Chapter 97

When Arthur was about to open the space bag, Noah walked slowly over to him while saying, "Oh, and I almost forgot. But do you happen to have any other ones out there? It's just that I'm going to need it back."

"But wasn't the scholarship to pay your debt?" Xiao Feng asked, with a cynical smile.

"Obviously stupid. I don't think my life is worth that little." she held out her hand to Arthur "Come on, get what you have in your bag, and then give it back to me."

Even looking closely at Noah's expression, Arthur didn't understand why he was so calm. Those people were clearly trying to ridicule him. So why instead of trying to get them to give up, was he just supporting them?

Noah took the bag from Arthur's hand "What are you…" and while taking out all the crystals that were inside "Ready! The debt has been paid."

"What the..." surprised, Xiao Feng muttered.

Completely amazed, Arthur looked at Noah, 'But where did this boy get all this…'

The old man was also surprised, as were the others present there. But by putting your hands on the table and getting up. He looked at Noah smiling and said "I'm sorry about that question, but... You're not from around here, are you boy?"

Noah smiled. "It's like you said sir. I'm in this place, just passing through."

"Oh, so I hope you enjoy our little town a lot."

"I guarantee I will. But if you'll excuse me, there's something I still need to do."

After saying that, Noah passed Xiao Feng smiling, and walked towards the door. Then he came out of the room with Ting beside him, then Sophia and Ai. But when Xiao Yun went through the door, Xiao Feng held her arm tightly and said, "You're not going anywhere."

Noah sighed, and at the same time as Xiao Yun, he gritted his teeth and said "Let go!" moving quickly, he took Ai's sword from his waist and placed his sharp blade at the side of Xiao Feng's neck.

"What did I say before? You will have to pay if you want to have something that is mine."

"Don't talk nonsense brat! He is my son! What right do you have to say anything?!"

"Look, I made a deal with him. And I tend to always keep my agreements." Noah smiled "So if you don't want to lose that hand of yours, drop it!"

"Do you really think you could hurt me? There is! There is! There is! There is! There is!…"

"If you do what you're thinking right now. An injury will be the least of your problems."

"Why you..."

As he slapped his hand on the table, the old man exclaimed "Enough! What do you think you are doing?!"

Xiao Feng quickly released his arm, and bowed, "I'm sorry about that, sir."

Noah handed the sword to Ai, who even though he was a little hesitant held it.

In blue robes. Chen Fang, who was sitting on the old man's left side, stood up and said, "Why do you argue so much? He's your son, so just take him with you."

"Thanks for your..."

"This conversation hasn't reached you yet. So, see if you don't get involved."

"Now you kid, you..."

"I already said, enough! Did you not listen to me by any chance?"

Chen Fang sat down again in silence, and Xiao Feng said, "I'm sorry sir. But how could I leave my son, be taken by this boy?"

The old man sighed "You're right. That would be…"

"Oh my god, I guess I haven't been clear enough yet. This boy is mine! So unless you guys are willing to pay to have it. Don't be guessing, in other people's conversations."

"(Sigh) Boy you're not making it easy… But it's okay, tell me how much you spent to have it?"

"How much? But what I spent was not money."

'At least not yet...'

"Wasn't it money? What was it then?" Xiao Feng asked.

"A pill."

"Only that? If it's just that, I can…"

"No, but what was her rank again?"

[The pill you used to save his life was grade 5, three stars.]

"That! I remembered!"

"Remembered? Remember what?" Xiao Feng asked.

"From the pill level, which I spent to keep him alive. Don't you want him? So just give me back the pill and it's yours."

"…And what was the grade of the pill?" the old man asked.

"Grade 5 of three stars."

"What?! There are no pills of this level here in town! So stop lying, and tell the truth."

"Ours is impressive. Your child is practically mute. And it looks to me like you're deaf."

"Why you..."

Noah smiled "How many times will I need to repeat it? I'm not from this town."

The old man left the table, and as he walked slowly towards Noah, smiling he asked, "Grade 5, right? And do you happen to have anything to prove it, what are you saying?"

"A test? …I do not know. Because if that's the case, I think I would need one more."

"One more?" Xiao Feng laughed "You want us to believe..."

And just like the other times, a pill suddenly appeared in the air. And apart from Sophia, who had seen it before. Everyone in the room was speechless.

'How did he do that?…' was what everyone was thinking.

But, with that pill glistening in the palm of his hand, Noah smiled. "So, do you guys happen to take this as proof?"