Chapter 103

"What… You…"

Smiling, and gently stroking her little sister's hair, Xiao Yun said, "Nobody did anything to me. So why don't you stop crying?"

While drying his face using the blanket, Yang Se looked at Noah and muttered "But brother, he…"

"He didn't do anything, so…"

Looking outside, through the small crack he had just made, as he opened the door, Noah said, "Come on, we're leaving now."

"Which?!" Ting turned to Noah's direction "But she just woke up after she passed out! How do you want us to get out of here now?"

He closed the door, and turned around. "I already told you, technically she was just sleeping. So there's no danger in getting out of here now."

"But anyway…"

"Yes sir." she put the little girl on top of the wheelchair "We can go now."

"Which?! Hey, why are you…"

Smiling, Noah opened the door for Xiao Yun and Yang to pass while he said "Great! Let's go?" and after the two of them passed, he left and closed the door "Anyway, we're done with what we had to do right here."

"Which?!" Ting quickly opened the door, and went after them "Hey! Were you really going to leave me behind?…"

Some hours later.

The creak of the door opening slowly can be heard.

"My goodness! I do not believe that."

As he stumbled into the room and fell to the side of the bed, Noah just turned his head and complained, "What the hell does that kitten have? How could she have eaten all that and still ordered dessert?!"

"I barely managed to finish my part. And she still ordered dessert?! She has what? A black hole in the stomach?"

"I bet that the one who suffered the most, during the time they lived together, was definitely the boy. Underdog. Having to feed a monster like that…"

"Just remember, the only thing that comes to my mind is the overwhelming desire to never want to eat meat again..." he smiled, and closed his eyes "What a shame, that will never happen."

"Oh, stop complaining." Ting closed the bedroom door, and turned around while smiling "I thought it was cute, seeing her eating."

"Cute?! Have you lost your mind for good? She ate almost a whole wild boar, and even asked for dessert! Is that cute for you?"

"But she is growing up. So it's obvious that you're going to eat a lot."

Noah struggled to turn over and sit on the bed. "Growth phase? Will it grow bigger than a tree by any chance? That boar was almost my size! …Ouch!" he put his hand on his stomach, and lay down on the bed "How could I even think about competing with that?"

"To compete? Were you really fighting a child? And on top of that lost?" Ting started to laugh as he approached the bed.

Lying on the bed, and with one of your arms over his eyes. Noah turned to the left as he pulled the blanket from under him and said, "Enough! Be quiet, I want to sleep."

Hearing that, she stopped right in front of him, and asked, "Sleep? You're not intending to sleep here, are you?"

"Of course yes. I paid for the room. Both this one and the one that those two are sleeping. As well as for the food we just ate. So, do me a favor. Be silent, and let me sleep. I can't stand it anymore, feeling my stomach hurt like this."

'I never again try to compete with that girl… At least not in the matter of food…'

"One minute! But what about me?"

"You? …What do you mean by that?"

"If you're going to sleep there, where am I going to spend the night?"

"Oh, this? …Do whatever you want. Just leave me alone."


Ting was a little hesitant. But how she didn't even have a single crystal with her. Looking at the other pillow, which was on the left side of the bed. And then to Noah, who had apparently already fallen asleep.

She went silently to the other side of the bed, and lay down while she thought "Do whatever you want, alright..."


"Hey! Phoenix! There's something I forgot to ask you when I came here before."

The phoenix turned "And what would it be?"

"How powerful is your presence even though you're dead?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Even dead, could you put an entire city under pressure?"

"Well... it depends."

"It depends? Depends on what?"

"It really depends on the size of the city in question."

"The city I'm in now. Could you do that to her?"


"...And have you done this before?"


"…How long has it been?"

"I do not know exactly. A few days maybe?"

"A few days? …Damn it…"

"Why human? Did something happen?"

Noah sighed, "No… it was nothing. Just forget…"

After saying that. As soon as he came, Noah left without any notice.

Seeing him disappear, the phoenix wondered 'Huh? What happened?


Drops of tears continued to fall constantly on her knees, which were pinned to the ground. Without the slightest desire to leave the place.

With one of his wife's hands, between his. Arthur put it in the middle of his forehead, by lowering the head. And as he continued to cry silently, he murmured, "Despite the longing… I hope you don't wake up yet, dear. Because I don't want to see her suffer, seeing me going to that place…"

"So for now…"

More and more tears began to flow quickly down his face "No, as much as I want to. And I can't ask for it. These last few days without you seem like an eternity. And I don't know, if I can go to that place, not knowing if you're totally okay."

"So get better. Well, I can't stand spending my days without seeing your beautiful smiles. Without you fighting me, for completely trivial reasons. And most of all… "he kissed her hand" For not having her by my side all this time… "