Chapter 26

Moments later in a mansion in the east of the city

"How dare you come back here after failing, and on top of that you were seen by the general !?"

She shouted an old white-haired man with hatred in his eyes

"Dad, that stupid boy hindered me! It was all his fault! "

He exclaimed the young blond man as he found himself in tears, clinging to the white robes of the old man whom he calls his father, who was in front of him.

The old man looked at the young man with contempt and said, "You useless! (Kick) I just gave you an order, "bring the girl" and what do you do? In addition to failing (Chute) he was also seen by the general! (Kick) Are you staying to have come back here !? "

With more and more hatred in his eyes and in his voice, the old man raised his left hand, to deliver a blow that his son certainly could not endure, and while looking at that pathetic son of his who had the same blood in his veins that he, the old man, was frustrated and at the same time furious with himself.



Upon hearing this voice, the old man quickly stopped in the air, his hand that was already very close to the head of the young man who was crying like a child, and imploring almost silently that his father could spare him, while holding on to his own. robes even after he hit it so much.

With short black hair and dark eyes, a woman looking a little younger than the old man said, "If you hurt my son any more, I'll take him and we will immediately go back to my family's house, and if that happens you will never see us again. " as she approached in her beautiful red dress covered in prints of beautiful flowers.

After hearing the woman's words, the old man clenched his teeth, looking with his brown and cold eyes, at that son he saw most as a hindrance and said "This stupid son of yours, dug a huge pit for everyone we. And are you still trying to protect him? " while taking his hand away from his son.

"Feeling very angry after hearing those words, the woman exclaimed:

"Did he dig !? Don't give me such hypocritical words, when you were the one who planned everything! And now that your miserable plan has failed, do you want to blame my son !? "

"How dare you…"

"As she pointed her finger at the center of the old man's chest, and raised her voice even higher, the woman said:

-I dare! So you better be very careful with the way you treat my son, because without the help of my family, this little house of yours would be nothing more than several old woods full of termites. "

The man was paralyzed without having what to say to reply what the woman had just said, because he knew that what she had said was really true, he could not afford to miss that marriage that practically kept all that family standing .

"Seeing that her husband was not going to say anything else, the woman crouched slowly, and while gently stroking her son's hair she said:

"Let's go to your room, son, let's go and take care of your wounds." You don't want a scar on your face, do you? "

Seeing the huge difference between the treatment that his wife gave him and that useless son, the man gave a small smile and turned, as he walked towards the chair with the white accent that was just behind him. When the old man did this, his son, whom he was holding in his clothes, fell with his face to the floor.

"Snif! … Snif! "

"… Snif! Snif!… "

"While she gave her old husband a threatening look, but also a smile and a look full of affection and tenderness for her son, the woman said:

- Come my son, I will help you. "

The woman gently took one of the young man's arms and put it around his neck, after doing so she got up slowly with him and walked towards the two big doors in front of her.

While sitting in the chair, with his head resting on his left arm, the man found himself immersed in thoughts' I don't need to worry about the general, even because in the state his family is in, it is impossible for him to do anything against us.'

'But now it will certainly increase the girl's security a lot. And they still have that man that Dong Li talked about, if he didn't die, he could still become a problem in the future… '

'… But none of that doesn't matter, because when I get that girl, no one else will be able to act superiorly in front of me. And when that happens, I want to see you use your family again to protect this encumbrance you call a child. '


And meanwhile at the Radiance family mansion

"With a serious tone, while pointing at Noah on the bed, Sophia's father said:

—You will not sleep in the same room as him! "

"Sitting next to Noah on the bed, Sophia said:

"I said I was going to take care of him while he is recovering, so I will! And besides, in that state, he can't do anything to me. "

"This will not happen! Then you can forget that idea! "

'I agree with you, father-in-law, this cannot happen! That would be too much for my weak heart to endure. '

Sophia looked at her father and gave a small smile when she saw the person who had just appeared beside him "and as she approached she made it look like she was going to start crying and said:

- Mom Daddy is fighting with me. "

A beautiful woman in middle age, with white hair and blue eyes just like Sophia had come to Mr. Radiance's side "and when she saw Sophia almost crying she spoke in her sweet and gentle voice:

—Oh my baby doesn't have to worry about your father, can you do whatever you want okay? "

The woman approached Sophia in her long blue dress and hugged her "And during that little time the embrace lasted, she whispered in her daughter's ear:

—You can do this, but remember that if anything happens, this young man will have to take full responsibility. "

"Embarrassed Sophia exclaimed as she walked away from her mother:" Mom! "

Feeling chills while Sophia and her mother hugged Noah thought 'What is the mother-in-law talking about? (Shiver) I think I better not even know… '

After Sophia walked away from her mother because she was ashamed, Mrs. Radiance laughed a little when she saw her daughter's reaction, and while laughing she quickly put her right hand in her mouth and suddenly started coughing.

"Worried Sophia exclaimed:


"And at the same time that Sophia said that, her father exclaimed:


"Are you okay?"

He asked the same while gently holding his wife's shoulders.

"Seeing the concern on her husband and daughter's face, the woman quickly ran her hand over her mouth, wiping away the blood that was there, and with a smile on her face she said:

- I'm fine, it was just a little cough. "

"Mrs. Radiance winked her right eye at Sophia as she smiled and said:

"Let's go to our fourth love, I think I need to get some rest."

"Of course."

Replied Mr Radiance as he gently held his wife's left hand, and walked out towards the bedroom door.

"While walking towards the door, the woman turned her head a little, without her husband noticing and whispered:

- Remember what I said. "

And while the two left the room, Sophia stood there thoughtfully looking at the blood she had dripped on the floor where her mother was.


'What just happened here? … Is the mother-in-law sick? … Maybe the system can help with that, but right now I can't use it… '

'… She must be very sad, isn't she?'

Noah thought as he tried to look at Sophia just by rolling her eyes a little.

'Then there even that hurts ... but I think this pain is not as great as the two are feeling now ... '

Noah thought as he looked at Sophia standing in silence, in the middle of the room.

'Although I never felt it, I know it must be awful to see someone you love suffering, and I can't do anything to help you ... but luckily you have me, so when it gets better, I'll try to do something for you help solve your problems… '

'Including killing that son of a bit over there, why did it hurt now? I didn't even move! '

'… Wait just a little bit and I'll be the solution to your problems.'