Ella’s Decision!

Emily muttered to herself, "I hope that she can loyally serve the master."

At this moment, Wharton's anxious knocking on the door could be heard.

"Father, what happened?"

Emily opened the door.

The moment she opened the door, she saw the anxious-looking Wharton.

"Daughter, quickly look at the sky."

Emily looked in the direction Wharton was pointing at and immediately saw the huge magic circle in the sky.

The magic circle stretched across the entire sky, as if it wanted to envelope the entire world.

The color of the magic circle was not only dark purple, but it was also rotating at a strange angle.

On the magic circle, there were countless obscure runes.

Emily, who was born a commoner, had never seen such a big scene before. She cried out in surprise, "Oh my god! Daddy, what's happening?"

"I'm not sure either. It looks like someone is activating a huge magic circle."