Chapter 108

Ranging his teeth by anger as he pressed his fists. Chen Fang looked around her, and realized that those people were clearly laughing at him. But what could he do? It's not like he could win from Noah when it was money. Unless...

With a malicious smile on his face, Chen Fang raised his hand -I offer 20 crystals!

Still with that little smile, he looked at Noah-Sorry me, but I think this dress would look beautiful on my daughter. So, could you handle it to me?

Noah smiled. "I even like, but as I said, this is a dress for my little sister. 30 crystals!

-35 crystals!

Noah was about to make another offer. But Ting held his hand, while he murmured. "What are you doing?" This dress does not reach that price. And you must have noticed what he is trying to do.

He smiled as he pulled his arm-I already know that, so do not tell me the obvious. He is clearly trying, or increase the price, so that I am ashamed to give up the item. Or at the time I have to pay, for the things I'm buying. But what difference does it make? In the end it will give it. 45 crystals!

She held Noah's arm again-'s you crazy?! How can you give the same? Do you really have so much money, to the point of not calling these numbers?

-Dont call? It's obvious that I call. It's not like I loved playing money out, in this way. But it does not matter, because then I will earn much more.

"Are you going to earn much more?" What do you mean by that?

He pulled her arm. "It's nothing. Just look forward, and let me do things my way.

Impressed with the numbers they were offering in a simple dress, Mr. Xen was absurdly surprised, and even more, happy with that situation -45 crystals! The young master offered 45 crystals! By chance, someone else, who are interested in this stunning dress?

And as he looked at it, not understanding what his goal was, in the only thing that Xiao Feng and Zeng Uo, could they think it was' on his daughter? What is this old man talking about? He only have a son. '

Already Chen Fang, I was beginning to be afraid to continue with that 'what do I do? Do I continue? ... But if I continue, and he ended up giving up this item, in the end I will leave much more harmed. But...'

Even afraid he raised his hand -50 crystals!

Noah smiled -70 crystals!

And when he said it, several people around him began to whisper from his back -70 crystals? Did he happen to be crazy, for spending so much in a simple dress?

-It can only be this. Because, no one in his conscience would do such a thing. No matter how rich this person is.

"Really, because the only word, which can describe this that is happening now. It's idiocy. And I can not think of any other.

"I agree, I guess he's just an idiot."

-Yes, exactly. I think that too.

"Well, are not you?"

-Moron. I would never do that.

-Me neither. This is completely insane.

And when he heard the offer that Noah did, Chen Fang quickly removed his letter from the table. Even because, if he had to pay that price, he probably would not do almost no bid, nosprones items.

So with a huge smile, Mr. Xen lifted his arms-and we finished this round, with the three items, having been purchased by the young man. So, as thanks, instead of waiting a few hours to start the next auction, as is usual. I decided it would be better to start it as soon as possible. Therefore, do not leave your places, which in a few moments, we will continue from where we stopped.

But while he said that, what he really went through in his mind was' was a great luck, I have gone to check the items at that moment. And bigger luck still, it was this kid to have appeared ... '

He approached Noah, and after bend a little. With a smile on her face, he asked. Could you come with me for a moment? So you can pick up your items.

'So it's like this ...' With a soft smile, Noah looked at him is answered. So please show me the way.

-Thanks. So please follow me.

After getting up, and take a few steps toward the door. Noah turned hoped here, I'll be back.

Anyway, he already knew what would happen. That man just wanted to confirm, if he could really cover the prices he was offering. And except, that he wants to lose the credibility of his auction house. Probably the people of that place, they would not do anything against Noah.

Even more, after you have taken, in front of so many other people.

Then, after passing through the black door, followed by the girl who pushed the cart with the dress. Noah stopped walking, when the door, right behind him, was suddenly closed. "Let's say, say soon. What you want?

-... You already know what I want. Then, Why do such a question?

"And if I can not afford it?" What will you do?

"Well, absolutely nothing. You will only be expelled, permanently, with your friends. And the auction will be restarted.

Noah smiled. "So, that's it ... but do not worry, you will not have all this work. However, I would like to ask you something, before you pay you.

- Ask something? And what would it be?

"No, I made a mistake. It's not exactly a question. I think this is more for ... a request?