Chapter 93


I don't remember very well, but I think this character (Xiao Yun=the boy) had already been introduced into history before. But I only went to see this now, so I'm sorry I'm changing the way I call it, so suddenly. But in case I'm wrong and it hasn't been featured in the story yet, please let me know in the comments.

I wish you a good read!


With a cool look, but a bright smile. Noah looked at Xiao Yun, and said, "Kill them. Kill them and then I will accept the deal."

Hearing that, Sophia left the room and when she was facing Noah. She looked at him with a serious expression and said, "You cannot give this kind of order, in my family's house. Even more if this order involves any member of it."

Noah took a step towards Sophia "Please Sophia, don't…"

But preventing her approach, the guards quickly pointed their swords, in her direction "We won't let you hurt Miss." Spoke o team leader.

"Hurt her? Me?" After putting one of his hands to his face, Noah started to laugh "Ha! There is! Ha!…" And after he had chuckled, Noah's smile faded and, as he gave a little pressure, he took another step forward, "If I wanted to hurt you. She'd already be hurt and you'd be dead."

Noah turned around. "So, do me a favor and be prepared to fight."

Although they didn't want to show it, that little pressure Noah put on those guards affected them a lot. Since, upon feeling that, they all had their bodies trembling.

I was already, a few steps away from them, right under a tree. Noah looked at Sophia, and said, "Come on, come here."

And despite the guards trying to stop her, saying "Don't go Mr. It's very dangerous." She didn't listen to them and went to where Noah was.

"What are you planning?" She asked, when she was already beside him.

"Me? Nothing. It is like I said. If he kills them, I will accept the deal and give it to him. Whatever he wants."

"But you know this is impossible."

"Impossible? And why do you think that?"

"You said it yourself. He is recovering from an injury and is therefore very weak."

"Oh, this? Really, it's true. So, it's better not to put him at a disadvantage anymore, right? Come on, lend me your sword."

"What?! Because? Use yours."

"Use mine? Do you by any chance want him to kill your family members?"

"What are you?" Sophia took her sword "Take it!"

"Me boy!" Noah threw the sword "And what are you waiting for? You were supposed to have started."

After Noah threw the sword at him. Xiao Yun caught it, as it twirled in the air, and launched an immediate attack when it touched his hand.


Luckily, the guard on whom the attack had been launched managed to narrowly dodge. But now, having to use your sword to defend, placing it horizontally and holding it with all your strength. For another attack came quickly, from the top to the bottom, towards his head.

And as he forced the sword down, Xiao Yun thought, 'I don't want… But I have to. So, I'm sorry… 'As tears began to form in her eyes.

Seeing that they had no other choice, the other guards took their swords and attacked Xiao Yun, each one from one direction. But this was an attack, completely in vain. Since, when jumping quickly and stopping perfectly on top of the swords that met. Xiao Yun scared all the guards with such skill, and Noah was impressed with what he was seeing.

Smiling, Noah asked Sophia "So, you still think it's impossible for him to beat them?"

She looked at him "You know I do. Also, this was expected. Even because he is, or at least was. Known as the greatest genius in the entire city."

"The greatest genius?!" Surprised, Noah exclaimed.

When he was about to take a swing at one of the guards, they all drew their swords quickly and backed away.

"And what could such a person want? Do you happen to know?"


"Too bad… But to be so desperate, obviously what he's going to ask will be something very important to him. Is it something family related?"

"Difficultly. After all, he apparently distanced himself from his family. But no one knows the reason behind it."

"Goed away, in... great!"

"Excellent? What's great?"

Smiling, Noah replied "Nothing much. I just thought out loud. Don't worry about it…"

'He walked away, in… Well, that's what we'll see…'

But when, Xiao Yun was about to pull over, his foot on the ground. One of the guards came quickly towards him and slashed at him with the tip of the blade.

With the sword blade vertical, this is how he defended this attack. However, even though he had defended, Xiao Yun didn't have his feet on the ground and, therefore, he didn't have any kind of support. So he was pushed back, even after defending the attack.

And as he went back, a blade came from his back. With less than half the balls of his feet on the ground, he jumped to throw his body backwards and stepped over the guard on his back.

'What is this boy? And how can he be so skilled, even though he's so young? It's more than obvious, that if he wasn't hurt, we'd all probably be dead by now.' thought the leader of team.

But there was something other than Noah, the team leader didn't know. As Xiao Yun struggled with them, his bruise opened more and more. So, with each blow he made, or even deflected, it became harder and harder for him to keep fighting.

'Let's see how long, it will still hold…'