
"Hello, I'm MoSHU. It's the first time you see my face right. It's really nice to meet you all." Yixing heard Huobai saying, but still couldn't believe what he was doing. 

For Huobai privacy was everything, and now, he was willing to reveal his face just to help Yixing. Somehow it touched Yixing's heart. 

He started to realize that there was something more in Huobai than his beauty. But it was hidden behind all those fancy clothes and skincare. 

And the lack of communication. 

Yixing had a really hard time understanding Huobai. He was sometimes so hard to read that it made his brain hurt. When he was trying to figure out what Huobai thought. But sometimes he could understand what Huobai tried to do or said just from one look into his eyes. It was just so bizarre to him.