Living with the monster 3

Far away from Glenmalure. In the capital city,Imaal,the king's landing. King Henry sat on his throne and his most trusted advisor Claus was seen few steps away from him.

" The dare he refuse to come pay homage to his king. It is our customary that everyone must come to the king's landing for celebrating the victory of every battle. But no, where is he? In that dung hole. He is getting on my nerves." Said king Henry as he angrily stood up from the throne. He strode across the room, taking long stride. He felt unsecure and restless. He always feels like everyone is out to get him.

" Temper your majesty. We know Ronan doesn't come to Imaal for any event except if they are urgent and important." Claus bowed his head. The king's eyes widened hearing this.

" Are you implying that I am not important and that I deserve to be treated like a foolish fellow?" Asked the king in a cold arrogant tone. Claus stiffened and immediately apologized.

" Please forgive me of my impudence your majesty."

" Is he still holding grudges against me. Doesn't he know people make sacrifices when you hold such a powerful position in a kingdom." His lipes pursed and he continued, " he should start getting used to it now before I teach him a lesson he will never forget." He continued padding his feet across the room.

Claus who was still standing in the same position spoke." Sire, let's give him some time. He will -------" Before Claus could finish speaking king Henry interrupted him." Negligence is not only rude but disrespectful towards the king." Turning back to sit on the throne he let out a sigh. Burying his he'd in his palms." What if he is planning treason wouldnt that be disastrous.". He said raising his head. His face boned with worry.

" Worry not your majesty, I don't think he has any of those thoughts in his mind. If he was planning to commit treason he would have done that along time ago." Claus tried assuring the king.

" How would you know. It's not like you reside in that thick head of his." King Henry rested his head on the throne. He takes his fingers through his dark hair, concern and frustration etched in his hat features as he stared at the celling. He felt the kingdom was slipping out of his fingers. He had had tons of sleepless nights and when he eventually sleeps, horrifying nightmares where he would be on the ground and Ronan comes pointing a sword at his neck. Waking up and covered with sweats putting an end to his sleep. Claus finally started speaking jerking him out of his thoughts.." our spies are doing a wonderful job at that. If he changes his mind we will there to tell you."

Ronan picked a quill and began to write on the papers on the desk. He heard a knock on the door and without lifting his head up to look at the door."who is there." He asked

"It's Niall." He replied

" Come in." Niall opened the door and walked in. Sitting on a chair facing Ronan and giving him some parchments.

" Has the invitation been sent." He asked Niall his eyes not leaving the parchment.

" Yes. The messenger left this morning." Ronan nodes his head in approvement. There wasn't any exchange of words until Niall decided to end the silence.

" Are you still not going to invite him?" Niall asked.

Since Niall had knocked on the door he raise his head for the first time. " Who is that?" Ronan asked feighing ignorance. Niall rolled his eyes and answered him." King Henry, are you still planning to invite him."

Standing up Ronan went to the table were the beer was. He spoke." I think I have made myself abundantly clear that he is not to be invited. Is that too hard to understand." He poured himself a glass of beer and sipped a little. Turing to face Niall he asked." Do you mind joining me for a drink.

" You know I wouldn't mind ." Niall replied standing from his chair and walking towards Ronan who handed him a glass of beer. " Offering a drink to me to change the topic is not going to work you know that." Niall stated. A malicious smile adorned Ronan's lip. " Who said I was?" There was something hidden in his smile.

" For God sake Ronan do you not know the severity of your actions. Not inviting him will not only enrage him it will also hurt his pride and ego. As the king he will feel insulted by you. Ronan's eyes narrowed. " Does it look like I care about his feelings?" Ronan asked which made Niall shook his head.

" His pride and ego should be the least of his worries right now. He should be watching his back every now and then . There are a lot of people who are eagerly waiting for him to fall." Sipping the remaining beer in his glass, he walked to his chair.

Niall dropped the glass and rested his back on the table and his hands slipped into his pocket. " For crying out out loud, he could advise you of treason. Don't you get, he has been keeping quiet all this while, you know he could be childish sometimes."

" Do you know how long I have waited just to hear him say that word from his fucking mouth?" His face still bare of emotion. Then Niall tried to continue but was stopped by Ronan. " You know?" Ronan stopped not knowing what to say but continued. " Do you never get tired of pretending to be so perfect. It is exhausting just watching you."

" But------" Ronan stopped him again. " If I wasn't your brother I would have thought you have forgotten about the past."

" Would you just get to the point " Ronan chuckled.

The constant struggle of controlling your wit whenever you hear his name. Wanting to strangle him whenever you see him. Seeing behave like nothing happened all this years. How do you even smile at that inconsiderate foolish fellow." Niall eyes widened hearing this, as Ronan bristled with indignation and continued to speak. Niall left the and walked towards the window, he could see some children chaseing eachother around the stronghold. Ronan continued to speak.

"Knowing what he did to our family, what he did to Mama? How do you expect me to behave as if nothing happened." Niall face fell when he had this. Their mother, he missed her so much. He had always thought of how life would be without the king in it. At least they would still have their mother with them.

" Unlike you, I do not possess the ability to pretend and act as if nothing happened." Niall turned and faced him. " Well, you certainly made it look difficult." Niall said with a frown.

" Did i?"

" The constant struggle of keeping myself and pretending like nothing ever happened-----" He raised his hand and raked his fingers through his hair."What do you think will happen if two brothers decided to behave rebellious to the king. It will gain immediate attention. I know it's hard to play pretend even when mother made us sworn at her death bed never to avenge. And we are patiently waiting for him to draw the sword first. but it is better to always keep your enemies closer so when you hit them unexpectedly and they fall,they will be shattered and devastated they won't be able to stand on there knell again."

Ronan gave a sly smile his eyes shinning. " Look at you. People think am a monster meanwhile you are a devil in disguise."

" I might be friends with everyone but that doesn't mean I will forgive anyone who hurt my family." Niall walked to the door and turned." Is there anything else you want me to do."

" No."

" Then see you later."