Emerald Devouring, Terrifying Advancement, Archangel Council

The reverse scale of the dragon clan was the most important part of the clan.

The stronger the clan was, the more powerful the energy contained in the reverse scale would be.

As the queen of the dragon clan, Sarafini's strength could be imagined!

Meeting by chance, she had given her reverse scale to Davis without any reason, which made Lilia extremely shocked.

One had to know that if her mother was willing to sell this reverse scale in the human world, it would definitely be sold for a sky-high price!

There was no lack of demons and angels willing to use large amounts of treasures to exchange for such a reverse scale of the dragon clan.

"Mother, what are you doing?

"This dragon scale is too harmful to you. How can you casually take it off and give it to him?

"If you really want to give it to him, you can use my reverse scale!"

Lilia said in shock.