knelt in mid-air and put his head between his legs and closed his eyes trying to hide from the darkness, and also hide his darkness.

Whether seconds, minutes, hours or even days went by with Xiao Yang like that, and after spending some time in that place, he started to wonder if spending time in that infinite darkness was the price he would have to pay to go to the other one. world. And so he spent some more time with him that way, but tired of waiting and without even knowing how much time had passed since he arrived in that place, he got up slowly, and opened his eyes slowly hoping that he would feel some pain. due to the time he kept them closed.

But when he opened his eyes, instead of feeling pain what he felt most was an immense joy that consumed him completely, seeing a small beam of light as he opened his eyes.

"You are playing with me, it's not possible! "

Exclaimed Ji Hoon, disappointed to see after opening his eyes, that the reason for that little beam of light was not the sun or anything like that, but the light from the floating window in front of him with two written messages.

[Welcome to the other world!]

[To reach your destination once and for all, you need to choose the path of the system, a body and a name by which you want to be recognized!]

'A body and a name?'

Xiao Yang thought after reading the messages in the floating window.

After looking carefully at what was floating in front of him, Xiao Yang saw that it was very similar to game systems, and also to some that appear on Korean webnovels.

"What's going on here? … Is this like creating my character? "

Exclaimed Xiao Yang after realizing the similarity between that and a game.


[This choice was given to you, as I thought you would prefer to leave the name and face of your previous life behind!]

Upon hearing the voice answering him, Xiao Yang fell back, startled by that and asked "… Who… Who are you !? Or rather what are you !? " as he tried to get away from the window by constantly dragging himself backwards.

As he tried to crawl backwards, Xiao Yang remembered looking down, that there was no floor in that place, it was just complete darkness with him and that window floating in the middle.

And since he couldn't run, he tried to fly away, but no matter how far he went, let alone how fast, it looked like that floating window was connected to him and would go anywhere he went.

"Damn stop following me!"

Shouted Xiao Yang frustrated that he couldn't get away from it.

As Xiao Yang flew in the dark everywhere, the robotic voice responded by ringing in his ears.

[I am the system of…]


[The system path has not yet been chosen!]

After having given up on moving away from the system, as he realized that it was impossible, Xiao Yang asked "Way? Which way?" with doubt about what kind of path the system was talking about.

[There are two paths that the system can take!]

[The hero's path!]

[Where the hero who chose him must face several difficulties at the beginning of his journey, but over time he will become the most powerful among the others, due to his work the hero must save anyone who is in danger, even if this cost your life!]

[And the other is the anti-hero's way!]

[The anti-hero must also experience some difficulties at the beginning of his journey, these being the reasons that will make him an anti-hero, and like the hero he will also quickly become the most powerful among the others, unlike the hero the anti-hero will not have to save all those who are in danger, but only those he wants, and if he wants, thus having complete freedom over his actions!]

[Choose your path!]

Shortly after hearing the system's response, Xiao Yang said, "It seems that both are horrible! … But I choose the anti-hero, I will not be controlled by the rules again! " for hating being controlled by others.


Before when he was a child and even as an adult, Xiao Yang couldn't do anything he really wanted, everything he did was controlled by his parents or his girlfriend.

When he was a child he could not play outside the house since he had to study to complete his parents' dream, to be a successful doctor. The first time he did something he really wanted, was when instead of studying he used his cell phone to read fantasy stories on the internet, stories where the protagonist is free to do what he wants and when he wants, but for Xiao Yang it was not quite so.

Soon after his parents discovered that instead of studying, sometimes he used his cell phone to read stories, they quickly took his cell phone and even beat him up, saying that it was for him to learn not to waste any more time on these useless things .

And after that day, every time Xiao Yang used his cell phone or computer, he always kept an eye on him, to make sure he was doing nothing but studying at the time. When he did something other than studying for a little while, his parents always beat him so much that he was unable to move all night, thanks to the pain he felt throughout his body.

This pain was what molded Xiao Yang, because although he always did everything his parents told him to do, inside his head there was just one thing 'I hate them! I hate them! I hate them!… 'Whenever he saw them.

And every time his parents hit him without having a reason, the hatred that Xiao Yang felt for them only increased more and more, but what could he do? He was just a simple child, and if he said anything to anyone, who would believe ? It was much easier for people to believe that he had done something wrong, and that the punishment was deserved.

But the more time passed, the more severe the punishments got, once they made him stay out of the house at 1:30 am, on a winter night, with only a pair of pants and a shirt. That day Xiao Yang was so ill that he had to be taken quickly to the hospital, as he was at risk of dying from hypothermia.

And when he woke up in a hospital bed, it was one of the first times that he was treated well by someone else.

"Hi my angel, are you okay?"

Asked a nurse, where the only thing Xiao Yang saw from her was her bright and shining smile as she woke up.

With his body all in pain, Xiao Yang asked "… Where am I? And who are you?" agitated and in pain after trying to move his body suddenly.

"No, no, no, don't move, you don't have to be so agitated now you're in the hospital!"

Replied the nurse, trying to calm him down with his calm, soothing voice.


Asked Xiao Yang, looking around at his blurred vision.

"Yes, so you don't have to worry, okay?"

The nurse replied with a beautiful smile on her face, and gently stroking Xiao Yang's hair.

After seeing that beautiful smile twice, and hearing that calm and soft voice, Xiao Yang blacked out again, falling into a deep sleep. Some time passed and he woke up in a familiarly irritating voice next to him "So can we take you home now, doctor? But what if he passes out again? " asked Xiao Yang's mother, while pretending to be worried about her son.

"Really doctor, what if something happens again?"

Asked Xiao Yang's father, also pretending to be worried about his son.

With anger in his heart Xiao Yang thought 'Stop pretending your old hypocrites, this is all your fault!' In the only words he would like to speak at that moment.

But the words that came out of his mouth were "Dad! Mom? …Where I am?" because I knew that if he said that, when he got home, not even God would save him and he would certainly go back to the hospital again.

Upon hearing Xiao Yang's words, his mother came up to him and said "Oh my son, don't worry that everything is fine, soon, soon you will go home!" while she gently stroked his hair, pretending to be gentle.

"It's my son, don't worry because soon, soon we'll be going home."

Said Xiao Yang's father, as he approached pretending to be kind. But the moment he approached, he bent down a little and whispered in Xiao Yang's ear "You better follow the theater, or you know what will happen next, don't you!" showing the boy that it was really all a lie.

Xiao Yang felt such a rage that he almost left the role of a good boy, but restraining himself and keeping his mind calm, that 15 year old child who was already maturing and molding his mind around hatred and pain, said " Okay, I really want to go home. " maintaining the appearance of a child who loves his parents a lot.

Seeing all that theater the doctor really believed and said "Don't worry son, because soon, you will soon be able." wanting to cheer Xiao Yang.

The doctor left and Xiao Yang's father followed right behind to make his exit from the hospital even faster, and at the same time make it look like he didn't want Xiao Yang to go home because he was worried "… You really are a smart boy! … All that effort was not spent for nothing! " said Xiao Yang's mother, leaving the role of worried mother after the doctor left the room.

"Don't worry, I won't hand you over!"

Exclaimed Xiao Yang, with hatred in his eyes as he looked at that woman in front of him.

The woman approached Xiao Yang, and said "Look how you say boy!" her while she squeezed Xiao Yang's cheeks, using her right hand.

After saying that she had to quickly let go of Xiao Yang's cheeks, and pretend to caress him because she overheard her husband saying "Seriously doctor, are you sure he is completely fine?" her while she went back to the room with the doctor.