Chapter 54

"You certainly also noticed that Sophia's mother is seriously ill."

[Of course!]

"When I saw her a few minutes ago, I realized something very interesting, watching her for a few seconds."

[And what would that be?]

"She probably won't be able to bear to hide her pain for much longer. (Smile)"

[This is obvious, especially if she continues to cultivate with that wrong, imperfect and destructive method for her line.]

Upon hearing the system, Noah stopped walking and looked around as he said, "So you really know what is causing her illness?"

[Of course, even because this is not…]

"Yes yes I know, you are a perfect system, but be quiet now, and give me a second."

There were several tents scattered on the streets of that place, and all the time several people came and went from all directions. And standing in the middle of those people was Noah, looking confusedly at some of the tents.


[What are you looking for? Para is so focused on his search.]

"Before, Sophia showed me several places in this city, and that includes these tents. And she told me that they sell a lot of things here, from the most expensive to the cheapest. "

[Ok, but what do you expect to find here?]

Noah approached the tent, which was right in front of him, and said, "A space bag."

[What do you need…]

"It doesn't even begin, I know your skill is much better than any of these grants, but I still need one."

"At least for now. (He whispered) "

[But do you even know what a space bag looks like?]

"(Sigh) No… (scratching his head)"

[There is one in the tent next to the one where you are. That black bag, which also has a red string closing it.]

Shortly after hearing that, Noah quickly looked away and said, "Oh, so that was it?"

[Also take this book with a dark cover, which is on the side of the bag. It can be very useful to you.]

Noah looked at the book and asked, after not seeing anything special about it, "What would I need that for? It doesn't seem like anything out of this world, on the contrary, it seems to be just an ordinary book. "

[In this book is a powerful technique for body training, something that is certainly a lot better than anything you have on that street.]

Upon hearing that, Noah's eyes shone, but he could not show much interest in that object, not least because there were several people looking for unknown treasures near him. Imagine if these people find out what is written in that book, the price would certainly be the least of their problems.

He approached the tent, and asked the seller "How much does this bag cost. Mr?"

With his eyes closed and his arms crossed, the salesman with his clothes half torn replied "You take everything for 50 red crystals."

"But I just want the scholarship, sir. (Smile)"

"It's all or nothing, you decide, I'm not the one trying to buy something here."

"Sir, this is a little… wouldn't you be able to lower the price a little? (Forced smile)"

The old man just opened his right eye, looked at Noah, and said as he closed it again "Now there are 60 red crystals."

"You… (forced smile)"


"With what…"


Noah was getting upset about it, but he couldn't do anything, even because things belonged to that man and he sells them as he likes, or for as much as he wants. And containing his anger Noah shouted "Okay, okay, I'll pay! 70 crystals, nothing more and nothing less, and I take everything! Is it good for you !? "

After Noah shouted that, everyone on the street stopped, all the talking stopped, no one was saying a single word in that place, everyone was looking at the madman who had shouted that, and trying to see what kind of treasure it was for being worth so much money. .

The old man slowly opened his eyes and described his arms while saying "Of course, master."

Everyone, including Noah, was startled by the words of that old 'What do you mean, master? What the hell is he talking about? 'Noah thought.

And being completely confused, Noah turned to the old man and asked, "What are you talking about, old man? I just bought a few items from you. Why are you calling me a master now? "

As he bowed down to Noah, the old salesman said, "When you bought these things, you bought me too, so yes, from now on, you are my master."

"What!? (Exclaimed Noah) "

'What the fuck, this old man can only be crazy, it is not possible. What the fuck is going on here !? '

A blonde girl, wearing a yellow Sheni, came out of the crowd and in her gentle voice said "I will pay the same price as he would, and then you will come with me. Just tell me what the price is. "

Still bent over, the old man replied "70 red crystals."

Frightened by that number, everyone

around them who were silent, shouted "What !?"

People started whispering to each other, everyone wondered if that number was really true. AND questions like "Where would this kid get so much money from?" started to circulate among those people.

And with a slightly forced smile on her face, the girl said, "It is impossible for this boy to pay such a price, so please, sir, tell me what the price was really agreed between you."

"I already said girl, now if you can't pay that number, just be silent in your corner."

Upon hearing that, the girl totally lost her posture and said "How dare you ..."

"I will accept you, but first you have to answer a question for me. (Serious look) "

The old man raised his head and said, "Please say master."

While looking coldly at the old man in front of him, Noah asked, "What do you need all that money for?"