
She pointed her middle finger in the direction of her vagina, bent it a little, and pressed it hard.

"Ah, so comfortable, brother. Davis, ah, I love you so much!"

Alice did not dare to move too much, for fear of damaging her perfect body.

"The back door there should also be kept for my good brother."

Then, Alice stuffed the already slippery underwear strip into her rectum.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah."

She felt a strange feeling coming from her perineum to her back, as if she had been struck by lightning.

Her nerves were stimulated, sometimes cold, sometimes hot.

She felt painful and itchy. Cold sweat flowed down her temples to her breasts, dripped onto her pubic mound, then slid onto her sensitive clitoris, seeped into her vagina, and flowed to her anus.

The salty and organic matter in the sweat was very stimulating, and it also carried a trace of light power.