The Challenge of the Dragon Race!


The wooden door slowly opened.

Angelina's figure came in from outside the door.

Looking at Fiona's somewhat lonely back, she not only pursed her lips, but also whispered, "Fiona, someone is looking for you."

Fiona turned her head, and two drops of tears streaked across the corner of her eyes.

After a long while, she finally reacted. She hurriedly wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and stood up.

"Okay, I got it. I'll be out in a moment."

Fiona went out of the room. At this moment, a cherub was already waiting outside the room.

She saw Angelina walking out of the room with Fiona and she could not help but ask worriedly, "Fiona, are you feeling better?"

Fiona slowly replied, "There's no problem, Phil."

"Don't force yourself, okay?

"I know the condition of your body. I was by your side when you were hurt by that insect."

Phil said slowly and then took a deep breath.