Strange land 2

Olivia walked silently with the lady ordered to take care of her.she sighed when she thought about her current predicament. She might likely spend her whole life with that monster in human flesh.

That wicked and easily irritated monster, she was being taken to him like a sheep taken to the slaughter and she could do nothing. Cold sweet ran down her forehead when she realized she was going to be his mistress untill he gets tired if her. How she hate the word 'mistress' with so much passion.She knew from that very moment things will never remain the same again.

They finally got to his room and knocked. A voice which was probably the monster's voice answered. "What do you want?"

" Mi Lord, the lady is here",the woman answered sharply

"Come in."

The woman open the door and walked with her inside bowed and left immediately. She gasped awhen she saw how spacious the room was. How could a person stay here.she looked around and searched for the monster.

She took some few steps to take a better view of the room, she saw a silhouette of person sitting on a comfy couch in the corner of the room which appeared to be darker because the light from the candles couldn't reach there.she looked closely to see him, his shoulder broad,chest wide. Short black hair,which curled in the front, his face was carved to perfection. Even in the dark, she could see his strong jawline with thin lips. Clothed in a black clothes she could feel the strong air of command emanating from him. She shakily met his eyes.

She could feel his eyes on her. Lust so evident in his eyes,she silently cursed the stupid gown she was forced to wear. It was a blue silk gown which reveal all her bossom and curves.

Ronan stared at the woman standing in front of him,there was something about her he couldn't point his fingers at. He beckon her to come closer. She looked up and saw his dark eyes were full with lust. She stood still and looked down.

" What is your name?" He asked huskily. She looked up and didn't speak, she was scared,she didn't know sharing the same space with the monster would be this difficult.

" Are you deaf? What is your name?" He snapped at her. " O-li-via." She answered shaking. "Olivia,hmmm." He stood up from the couch and walked towards her.she was extremely tempting,she reminded him of someone, someone he could never forget. He stood at her back and snived the nape of her neck. She smell of wild roses. He whispered into her ear. " How odd are you?"

" Eigh- eighteen." She answered." Hmmm."

She shivered when their skin came in contact.

" Strip."

What! She couldn't do that was he out of his mind.she bit her lower lip and curse their former king. He was the cause of all this problems.

" Except you want me to do it for you." She turned to face him and saw a wicked grin forming on his face.she moved backwards but he grabbed her hands before she could move any further. So scared of what may eventually happen she struggled to be free from his hold. He tightithe grip omand she winced in pain .

He grabbed her by her shoulder and ripped downward tearing away her gown until it hung around her waist.

" Stop ple-ase." She begged.

" Say nothing if you want to live." He threatened her.

He shoved her down on the mattress only a moment before he covered her with his body. She couldn't have spoken even if she wanted to she was terrified. His mouth crushing hers in a kiss that took her breathaway. She struggled to break free but she couldn't.

" No no please don't do this." She cried fighting harder than she had ever fought before. He silenced her again with another kiss so possessive that it didnt take long for her to cease struggling. When he lifted his head so she could drew breath she blurted," stop it , leave me alone.please don't -------"

Silencing her again, kissing her more soundly than the last time , his powerful body making it impossible for her to move. She was dizzy when he raised his head to stare into her eyes, a taunting smile on his face.she prayed silently for him to stop.

" What makes you think I could ever stop when i 've tasted the likes of you,hun answer me?" He lowered his head to kiss her nape.

When someone knocked on the door,he didn't answer then it became persistent he shouted angrily.

" What?"

Olivia flinched when she heard him. He stood up and went to the door. Olivia breathe out in relieve when he stood. Ronan walked to the door and opened it.

" Better be important or I cut your hands for the disturbance."

" Mi lord,Baron Roche is here and he wishes to see you."

Ronan sighed." Tell him I will be with him shortly."

" Okay no Lord." Ronan closed the door,he faced Olivia who had used the sheets to cover herself. He took his cloak and went out.

" Shouldn't you be at King's landing. What brings you to Valarie?" Ronan asked the Baron.

"Come on, whats so bad if I decided to pay you a visit." The Baron asked.

" Come to think of it,where is Niall? I have seen him." Ronan rolled his eyes. " How would I know." He answered in a sarcarstic tone.

"Ahn! You haven't changed at all." Baron Roche rolled his eyes and walked to the rim of the stairs. "When will the feast begin?"

"Anytime soon." He gave a quick answer and left,leaving Baron Roche who continue talking with one of the guest.