Mighty Kittens, or more like playful kittens

"I guess we should be beating around the bush, given you probably want to think about tomorrow. But we wanted to hang out with you," their team captain said and smiled at Huobai. Yixing didn't like that smile at all. He had grabbed Huobai by his arm and hid him behind himself. But that made the guy only chuckle. 

"Don't worry, I don't swing that way," he said and laughed. Yinli started hugging all the team members while still looking behind them. 

"Where is the rest of your team?" he asked, and Yukio punched him in the arm.

"I'm not enough for you?" he asked jokingly, but Yinli looked somewhat sad. So the other one came and stood in front of Yinli, patting his shoulder.

"Hikaru is in Japan. He had accidentally cut his finger while cooking and refused to come here, just to take up space." Yinli looked even worse. 

"Is he still pissed that I moved back? That's why he didn't want to go?" Yinli asked and the one called Rin joined in with laughter.