Chapter 89

"Sorry, but what happened to Sophia's mom?"

"Nobody knows. Not even Mr. Arthur..."

"What do you mean no one knows? And how are you worried, not even knowing what happened?"

"Well, we don't know the cause. But everyone is nervous because she passed out days ago and hasn't woken up until today."

"And why did she pass out?"

"Days ago something strange happened…"

"Something strange?"

"Yea! Still, no one knows just why, or how. But days ago, powerful pressure seems to have been put on the entire city. And on that day the lady fainted, but to this day, she didn't wake up."

"Ah! And what most people are finding is that a mighty demonic beast may have just passed through the city. So your presence would have caused that pressure."

"I'm sorry for my rudeness, sir. But where have you been these last few days? So you wouldn't even know about it…"

"Ah… I haven't been in town for a while, so…"

"Oh, I understand. And it's great that you didn't witness that. Because what happened was really scary…"

Thoughtful, Noah was silent for a few moments 'A few days ago? …It couldn't have been that day… could it?'

"Sorry sir, but it turns out I need to get going now."

Noah wasn't paying attention to the maid, so he didn't hear a single word she'd said. However, when she saw her leaving, he quickly composed himself and said, "Wait! Before you go, tell me where I can find the man who attacked Sophia."

"Ah, it looks like he's being kept locked up, in a room next to the Srt."

"All is well then. And thanks for the information."

Because he still remembered where Sophia's room was, Noah quickly went there, to see if the person who was held back had anything to do with what had happened to them before.

And when he was near the bedroom, what he had heard about Alice, did not leave his head.

'A few days ago… A few days ago…'

'It can't be, can it? She really is powerful. But to cover an entire city with the pressure of her presence? I don't think she can do that…'

'…Besides, she's dead. So, it's not possible that it still remains so powerful… right?… '

Noah was so turned off, he didn't even realize he'd already arrived in the room. And one of the six guards who were guarding the three quarters of that area, approached him and politely asked "Can we help you with anything?"

Realizing that he had just been barred. Noah smiled as he pulled away, and replied, "I'd like to see the person who attacked Sophia."

"He would. There is! There is! There is! There is!…"

"Yeah, that was a good one. There is! There is! There is!…"

"It even looks like it's that simple. Haha ha!…"

Seeing those men laughing at him, Noah began to get angrier and angrier. And he clenched his fists harder and harder, to keep himself calm.

Seeing that his colleagues were making fun of that boy's face. The guard who was the first to speak to Noah raised his voice and exclaimed "Be quiet! Enough!"

After he yelled, the other guards quickly bowed and said "Yes sir! We'll shut up right now, sir!"

The guard sighed and, as he ran his hand over his face, he asked "And who gave you permission to do this?"

Seeing the way the other guards reacted to that man's scream. Noah immediately understood, 'So he's the leader of these idiots…' And after thinking this, smiling and speaking more politely he said, 'I don't have permission. But I can get it if I talk to your Miss."

"Like you…"

The door to one of the rooms next to Sophia's opened and out of it came a calm voice that said "And how are you so sure that my cousin would give you permission to do this?"

When they saw Guang Ai leaving the room, wearing a blue dress, with some white flowers printed on it. All guards bowed to show respect. But when he saw who came out of the room, without the least bit of interest, Noah just turned his face away and said, "…Huh? So it was just you?"

Upon seeing his reaction, the guards were clearly annoyed and, unable to contain themselves, one of them attacked him, while their leader tried to stop him.

"How dare you…" he drew his sword and aimed it at Noah's belly "Speak like this, to Srt?!"

For not having been able to prevent it, the leader thought that he would have to find a good explanation for his lord, in case that boy got hurt. Since the confidence he's shown in his words, he's apparently very important. 'At least more than us…'

But seeing the ease with which Noah stopped that attack, just holding the tip of the sword blade with two of his fingers. All that can be seen in the leader's expression was the surprise of seeing that scene. And the amazement that that boy had been able to do that.

Already Guang, shuddered. And she shivered even more when Noah said, "This is the level of the guards, who are keeping this alleged killer in this place? I can't understand how he hasn't run away yet…"

'I really do not understand. If it's to send an assassin, why not send a powerful one at once? So murder would be certain. But if guards at this level are guarding this place, guards who attack me don't even make the system go into alert. What is the level of this killer?

After hearing that from a boy, who are more than twice his age. The leader was obviously angry, but even more, he was quite frustrated by it.

But the other guards, who unlike their leader, couldn't hold back. They were all ready to go after Noah.

However, with his body trembling, but more afraid to feel that sensation again. As he shivered, Guang gripped his dress tightly, and exclaimed "Stop! Don't do anything against him!"