Chapter 36

Even without understanding how it happened, Sophia quickly picked up the pill before she could get out of sight, and fall to the floor. But with the pill in her hands, Sophia asked, "How do you do that? The same thing happened with the golden crystal before, this cannot be a space bag since you are lying there and did not move a muscle to make this pill fall here. So how did you do that? " after she remembered some events that happened in the store earlier.

"It's not a big deal, it's just a ... a technique, it's just a technique."

"Serious? ... Could you teach me this technique later? Using it seems to be a lot better than carrying a space bag around. "

Sophia asked, clearly quite cheerful when showing interest in that technique.

"... I'm sorry but that can't happen ... this is a secret technique so ..."

"It is not alright. I asked just out of curiosity but if there really is no way then ... Well, I should just give you this pill right, but then what? "

Said Sophia.


"Really, what happens next?"

Noah whispered.

[After taking the pill you will have to absorb it for three days.]

"Three days!?"

Noah exclaimed after being startled by the amount of time needed.


And when she saw Noah changing her tone again, Sophia was startled again and almost dropped the pill on the floor by the fright she got.

"Eh, I'm sorry for that ... well I think you've already heard it but again, I'm going to need three days to absorb the effects of the pill ... so would I be left alone during that time?"

"... Sure, so in three days I'll be back to see how you are doing."

Sophia said, sweating a little as she took the pill towards Noah's mouth.

"... So until three days from now."

Sophia said, smiling gently as she put the pill in Noah's mouth.

While watching Sophia putting the pill in her mouth, Noah for a moment thought 'How funny, now she acted like she was a woman taking care of her boyfriend, or even with a ... forget it ...' and ended up stopping her thinking in the middle to to be able to concentrate on absorbing the pill.

After putting the pill in Noah's mouth, Sophia looked at him for a few seconds and turned, going in the direction of the room's exit, and after having gone through the door and closed it again, Sophia found herself whispering "I have sure there were clouds in that pill, but how could he have achieved all these things? Rare pills, golden crystals, what else can he be saving? (Sigh) ... Well, that's not really my business, so I'm just going to leave you with your own things. "

And right after she said that she started walking towards her parents' room, and when she was on her way to the bedroom, a path with several beautiful trees that had beautiful leaves with different colors in each tree, one was red, the other blue, another yellow, and white, and all these beautiful trees were in a row on both sides, Sophia stopped in the middle of this path and thought '… And what kind of family did he have? ... With that cold expression on his face, and those eyes full of hatred for just saying the word "family" ... it didn't seem like a good sign, not even from a distance. ... Did something happen between him and his family, or for some reason they threw him out of the house? … No, I very much doubt that expression, and those eyes are caused only by that… '


A breeze of wind came from among the trees, causing several leaves to be blown by the wind and pass by Sophia, who was having her hair taken in the same direction as the leaves. And with the long white hairs getting in the way of her vision, Sophia slowly brought her right hand up to the hairs that were on her face, and after redirecting them back she said, "Well, I hope that someday they will be able to reconcile themselves in some way. way… if that is possible, of course. " as she looked at the beautiful blue sky above her.


Sophia still spent a few seconds admiring the sky after saying that, and also thinking about the issue of Noah's family, but when the wind suddenly stopped, she sighed and continued walking towards her parents' room.

Sophia's mother was sitting on a chair by the side of a small lake, which was to the right of her room, and when she went to pour tea into her glass, she looked back when she realized that someone was coming towards her, and stood in doubt when she saw that it was Sophia who was coming to her.

But even more, she didn't understand why her daughter was so ... not sad, but much less happy than she thought she would be after seeing that boy is fine ... or at least he's not dead.