
As the golden veil slowly lifted off, all i could see was mountains, mountains as far as the eye could see, and no, not mountains rich woth grass like you would expect, no rocky mountainswith almost no signs of life around. Except for the forest found every here and there.

Deciding that the best possible action for me now was to determine where i am, i decided to look for the closest human settlement, so that i could get some information.

From what i could tell, i was somewhere in the north, going by the cold. Right, what am i wearing. I was wearing some leather clothe by what i could tell, i also had a katana sheathed by my waist. Unsheathing the blade, i saw a black and red katana with a red and black handel, the sheath was special as well a black with streams of silver on it coiling around it like a snake.

(A/N as you can tell i can barely describe anything so, here's a picture)

"So this is the blood sucking blade, huh neat, but it seems really dull, so umm, i also have a limitless evolution body or something like that, so, if i were to let it cut me, i would be making my body better as well as boosting my regeneration/endurance no, since like he said the body could infinitely increase in strength, and regeneration and endurance are a part of my strength... So it should technically work."

And so, i began to cut my self, though i still did that carefully, i don't want to bleed out thank you. I cut at places that wouldn't bleed as much as places like wrists or neck, instead i made a small cut across my left palm.

As soon as the blood came out and came into contact with the blade, the blood seemed to seep inside the blade, and the blade started to glow a bit red. From that i could tell that the blade was improving, but the improvement wasn't that large, or noticeable.

Walking through woods for a few hours now, i family came into contact with a living creature, unfortunately for me it wasn't a human but a mountain lion, 220 centimeters in lenth from head to tail.

'shit.. Okay calm down, i have a katana with me, although dull, i should be able to get the job done if I'm careful, I'll attack while it's still eyeing me curiously, it isn't in its instincts to attack humans so if im careful enough i should be able to deal with it.'

Slowly approaching it, while not showing any signs of attacking or any hostile intent, i slowly inched closer and closer to it, as soon as i arrived close to it, i crouched near it while patting it's head. You have to know, mountain lions are really just large cats. And so the moment it closed it's eyes, i pulled my katana as slowly as possible, and stabbed it right through its heart.

A look of betrayal flashed through its eyes before it fell to the ground, dead. My sword was flashing red, like a bright little candle exuding red light. My fascination was cut short as a low growl escaped my stomach.

Well then, if only i knew how to skin a mountain lion, i would have been very happy, but what can i do.

Around an hour or so later, i maged to skin the mountain lion, or at least a part of it, i lost around 70% of the meat. Now what remains was to heat it up then eat it, now all i had to do was start a fire. If only starting a fire was so easy...

And so after another hour and with my stomach growling louder and louder, the first spark came and the wood was set to fire. "Finally, I'm starving right now." i said with a tired voice.

And so putting the meat over the fire, i waited for around 20 minutes before munching on the meat like a wild beast.

"yuck, the meat is bland... God why the gell am i even her, where in hell did that bastard drop me... *sigh* it's not like there's much to do anyway, i better start using the blessings he gave me to the best of my advantage, so from now on, I'll have to start training, to improve my strength I'll be doung around 100 pushups every day, 100 squats, 100 situps, 100 jumping jacks, 10 kilometer run, 2 hours of training with the sword, then i will devote 4 hours into bending practice, i better start with earth bending since there isn't much water around here, or maybe fire bending, it'll be the best choice, as for food, I'll go hunting everyday, and I'll have to build a shelter of sorts, and i have to find people, but, right now i don't really know if I'm on a deserted island or something like that, hopefully i can still find human settlement around here. Shit, i also need water, for now I'm using the blood from the lion to quench my thirst, but I'm no vampire so i need to find a pond of sorts soon enough.'

*sigh* there's just so much to do, for now since it's getting dark, i decided to look for a place to sleep.