SCP-8371 (Primal Star Elemental)

Object Class: Apollyon

Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-8371 is currently deemed impossible. Foundation efforts are focused on continuous monitoring, prediction of manifestation events, and the development of theoretical countermeasures to mitigate potential reality-altering consequences.

All global astronomical observatories, both Foundation-operated and civilian, are to maintain constant surveillance of celestial bodies for anomalous energy signatures, gravitational fluctuations, and temporal distortions indicative of SCP-8371's emergence. Specialized deep-space probes equipped with advanced sensor arrays are deployed in a Lagrangian point network to provide early warning.

Theoretical research divisions are tasked with understanding the fundamental nature of SCP-8371, including its potential connection to extradimensional spaces, its energy source, and the mechanisms by which it warps local reality. Collaboration with other Groups of Interest regarding potential countermeasures is authorized, with O5 oversight.

In the event of SCP-8371 manifestation within Earth's solar system, Protocol Omega-12 ("Celestial Sundown") is to be initiated. This protocol involves the deployment of designated Scranton Reality Anchors (SRAs) at key geographical locations and the activation of global disinformation campaigns to manage public panic. However, the efficacy of Protocol Omega-12 against SCP-8371 is considered low.

The Ethics Committee has authorized the preliminary development of contingency plans involving large-scale amnesticization and potential societal restructuring in the event of a localized or global reality restructuring event caused by SCP-8371. The potential need for drastic measures to preserve baseline reality is acknowledged.

Description: SCP-8371 is a discrete spatial anomaly indicative of an extradimensional entity tentatively designated SCP-8371-1. SCP-8371-1 is theorized to be an entity composed of pure stellar energy, possessing a level of destructive and reality-altering capability that dwarfs most known Keter-class anomalies. Direct observation of SCP-8371-1 has not been possible due to its immense energy output and the localized distortions of spacetime surrounding its manifestations.

SCP-8371 manifestations are characterized by the sudden appearance of localized phenomena defying established physics. These events are often preceded by a surge in exotic particle emissions and gravitational wave distortions detectable across interstellar distances. 

Time within a defined radius (ranging from several kilometers to hundreds of kilometers) can experience significant fluctuations, including acceleration, deceleration, and in some theoretical models, temporary reversal.

Extreme and unpredictable gravitational forces manifest, capable of crushing matter, tearing apart celestial bodies, and warping the fabric of space itself. These distortions are not consistent with known gravitational interactions and suggest manipulation of fundamental forces.

Emission of high-energy radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum, including previously unknown frequencies. These bursts can cause widespread technological failure, biological damage, and the transmutation of matter at a subatomic level.

The most concerning aspect of SCP-8371 is its apparent ability to alter the fundamental laws of physics within its area of influence. This can manifest as changes to fundamental constants, the emergence of previously unknown physical forces, or the complete restructuring of local spacetime.

SCP-8371 is theorized to be related to SCP-4545 ("The Stillheart Ember"). Shared characteristics include an apparent origin outside of baseline reality, immense elemental power, and vocalizations exhibiting similarities to archaic and extinct languages. While SCP-4545 is a localized and (relatively) contained manifestation of fire, SCP-8371 represents a cosmic-scale equivalent, embodying the raw power of a star. The Foundation theorizes both entities may originate from the same or similar extradimensional sources, potentially as manifestations of fundamental forces within those realms.

Unlike SCP-4545, SCP-8371 does not appear to be permanently tethered to our reality. Manifestations are transient and unpredictable, lasting from a few seconds to several hours before dissipating or shifting to a new location. The mechanism behind these manifestations is unknown, but theories include:

SCP-8371 could be a naturally occurring entity within another dimension, with its manifestations representing brief breaches between realities.

SCP-8371 could be an intentionally summoned or deployed entity, possibly by the same force or entity responsible for SCP-4545.

SCP-8371's manifestations could be the unintended side effects of large-scale events or processes occurring in other realities.

Addendum 8371-1: Initial Observation:

The first confirmed manifestation of SCP-8371 occurred on ██/██/████ over the █████████ Nebula. Civilian telescopes recorded a sudden and intense brightening of a previously unremarkable area of space, followed by significant gravitational lensing effects and the emission of radiation across a wide spectrum. Foundation sensors detected temporal distortions within the affected region. The event lasted for approximately 17 minutes before abruptly ceasing. Subsequent analysis revealed localized changes in the isotopic composition of nebular gas and minor alterations to the orbital paths of several stars within the nebula.

Addendum 8371-2: Incident Log 8371-Alpha:

On ██/██/████, during a period of heightened solar activity, SCP-8371 manifested within Earth's upper atmosphere for a duration of approximately 3 seconds. 

A sudden and intense ionization of the upper atmosphere, causing widespread disruption of radio communication and satellite functionality.

High-precision atomic clocks within a 50 km radius of the manifestation experienced a temporal deceleration of approximately 0.00003 seconds.

A brief, but significant increase in local gravitational force was detected, registering at approximately 1.2 Gs. Objects in freefall experienced a momentary increase in their descent rate.

While the effects of this manifestation were relatively minor, the potential for catastrophic consequences for a longer or more intense event is undeniable.

Addendum 8371-3: Theoretical Research Notes:

Current theoretical models suggest SCP-8371-1 exists on a scale incomprehensible to human understanding. Its energy output is estimated to be comparable to a star, and its ability to manipulate fundamental forces implies a level of control over reality that is deeply unsettling.

The potential connection to SCP-4545 raises concerns about the existence of other, similarly powerful "primal" entities embodying fundamental forces. Further research into the origin of both anomalies is crucial. 

Addendum 8371-4: O5 Council Directive 8371-Omega:

The continued unpredictable manifestations of SCP-8371 represent an existential threat to baseline reality. While direct containment remains impossible, the development of countermeasures is of paramount importance.

All theoretical research divisions are to prioritize understanding the mechanisms behind SCP-8371's reality restructuring capabilities. The potential for harnessing or neutralizing these effects, however remote, must be explored.

The Ethics Committee is to continue its evaluation of long-term contingency plans, including scenarios involving the potential for a complete restructuring of local or global reality. The preservation of human consciousness and the potential for the reconstruction of baseline reality following an SCP-8371 event are to be considered.