The King of the Fairy's

Lana: "He just vanished where could he have gone..."

Kai: "Uh well now he's gone we have to worry about the Fairy's" *he said as he ran back to the spot were they got thrown*

Lana: "I wonder what Kai and Mel are up to"

Kai: *Kai ran as he saw Mel's body laying on the ground* "Mel....uh..uh..are you ok"

Lana: *She ran the same direction Kai and Mel were at*

Lana: *She saw Mel on the ground* "is...he..dead.."

Mel: *Mel opened his eyes in confusion*

Lana: "YOU BETTER NOT BE DEAD YOU IDIOT" *She said as she kicked his head repeatedly*


Kai: *Kai laughed in joy* "so how do you guys think we will get past the barrier that's our only way in"

Mel: "I still haven't figured that out we should go back to find out"

As they go on there way back to the barrier the Fairy's are still in danger being under attack by the demons one demon Oden captain of the 5th grade league is searching for the Fairy king known as Zalom

Oden: "Heheh so the fairy king hides like the coward like he is..."

Zalom: *Appears out of thin air*

Oden: "hehe you finally come to see me"

Zalom: "You call me a coward but your the one with the army by your side"

Oden: "Hehe as if I would need an army to rip you apart"

Zalom: "Bring it on Oden..."