No, and you! It's Your Sword!

2 hours later

Noah slowly opened his eyes and tried to get up "What happened over there." but when he tried to get his back off the ground, for some reason his whole body looked like it was about to break. He then slowly rested his body on the floor again and asked the system "What is going on?" wondering why his body is hurting so much.

[It happened because you went too far beyond your limits!]

[And because you have overtaken them so much, all the veins in your body are almost bursting!]

Noah sighed and asked, "And how can I fix this? There. " while he closed his eyes and felt pain, and a heaviness in his chest when trying to move his body just a little to the side.

[You don't have to worry about that!]

[The pill you took earlier was quite powerful, so a small remnant of its healing effects is still working on your body!]

[But it will take at least 1 hour to cure it completely!]

Noah looked around and tilted his head just a little to look in front of him, realizing in doing this that everything was completely clean, there was nothing there removing the snake's body "Where's the blood of the semi dragon? … And what is that doing here? " and when looking ahead he also saw that the weight he was feeling on his chest was actually caused by the sword that was there, and not because of his internal wounds.

[The sword absorbed him completely, and after he had finished absorbing the blood, he just floated and leaned against his chest and was then completely immobile!]

Noah lowered his head slowly and after sighing he said "It's nice that she likes me so much, but if she continues like this I will end up dying without being able to breathe." in a sarcastic way and with a smile on your face.

After Noah said that, a few seconds had passed and the sword slowly started to float to Noah's right side, he took a deep breath and said "Ahhh! Thank you, it's much better now. " feeling easier to breathe after the sword has come out.

Time went by and without having what to do Noah just stared at the ceiling waiting for the time to pass faster, only 29 minutes had passed and Noah asked the system "How much time is left in? I'm starving here. " while he heard his belly growling louder and louder.

[Noah Evil 29 minutes have passed!]

[But if you are so hungry, use this pill and your hunger will automatically disappear!]

The system took a golden pill out of the special space and dropped it next to Noah, and he selling that pill falling next to his head said "There! There is! Funny, aren't you? " in a sarcastic way and with a small smile on his face.

Seeing that it would take too long Noah decided it was better for him to sleep than to be hungry, but no matter how hard he tried Noah was not managing to fall asleep "Uh! What the fuck!" Noah was already tired of lying there on the floor, but it had only been 51 minutes since he woke up.

So he knew that if he got up, he would definitely be in a lot of pain. But even though he knew that, he didn't want to remain lying there on that icy floor and still naked, Noah closed his eyes and said quietly to himself, "Come on, you can do it. And just a little pain, nothing more. So, get moving! " while he tried to convince his own body to move.

Noah spent 10 minutes trying to convince himself to get up, and after those ten minutes he finally made it. After those ten minutes had passed, Noah closed his tearful eyes and slowly stood up, with his fear of the great pain he would feel when he got up, Noah was not even paying attention to what he was feeling when he got up.

So as he was not paying attention, Noah could not notice that when he got up he did not feel any pain, except for the pain of several bones in his body that were constantly cracking because of the long time that he had been standing in one position.

When Noah was about to stand completely, there was a loud crack from his back, and upon hearing that crack Noah reflexively shouted "Aaaai!" as he straightened up and quickly put his left hand on his back, and he did it even though he hadn't been in so much pain.

After Noah straightened up he realized that his body wasn't hurting anywhere "Um? What happened? Where's the pain? " he was so relieved that his body was not hurting that he quickly forgot the little pain in his back.

[You have been cured for 1 minute!]

Upon hearing that Noah exclaimed "What !? But why was it so fast !? " completely surprised.

[The legendary phoenix lineage intensified the rest of the pill's effect, and this resulted in the acceleration of the healing process!]

Noah looked at his body and whispered, "Wow, it wasn't all bad that I did that then." while analyzing to see if everything was really healed and if he still felt pain somewhere in his body.

After diligently analyzing every part of his body, Noah looked at the sword on the floor and asked, "Wow, that color looks really cool! But why did Sword of Blood look like this? " while he picked up the sword on the ground with his right hand and was impressed by how beautiful it had looked.

[After absorbing all the blood that was around her it evolved again and reached the Spirit Level of 8 stars!]

[And while it evolved after absorbing the snake's blood, it slowly became black in color!]

Noah looked at the sword in his hands and asked "But what about this color here?" after analyzing it and seeing that blue shading the red of the sword.

[That color was achieved after she absorbed all the black blood that came out of her body!]

[And before you ask! That black coloring in the blood that came out of your mouth, were impurities that came out of your body after you released your dragon lineage!]

After hearing the words of the Noah system he was overjoyed and exclaimed "So now do I really have both strains? … And what does the dragon lineage do? " while swinging the sword in his hand from left to right.

[She… increases the strength of the user…]

While swinging the sword in his hand on both sides, Noah accidentally made a hole in the tunnel floor "Oh! … I get it… "Upon seeing the hole he had made by swinging his sword, Noah quickly lifted it up and left it in his hand.

[If it were a complete Legendary Dragon its strength would be 3 times greater than normal, but as that snake was only a semi dragon, its strength was multiplied by 1 and 0.5 thus being much stronger than the people of the same level as you.]

[But even though you are stronger with this, the truth is that the biggest cause of all this damage is the high level of your sword!]

Noah sighed and said, "Wow, but not to let me delude myself a little!" while he walked angrily towards the exit of the tunnel passing by the snake's body.

After walking for a few minutes Noah had arrived at the place he had slipped to get there "How the hell am I going to climb this !?" Noah wondered as he looked at the incredible climb he would have to find a way to climb.

And while looking up Noah realized that maybe he could climb up using the part of the snake's body that was still at the entrance to the tunnel "… give me that knife… oh and my clothes too…" Noah had completely forgotten that his clothes were with the system, but when he remembered the special space he remembered them immediately.

So after putting on his clothes, Noah took a deep breath and looked at the climb he would have to do and said, "Why didn't you do that shit a little lower on !? A little, it didn't have to be much! I think half of it was already good… "while he picked up the knife on the floor and mentally prepared to start climbing.

But when Noah was going to start climbing, he saw the sword vibrating as it floated by his side and said "Oh, I almost forgot ... hey put it there for now too." while commanding the system to place the sword inside the special space and place his hand on the snake's body.