Corpse Trotting Dragon, Explosive Scale Dragon, Toru’s True Body!

In Paradise Island, ten thousand meters high in the sky, in Angel Temple...

"What nonsense!"

"That guy Alsa actually forced Fiona to participate in the sparring with the Dragon Race?"

In the hall, Michael said in disbelief.

Demi pouted and adjusted her glasses.

"That's the truth, Lord Michael."

"If you want to scold him, go and teach that old fellow Alsa a lesson..."

"No, no, no, no. If Alsa is an old fellow, wouldn't Lord Michael be even older?"

Demi hurriedly knocked her head, but in the blink of an eye, Michael had already disappeared from the spot.

"Sir Michael?"


Angel combat technique trial ground.


An earth-shattering explosion!

Powerful explosions sounded continuously from the high platform at this moment.

The spectators below the high platform were shocked by the terrifying sound waves until their faces turned pale, without any color.