You are not the one who can help achieve my dreams

Mei continued to slump while crying so hard. The pain is unbearable, she felt like she is losing her strength.

Jay recovered from the shock and grabbed his clothes and hurriedly put them on. He grabbed Cora's clothes which were all over the floor and tossed them to her, gestured her to get dressed.

Cora nonchalantly took the dress and went to the bathroom.

Jay was pacing back and forth.

"How dare you do this to me?"

"How dare you?"

"How", her voice is fading from crying and shouting.

"Mei", Cheela rushed in. Giving Jay a deadly look, she helped Mei stand.

"You are really something, shame on you!" Cheela continued.

Seeing Cora coming out of the bathroom with the smirk on her face, "Shame on you Cora, slut!", Cheela shouted. She is beyond livid right now seeing the indifferent look on Cora's face. There is no trace even of the slightest regret after what she did.

"You watch your mouth, Cheela. I am not at fault here", Cora retorted.

"Who's fault is this, huh?" Mei said in a growling voice.. She looked at Jay who immediately averted her gaze.

"It is your fault, don't you know that? If you are that excellent, why did Jay looked for happiness from someone else? Don't you know that Jay has needs while you are playing hard to get? You should not wonder why Jay lost his interest in you, it is all your fault", Cora said tauntingly.

"Is this all about sex, Jay? Is that all that is important to you?", Mei felt so aggrieved.

"It's ..."

"No not just that. You are a nobody. You don't have a strong background, you are not so excellent and not even close to Jay's capabilities. it would be a shame if someone outstanding like Jay will end up with someone like you, a loser like you, hahaha", Cora interrupted what Jay had to say.

"Shut up! I am not talking to you!" Cheela shouted angrily. She had enough of this shameless woman.

"You shut up!"


"Loser! You go back to the slums you belong to!"

"Enough!" Jay finally found his voice. He is already at the edge and he can't undo what he did already. And Cora is right, she already lost interest in Mei. He has been trying to bring her to bed but she always finds a way to decline and he got tired of it. Cora is able to satisfy his needs. Cora is right, Mei is not that excellent for him. Mei is just an ordinary instructor.

"Why Jay? Tell me why? Is this all because I did not want to go to bed with you, huh? Didn't you know that I reserved it for our wedding night? Why did you have to do this?" Mei asked a series of questions.

"Yes, that is one of the reasons. You never trusted me, if you trust me and love me, you should have given yourself to me and I should not have gotten myself involved with Cora", he said directly.

"Aside from that, Cora is right, you cannot help me achieve my dreams", he admitted.

Mei felt astounded. She did not expect to hear this from Jay. She felt her chest as the pain was slowly building up and becoming unbearable. She wanted to hurt them both to lessen the hurt that she feels inside. She felt like her heart was shredded a million times. The only person she trusted so much, the first person she fell in love with and thought to be with for the rest of her life just betrayed her and gave her this so much pain. She can't believe how people easily betray someone for their ambition. She felt like a rug being disposed of after being used.

"I can't believe that I even trusted you, loved you, That is so stupid of me", Mei helplessly uttered.

"Well, now you know", Cora retorted.

"You! You are a filthy woman", Mei said with emphasis.

Slap! "How dare you!", Cora slapped her and grabbed her hair.

Mei was stunned by the slap and now Cora's grabbing her hair. She can't take it anymore. She grabbed her hair back.

"You bitch!", Cheela grabbed Cora's hair. She won't just stand there and watch her friend being bullied by this bitch.

"Enough!", Jay shouted and pulled Cora away from Mei and Cheela.

"Enough Mei, it's over for us. Just accept it", Jay said while dodging Cheela who was trying to grab Cora from his back.

"Stop it Cheela! Stop both of you before I call security!", Jay said in a stern voice.

Cheela and Mei froze upon those words. Cora was making faces while hiding at Jay's back. A triumphant look is on her face.

It dawned to Mei that it really is over and there is nothing else she can do. She still has a little self-respect and she knows when to give up the fight. With her head hanging low, she turned around and went out of the door with Cheela following closely behind.

She wiped her tears, straightened her shirt, and fixed her hair. With a heavy heart, she went out of the apartment without turning back.

She felt like all her strength left her the moment she went out the door, she swayed a little and still with her head hanging down.

Cheela helped her into the elevator going down. Before the elevator door closes, she tossed the keycard out, she won't be needing it anymore.

They silently left the building and the community. It was already dark when they got to their apartment. Mei was silent the whole time which gave Cheela goosebumps. She doesn't know what's going on in her friend's mind. She looked pitiful but she must no leave here else she would do something stupid or hurt herself.

Mei went straight to her room and jumped into bed. Cheela just watched her, she doesn't know what to say to ease her pain so she decided to keep quiet and silently support her. She laid down on the bed next to her, letting her know that she is with her.