Jaime, I’m Coming for You!

Driven by that desire, Liv began to rub against her own body.

Liv did not understand why she had become like this.

However, there was one thing that Liv did not understand.

It was that the smell on Davis' body was very similar to the smell on her master's body.

When Liv recalled the past, it suddenly occurred to her that the man she had come into contact with seemed to be only Davis.

However, she had previously treated Davis as a child and had not paid attention to him.

Now, under the influence of Davis' breath, Liv thought of Davis every moment.

The past flashed through her mind like a lantern.

Suddenly, Liv thought of the first time she met Davis.

At that time, she felt Davis' gaze constantly sweep over her.

Not long after Davis left, she received the master's voice.

That voice, and Davis's voice was very similar.

Thinking of this, Liv's hot body became a little cooler.