Chapter 106

Noah looked at that man -Sorry but, who are you?

-He is Mr. Xen, the owner of this place.

After hearing what Xiao Yun said, Noah said –Ah, so that's why he said it so confidently. But let me ask you a question. By any chance, are the items that will be auctioned around us?

Xen smiled as he approached -Yes, but there are also other items that are stored in a place, a little safer than this one. So now would you like to participate in the auction?

Noah smiled -Of course! Why not?

As he bowed slightly, and stretched his arm forward, Xen spoke, "So please follow me.

They all followed Mr. Xen, to a huge place, which was very similar to the ancient Greek theaters. A huge wall, a clean space in front of you. And several rows, which were almost all full, a little further on. But, the only difference between that place and an old theater, was that that was a confined place, where there were several windows to illuminate the whole place.

'Maybe, in the end, this isn't a complete waste of time.'

Passing through a door made of black wood, which led to the left of the huge wall. And look around, smiling Yang exclaimed -Wow! So many people...

Mr. Xen walked a little ahead of them, and said, "Please sit in these seats.

Noah looked at those seats, the three that were left on the left of the first row, and asked, "By any chance, isn't there a place missing here?"

-Sorry but... he looked at Yang Se, with disdain in his eyes -One of you doesn't need a place, so I guess that's not necessarily a problem.

Realizing he was clearly referring to his little sister. Annoyed, Xiao Yun clenched his fists -You...

-It is not alright. Ting took the wheelchair from Noah's hands and pushed it into place. The last one from left to right, in the first row. And then he put Yang Se on his lap -She will sit with me.

-Excellent! So, I hope you make the most of this auction. And if you'll excuse me, I'm afraid I still have a lot to do.

After Mr Xen walked out of there with a smile on his face. Noah took the second last place, left to right. And Xiao Yun, still a little irritated, stayed right beside him.

Afterwards, he has gone to the clean space a little way ahead of the rows. Mr. Xen bowed as he spoke, "Welcome. Know that I hope you all like what you are about to see today.

So, after he said that, when he said -Come in... Four girls walked through the black door, and each of them was pushing a small cart. Which contained on top of them, a glass cubicle, and an item inside.

After the carts stopped, perfectly next to each other, and right behind Mr. Xen. The four girls remained stationary, behind the carts they brought with them.

-Now, for starters, why don't we go underneath?

When he said that, the last girl on the right, removed the glass cubicle, and let everyone see perfectly, the item that was inside.

-Here lies an item, which despite its size, is as dangerous as, or even more, than this sword you carry with you.

-Well, despite their size, know that these two small daggers were made with the fangs of a demonic beast, captain level 8 stage.

-And the poison of that being, still resides in these daggers. A poison so powerful, that it is capable of killing a 3 step commander level demonic beast in less than ten minutes. And in one cut.

After hearing Mr. Xen's words, everyone present was impressed. And with a soft smile, Noah thought, 'I had seen these daggers before... And I think I was wrong. Maybe the level isn't that important...'

–This is a 4 star soul level artifact. And as usual, the starting bid is 1 blue crystal. So, please let the bidding begin!

Xiao Feng, who was wearing a yellow Hanfu. He raised his hand, a smile on his face -Three blue crystals!

-Wonderful! Mr Xiao Feng made an offer of three crystals! Who will give more?

Wearing completely white clothes, Zeng Uo also raised his hand –Five crystals!

–Five crystals? Mr Zeng Uo just offered five crystals, anyone else?

With a smile on his face, Chen Fang, who wore a red Hanfu with white edges, raised his hand –Seven crystals. He looked at Xiao Feng, who was a row above him. And then to Zeng Uo, who was in the same row as him, but a few places to the left – You could leave this item for me, couldn't you?

With a forced smile, Xiao Feng ò replied -Of course brother Chen, please make yourself at home.

And furious, but holding back, Zeng Uo said –Exactly brother, since you want them so much, please keep them.

Chen Fang stood up, and smiling, he turned to each of them, and bowed -Thank you brothers, I am immensely grateful for this gesture of goodwill, which came from both of them.

Noah smiled 'Good will, it seems...' And smiling he stood up -Twenty crystals!