Semi-dragon VS Demon Lion King!

The huge being that Noah was watching paralyzed from behind the stone was a huge snake that was only part of its huge black body with red stripes out of the hole made in the cave.

[Warning! Danger!]

[Warning! Danger!]

[Hide immediately!]

Upon hearing the system, Noah quickly hid completely behind the stone, became breathless and with his heart racing when he was almost seen by that snake.

When the snake left the cave she started looking around with her blurred vision looking for the culprit for waking her up, and with those yellow eyes she looked around to find any living being on whom she could vent her anger. .

And as she looked forward to seeing that destruction coming towards her, she decided that was the culprit and roared "raaaawww!" as she flew towards that destruction.

"What is that thing?"

Noah asked as he looked scared at the snake's body still coming out of the hole, even though it was already flying ahead.

[This is a semi-dragon!]

"Semi-dragon? What is it?"

Noah asked as he crawled on his wobbly legs to the other side of the stone.

[A Semi-dragon is a serpent monster, with a little dragon's blood that has failed, or has not yet evolved into a legendary dragon!]

"… And how do these semi-dragons do to evolve?"

Noah asked after trying to calm himself by breathing deeply.

[They can evolve doing like humans and gather Qi within their bodies, this being the longest method, eating meat and the core of beasts as strong as they are, this is considered a faster method than the previous one, or making a joining the two by gathering Qi in their body and eating other beasts, this being the fastest and most complete method among all the others!]

"... So that monster back there was right already?"

Noah spoke a little more calmly and getting up to look at what was happening.

[Not exactly!]

[That monster is a Demon Lion King, a legendary demonic beast, which is born just thousands or even millions of years after the previous one was born!]

"Hmm? And what does that mean? Isn't that snake a huge semi-dragon? And aren't dragons the most powerful? "

Noah asked as he looked at the semi-dragon's tail just out of the cave.

[This is not exactly how it works!]

[There is a huge difference between a semi-dragon and a complete dragon, the difference between them is the same as the sky and the earth, they don't even have a comparison!]

[If that were really a legendary Dragon, that Demon Lion King wouldn't stand a chance, but since he is only a Semi-dragon, the result is uncertain!]

"Well, anyway, there's nothing here for me so I'm leaving the scene."

Noah said as he prepared to walk out from under the trees.


"What is it now?"

Noah asked, coming back behind the stone.

[Enter the dragon's cave!]

"What!? You can only be kidding it is not possible, this system may just have gone crazy, I'm saying it was too good to be true, they sent me a defective system right away!

Noah spoke as he walked again towards the trees.

[There may be several treasures inside!]

[Think about it, what are you going to do in this world with nothing, not even money, what are you going to eat? Or where are you going to live? Entering this cave can be the solution to many of your problems!]

"… I hate to admit it but you are right. I have nowhere to stay, what to eat or what to pay for things in this world. "

Noah spoke, scratching his head because he knew what he had to do and the great risk he was going to take in doing that.

Noah thought for a while and decided that maybe that was the best way out for him at the moment, so putting together all the courage he didn't have, and he had no idea where he got it from, he walked with wobbly legs towards the entrance from the cave.

[Hurry up, before the dragon sees you!]

"Be still, I'm already going!"

Noah exclaimed as he tried to hurry up with his legs in that state and go a little faster.

And while Noah struggled to go to the cave, out of nowhere came a huge attack in his direction, Noah's luck at that moment was something from another world, because if he had taken one step less he probably would have turned into nothing, he would have just disappeared in mid-air.

Because when Noah looked back he saw the size of the destruction that that attack had caused, the stone he was on was gone, dozens of trees just disappeared, but the part of the cave that took that attack was intact, and when he saw it made Noah think of how strong and resilient that Semi-dragon must be to be able to break it only in brute force.

And while he looked at the cave and thought about it, without even realizing it Noah was already walking normally towards the entrance to the cave, and just before entering the cave what happened in Noah's head it was 'How can I be so giant live in this tiny place compared to its size?' the ridiculous comparison of sizes, between the snake and the cave.

But when entering the cave the only thing that Noah managed to say was "Uoooouuu!" while he looked at the huge hole in the ground.


A bit before


The semi-dragon roared, flying towards the Demon Lion King.

And when he got close enough to the King, the Dragon simply attacked him by spitting fire in his direction without the slightest warning or reason known.


The Demon Lion King roared when he felt pain for the attack taken.

And that Lion was really majestic, he really looked like a king, with that huge size and with that golden mane shining in that he seemed to be on fire at the ends, that beautiful red hair that looked more like flames than the hair of an animal, those paws huge on fire and last but not least that tail on fire in a golden color and shining so much that it could blind someone.

"How dare you! Who is the insolent who dares to attack that king !? "

Exclaimed the angry Lion.

For some reason the Lion had his eyes closed, and even after taking the full attack he still did not open them, it seemed that he was unable to open them and after realizing this the snake was very confident of his victory, especially because , what can a blind kitten do against a snake?

"You don't have to scream that much, kitten, I'm not deaf."

He spoke the snake going down to the ground and while thinking about how to attack it again.

The snake surrounded the Lion, and when he thought he saw a gap, however small, he attacked without thinking twice. Thinking it would be easy to hit him because the Lion's eyes were closed, the snake didn't even think of any way to avoid a possible Lion attack, if his attack didn't work.

Since the Lion, from the moment he heard the voice of the snake, focused only on his hearing and followed all the steps of the snake using the, the Lion seeing that the snake was not approaching, opened a small breach in his defense and he waited until the moment when she was going to attack him.

And the moment the snake attacked him, he heard everything that was going on around him, just waited until it came close enough while he prepared for an attack, and when he heard it close enough to make sure he would hit the attack, the Lion hit a huge golden ball of fire that came out of his mouth.

The snake attacked the Lion when it saw a breach, but it did not expect that breach to be a trap, and by the time it realized it was too late. Or at least it would be too late if she were an ordinary beast.

Using its high speed, and incredible speed, the snake managed to escape that attack almost completely unscathed, since its body is too big and there was no time for the snake to get it all out of the direction of the attack.

In places where the Lion's attack caught the snake, they were so damaged that it was possible to see only the bone and the flesh still being burned from the outside in, and it was only after a few minutes that the snake began to feel pain for all that damage to your body.


He screamed the snake, feeling great pain as he wagged his tail from side to side without even looking at where it hit.

And while it was swinging its tail, the snake without even realizing it ended up hitting the cave entrance causing it to collapse.