A black man with a white hat and dreads that touched his back walking down the hallway wearing a white coat that was so long it touched his heels his presence was shocking the ground itself was even shaking from every step he took. It..was...Azaezel the devil
Azaezel: *He looked up with a smirk and his head tilted to the right*
*All the captains stood up"
Azaezel: "THAT WAS PERFECT GUYS HOW DID I LOOK DID I LOOK SCARY" *he said as his eyes winded with stars"
Law: "he called us for this"
Bylon: "let the master have his moment he wants to be a scary person"
Crackel: "he called us for this"
Menace: "this has to be a joke"
A boy named Rometsu mysteriously walked into the room towards Azaezel
Rometsu: "Shut up"
Azaezel: "Huh but I wa-" *he got interrupted when romenstu punched him"
Rometsu: "Like I was going to say we have an issue I've been keeping an eye on the angels and I've noticed a couple angels are traveling to earth they go by the names of Kai,Mel and Lana Kai seems the strongest out of all them seeing the training he's been through oh and let's not forget Zalom..the fairy king"
Azaezel: "Huh Zalom as in the fairy king"
Law: "so that means he survived"
Rometsu: "Yes and that's where w-"
Azaezel: "I'll stop you right there that's anough I already have everything planned out I don't you to stack more things"
Rometsu: "You obviously didn't if you were fooling around"
Azaezel: "I wasn't fooling around!"
meanwhile the group of 4 were still making there way to earth
Kai: "EARTH EARTH EARTH EARTH" *He chanted repeatedly"
Mel: "Kai if you don't shut up I wil-" *he said anoyyed and got interrupted by Kai when he punched him on the head*
Kai: "IS THAT EARTH uh no"
Lana: "SHUT UP YOU IDIOT" *she said as she punched Kai"
Zalom: "he laughed*