Chapter 59

Before the woman could finish her sentence, she caught a glimpse of Noah and quickly changed her expression, so that she appears to be a little calmer, and whispered after being silent for a few seconds "... Who is this?"

But the old man did not give any attention to your question, since in his head was marked expression of concern, which was stamped on that woman's face a few seconds before. Clearly concerned, the old man placed his hands on the woman's shoulders, and while squeezing them he asked "What happened to her!?"

The woman was unable to give an answer to the old man's question, even though she knew there were only a few words to be said, she only needed to say what had happened, but her mind went blank when the sir took her shoulders.

Her body slowly started to shake, and seeing that he was not going to get anything from her, the old man released the woman's shoulders and quickly ran into the house. And when she was released by the old man, with her body shaking and her mind blank, the woman went slowly on her knees towards the ground.

Noah was quite surprised by that scene that he has just seen, but even so he was slowly approaching the woman on his knees on the floor, and while extending his hand and bowing slightly towards her he asked "Are you okay?"

The woman quickly returned to normal when she heard Noah's voice, and as she looked at her face she thought 'What is happening to the sir, did he forget the situation we are in? How can he bring this boy here? '

'Come on, idiot, do you really think I'm going to keep my hand out like that for the rest of my life?' Noah thought, while keeping a small smile on his face.

The woman slowly raised her hand, and Noah thought she would finally accept her help, but instead she took her hand towards the side doorframe, and used it as a support so she could stand.


Seeing that the woman had clearly refused his offer of help, Noah certainly got a little irritated, but without showing it in his expressions he closed his hand and slowly straightened up as he gritted his teeth.

As for the woman, right after she got up, she with her eyes closed, slowly started to beat on her clothes so that the dirt could be removed. And after doing that she sighed and ...


After hearing the old man scream, before he even started to speak, the woman turned her back on Noah and quickly ran into the house. And after she entered the house, Noah, who had a totally impartial expression, walked calmly into the house, while slowly following in the footsteps of the desperate woman.

And what he can see while he was following that woman, was that even though it was big, that house was ... empty. There was practically nothing in there, it was as if they were just passing through, or were even waiting for something to happen, for them to leave.

As he passed through the door, the only thing Noah saw in that big room he was in was a small wooden table. There were no other decorations like vases or the like, it was that table with four chairs around it, and just it.

Noah thought it was at least strange, but he didn't care much, since it wasn't at his house, let alone by someone close to him. He passed through that dead room and followed the woman to a room, and that bedroom was very different from the previous room.

As he passed through the bedroom door, Noah saw a small table with a vase, and painted on that vase was a blue phoenix in the middle of the purest white. Noah looked at that and thought that white represented the clouds, but he didn't understand why, in such a large vase, only having that little phoenix painted in its center.

But at his attention it was immediately removed from the vase, when Noah continued to enter the room and saw that huge bed, with curtains covering around it. There were also other objects inside the room, like the nightstand next to the bed, among others, but what most caught Noah's attention was not the bed itself, but what was on top of it.

Thanks to the white curtains around the bed, it was not possible for Noah to see the appearance of the person lying there. But it wasn't like he cared too much either, since the only thing that really caught his eye on that person was that when Noah looked in his direction, he for some reason felt a little pain in his body. And mainly a little stronger pain, in a place close to his heart.

When he felt these pains Noah stopped walking immediately, and quickly realized that with each step he took, the pain became stronger.

'What the fuck… now I don't even get close can I?'

Kneeling in front of the bed, the old man raised his head for a moment and, when he saw Noah standing a little in front of the door, he said "Didn't you say I could help you? Tell me how!" he got up and when he approached Noah he asked "Or were you lying to me?" while he released a small portion of strong pressure on Noah.

Noah's body shuddered. And the only thing that went through his head was 'What the fuck! How am I going to tell him, that apparently I can't even get close to her? '