
Kai: *Kai got ready to punch it at full force*

Zalom: "This kid..will he be able to withstand such power"

Kai: "*Kai punched the attack clashing with it causing the skin to peel off his arm and the bones in his arm to crack* "ARGMGHHHH"

Zalom: "I wouldn't expect him to even be able to clash with it this kids impressive"

Kai and the attack were going back and force Kai still struggling to keep his own


Lana: "how is he doing this..."

Mel: "ugh"

Kai: *Kai then used his second arm which took the same affect as the first* "ARRRR AHHHH MY ARMS"

Kai almost gave out untill someone walked up behind him...It was the Fair king!... Zalom

Zalom: "You were impressive kid I'll give you that much...but I'll take it from here"

Kai: "....ugh"

Zalom: *He smacked the attack towards the the sky causing the clouds to disappear*

Kai: *Kai passed out almost falling to the ground untill Zalom caught him*

Zalom: "I new exactly who you were when i first sensed your energy...this was nothing but a test but now that I have seen your strength I doubt you will loose to "HIM"." *he said in his head*

Lana: "Kai are you okay"

Mel: "KAI"

Zalom: "he will be fine just give him some time to relax...but now that this mission is over what will you guys do"

Lana: "The real question is what will you do I mean you can always come with our realm"

Zalom: "hehe it's been years since I've been to heaven"

Mel: "yeah you should come it would be nice to have some Fairy's come along"

Zalom: "you know what...sounds like a great idea"

Mel: "Great we'll see you up ahead"

Lana: "yeah we'll wait for you" *she said as she put Kai's body on the Cloud and the cloud flew away*

Zalom: "hehe"

Medow: *Medow appeared out of know where* "Hey Sir"

Zalom: "AHH" *He yelled as he jumped*

Medow: "Is it over now"


Medow: "I got scared so I went invisible"

Zalom: "oh I forgot you could do that"

Medow: "so are we going to a different realm now"

Zalom: "Yup get all the Fairy's were heading to HEAVEN"